Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

08 Jul


Originally posted by Zxv975

Oh good. That drop single handedly made me stop turning in grubby keys that I was getting while killing Sarachnis, as dealing with an inventory of hides and bones at the end of a trip was annoying. Great change.

That's the main reason i'm changing it. It made sense to be un-noted for those killing red dragons and using their key but it was nothing but an annoyance to those doing Sarachnis/Undead Druids


Originally posted by Lazypole

I think even for a mid level boss the drop table needs a bit if a buff. Nearly maxed combat and each drop is about 10k average, think mid levels will have a very hard time profiting

I mean... I'd rather be slightly on the lower side until efficient metas are figured out.

The boss is definitely profitable and the average drop is substantially higher than 10k on average.


Originally posted by cartesiancategory

OK, thanks for the numbers and clarification. I just have a couple of counter points:


  • While the meta has shifted for Crafting, I think one meta for cosmics is still for Cure Me at Zulrah pre-antivenom+s and also pre-serp helm. This is what I was concerned about, because currently the efficient meta is to have several thousand cosmics on hand for this.

  • As for Runecrafting -- I think the hope amongst members of the higher-level community was that it would continue to be important for ironman players to craft their own cosmics, whether that be through ZMI or through actual double cosmics at the abyss/fairy rings (+QPC/66 Agility). This seems to devalue that a little.

  • I suppose if you can only get 200 cosmics per hour from Sarachnis, that is fairly balanced. Currently I get 82 cosmics per trip at the Abyss and I think I can do like 45-50 trips an hour, which is substantially more than 200. It only takes 3 t...

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Since it's a concern for quite a few people I don't mind saying. The wine of zamorak is a 1/50 drop for 5-8. (So average 6.5)

At 200 kills/hr thats 4 drops so 26 wines per hour. I saw a few "loot from X undead druids" where some people just got lucky. Hope that clarifies any concerns on that.

As for the cosmic runes, you're concerned about an efficient meta for Zulrah in which the efficient meta probably won't tell you to go kill Sarachnis before you do zulrah


Originally posted by Master_Willem

Forgive me if i am missing something here, but would it not be best to have the boss non-instanced like it currently is, as well as an option to make the fight instanced? That way both groups and solo players can fight the boss as much as they like.

It's really hard to balance a drop-table for both instanced and non-instanced versions. I also feel like making it an instance is not required after seeing how much it has quietened down since the initial release.

If it was instanced the cudgel would probably have been at least 2x the current drop-rate if not more in order to compensate for the number coming into the game.


Originally posted by 2gogetas1stone

Sarachnis drops dragon bones and there are Red Dragons near her boss chamber... Is it safe to say that canonically, whenever Sarachnis is hungry she goes and preys on the Red Dragons? /u/JagexHusky

That was the idea, either that or her minions are going out and overwhelming the dragons with their numbers! :)


Originally posted by cartesiancategory

Hi /u/JagexHusky,

I asked you on Twitter but I don't think you saw -- why does Sarachnis drop cosmic runes? These runes are intentionally made hard to get (every shop has a low stock of them, they are not available in the Magic Guild, and no low/mid-level monster drops them in any real quantity). However now Sarachnis offers a way to get them by the hundreds. I do not believe this fits thematically and it seems like you're just making it easier for ironmen to get cosmic runes. These runes were designed to be hard to get and I think you should have kept it this way. Can you please explain why the drop table was designed this way?

Many high-level players in the ironman community also believe that this update seems really catered towards ironmen players -- especially the undead druids' drop table, seeing as it contains things like wines of Zamorak, which were previously hard/tedious to obtain until one could kill KQ easily. Adding these wine...

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Hi, i'm sorry I never saw this on twitter. I'll do my best to give as detailed of an answer as I can on this.


  • Personal feedback i've noticed is that runes as a whole were kind of sprinkled a bit heavy-handed in to some of the droptables personally. The biggest reason for that was that they hold value fairly well and they are pretty useful.

  • While this doesn't have a big impact on the economy, I can understand your concerns from an Ironman perspective. I'd like to explain why I don't think it's as big of an issue:

  • First of all, cosmics are not really in high-demand for Ironmen anymore because the crafting meta has almost entirely shifted from battlestaves to seaweed/sand. Any low level which would require to get a lot of cosmics will not be able to kill this boss until they are much higher level.

  • And secondly, the number of cosmic runes the player gets per hour of Sarachnis is substantiall...

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Originally posted by Tokesu

As a 97 combat main, I absolutely love this piece of content and I have had a blast killing the boss now that it's a bit quieter. Thank you so much for this!


It's hard to know if i've balanced it right in difficulty for the target player since I am not one. I'm curious, how did you find the difficulty of the boss personally?


Yes... egg potatoes... no one specified what the eggs were from.... ;-)


Originally posted by MeteorKing

While i agree with you on this, Olbertus shouldn't be able to take 5 dragonstones from you if you've already locked yourself out of gaining the benefit from that.

