Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

01 Jul


Originally posted by TheHuffinater

Make sure you can atleast see Jad when he spawns, kill the orange Mager last! Lolol

Yep, I learnt that after the second time reaching Jad.

30 Jun


Originally posted by Gorgonpistol

"f**kin' dick f**k" - MatK

f*cking dick f*ck.


I'm enjoying the amount of wholesome posts on the sub at the moment.

29 Jun


This stream is on a 5 minute delay - we unpaused the game seconds after the pause occurred, and play was well underway by the time our stream caught up.

The multitude of deaths led to the failsafe being triggered. This failsafe was added after previous tournaments seeing masses of players leaving the game in a short period of time. It's hard to pinpoint exactly what the amount of players dying v time elapsed should be.

27 Jun


Originally posted by KosmosxD

Isnt having email notifications about account changes just going to give phishing scammers a new base for getting peoples information?

That is true, it's not a reason to not do it ... but it does appear under the 'cons' list for this approach.


Originally posted by jenniferflowercat

What is being done about RWT, gold farming, and gold selling? The reason why people are getting hacked/scammed/recovered so often is because their in game items have real life value that can currently be relatively easily transferred or sold... Are there plans on making stricter rules/bans for people who buy gold from shady websites? I know of several people who have bought/sold gold in the past but never had any consequences to their accounts

We share your frustration, it's hard to see how we could be 'stricter' than permanent banning people though? RWT is a complex problem, what I can say that is although it is not directly related to this blog, our team do ban about 6 million accounts a year for this sort of rule breaking, and they are continually looking at ways to deal with RWT.


Originally posted by taken_the_easy_way

So does this mean we will now have Case Sensitive passwords and passwords longer than 20 characters?

Jagex mods won’t see this but a suggestion. For every new login from a new IP or device maybe make us require the usual 2FA code and then like confirm it through email for example; if you get email saying “you attempted to log into a new IP(show location and device) if this is you please confirm by clicking this link” and if it’s not you just say you can ignore the email and secure your account. You only have to confirm the IP once and we can go into our account settings to remove any device/IP so we can 2FA/confirm by link in email again. The email authorizing link should also have a set time where it expires like in an hour or 24 hours.

Basically authorizing our login through email even with the 2FA code. So even if email is compromised they would need still need the 2FA code(Google Auth and hopefully Phone Number SMS) as well as get notifications of login attempt...

Read more

Thanks for the feedback, it does sound like you would introduce a lot of friction into the log in flow, especially as IP changes regularly, especially for VPN users. Your process does also rely on Auth set in the first place, which we know currently only covers about half of all accounts. That said, it's not my intention to dismiss your suggestion, in fact the complete opposite, it has been captured in our feedback - thanks!


Originally posted by Jugi_S

Should've been polled, devalues my lava dungeon trapped f2p HCIM pure. smh jamflex

Sorry about that. We'll try to keep the lava dungeon trapped f2p HCIM community in mind when making updates in future.


Originally posted by Lazy_Inferno


(might be a good idea to take notifications off btw. Dont wanna bother you during off hours.)

Its this page: https://www.runescape.com/oldschool/download

Ive send it to the tipoff mail too.

Thanks! Almost lost this comment in the sea of notifications I had (total of 3 notifications).


Originally posted by CesiumHippo

Indeed I think (still new here) this would likely need work from both teams. It's a cool idea, but we already have a pretty big backlog of more "right-now" important things to do (like updating our code base so we can develop features quicker in the future, getting rid of tech debt), so can't promise anything.


Originally posted by JackOscar

When was the last time we had a content update?

Forthos Dungeon and Song of the Elves are both coming next month :)


Originally posted by balllllhfjdjdj

There's been a lot of nothing updates recently.

That Clan Wars change wasn't small.


Originally posted by CogMonocle

I'm impressed that managed to pray range on exactly the tick that mattered, and at no other time

Old man panic tbh.