It lets a player bypass the fight should they be in-capable of doing it so I decided to leave it in :)


Originally posted by Regenitor_

I was one of the people complaining about maxed mains with scythes camping the boss due to the pet drop, but now that you mention it, the collection log existing is going to draw maxed mains to any new content that comes out - regardless of what level it's aimed at.

Thanks for this breakdown. Very insightful. I watched a Q&A you were on recently and I can't tell you how refreshing it was to see a mod on the couch who A) demonstrated clear passion for the game and B) knew what they were talking about. I'm looking forward to seeing what you work on in the future, Husky!

Thanks for the kind words!

I hope you manage to get some time to tackle the boss yourself now that it is a bit quieter :)


Originally posted by B-O-double-S

What is the drop rate on killing temple spiders for the pages? I’ve been killing them to get pages for the miniquest but so far I’ve managed around 350 kills and got 7 pages in total

I won't reveal drop-rates for anything until a few weeks after release but that doesn't seem too far fetched to get 7 pages in 350 kills.

Luck varies a lot from person to person, the spiders are not meant to have the pages drop commonly because they are in multi-combat and are fairly low level


Originally posted by shlepky

How long did it take you to create this from the point where you got the go to start creating this till the finished product?

If the finished product includes dev time, going to QA, implementing QA feedback and then release then 3 months? ish?

This was my first major project so I had to design and implement all of the content myself (graphics by West). So it's definitely worth noting that I honestly feel like I could do it in substantially less time now that I have a better grasp of the tools available.


Originally posted by InaudibleShout

Do the tattered pages drop in order—one for each book and then repeat? Or did I just get super weird RNG with that?

The pages currently have a bad-luck factor where they will try to give you the page which you currently have the least of, whether that is in your inventory, bank or in the book itself. It won't count for items you haven't picked up from the ground though


Originally posted by Ragingg_CLV

Do you have a regular D&D group you go to? / any suggestions on finding one in Cambridge? :>

I do!

I used to live further north before getting a job here so I play with my friends back home over skype, I DM one week and another player DMs the next (2 separate campaigns)


Originally posted by jossie9

Thanks /u/JagexHusky for this post! Really appreciate it. I made a post few hours ago about failing to slice the web with a wilderness sword. Is this a bug or intentional?

here is the post to explain what I mean

Ooh! Good spot.

That web has custom code because it has a peek option and I forgot to make it so that the wildy swords will slash it 100% of the time. I'll fix it for Thursday if I can.


Originally posted by ElliottM8

I am a pure, I used to be able to use the altar until I tried to kill Olbertus. Now I can't un-curse it without gaining prayer xp and ruining my account

We will be fixing this on Thursday so that no prayer experience is gained from the bone burner while the altar is cursed.

Nah f**k pures

I'm sorry you feel that way.

A bit more insight as to why i'm doing this. It was never my intention to give the players something then permanently take it away from them. If the altar was locked behind training prayer first by design then I wouldn't be going out of my way to do this, it just seems unfair that some accounts cannot get back what they once had because of the result of a decision they made unaware of the consequences.


Originally posted by rRMTmjrppnj78hFH

Helps put the focus more on pray switching, clearing adds etc. To ease them into higher level pvm, right?

That's the idea!

There are some important decisions the player has to make in the fight but that don't have any major consequences if they mess up (unlike Cerb)

They have to consider where they stand (to get to her quicker after she moves), whether or not they kill the creatures or finish her off and what they are praying based on their proximity to the boss.

If they ignore all mechanics they can still kill her, they'll just take more damage and get smaller trips/less kills/hr


Originally posted by Gamer1120

I gave the dragonstones straight out, with the correct dialogue options, but I had to offer 200 bones regardless. Any idea what could have gone wrong here? My in-game name is 'HiscoresOnly'.

I'll investigate and see if I can reproduce this. I've already had people confirm that they had to offer less bones to get the key so I know it should be working as intended.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you if it is a bug


Originally posted by kourilol

What made the decision to disallow cannons in the dungeon? I can understand the druids and spiders. I was more looking forward to red dragons

Copy and pasted from another comment:

I feared that allowing cannons in the dungeon would make the prayer training possible from red dragons to be too powerful.

Also a lot of the areas within the dungeon are very small so a cannon would take up a lot of space.

And lastly, I wasn't comfortable with players setting up cannons in Sarachnis' room and letting them solo her as the player avoids all of the mechanics of the fight.


Originally posted by Yeshua-Hamashiach

This type of content is exactly what I would have expected from Runescape back in 2007 and earlier. Absolutely amazing job with the update.

Don't let players talk you into making things easier/removing consequence such as instanced bossing and the Olbertus decisions. That kind of design makes OSRS feel alive and immersive. If everyone fights a boss in their own instance then the openess of the world dies just a little bit. And the meaning of choice with Olbertus is fantastic and feels like an RPG.

I hope to see more content designed by you in the future. You and Mod West clearly have the talent for it.

Thanks for the kind words!

I was definitely inspired by the choice with Olbertus from my own experience playing D&D. If you kill that NPC you can't go back on it and the DM usually introduces a consequence for it :)