Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

14 Jan


Originally posted by Thermald

Based on value alone - I don't mind the original drop table's rewards. I think that doing Konar for slayer can be compared to doing clues for GP - generally shit, but you might luck out and get those rangers/7.5m (2500 brew value) drop.

Are you open to other uniques on Konar's drop table?

Totally open


Originally posted by mikemckew

The new mystic should have been polled. I understand that a quick decision was needed, but I think the item/amount tweaks would have sufficed - the new mystic wasn't crucial to add.

Having hit both the old and new drop tables numerous times, I think the new one feels more fair. I definitely am in the camp that thinks the items were a larger issue than the value. Hopefully a balance can be struck.

That's completely fair - we wanted to give you all a quick nice-to-have to go along with the changes which we knew wouldn't be super popular (nerfs never are) over the weekend. I'll bear this in mind for future updates though.


Originally posted by TheIr0nDuke

My Problem with the table as it stands is that its taken away the amazing feeling i got when i got a big drop. When i saw a big it felt winning the lottery. Getting a mill drop. Even tho compared to my bank its not really big. But i still got the feeling, now i feel underwhelmed constantly by the drops. Which makes being put on a bad task feel so much worse.

The feeling i had with the first drop table was that i was going to have a great feeling looking at every drop, now i feel like i should just never user her, instead just grind eff Exp up to 80's and just do what everyone else is doing to get good GP.

Went from feeling like an exciting gameplay experience, too , grind is best -.-

That's fair - there are plenty of players calling for big ticket drops to come back. What do you think is a reasonable value in GP for these, roughly? Also, how often would you expect them?


Originally posted by Wowgreatmovie1

Please buff Konars drop frequency back as it was. The 30% nerf is HUGE. I've done about 8 tasks now and hit the table once for a shitty 50k drop. This is pathetic.

We haven't changed how often you'll get a Konar drop since release - the 30% referred to the average value of drops on her table in GP. Since the hotfix, the average GP per drop is around the same as it originally was.


Originally posted by Timewastedd

Add them to warding. Also, any chance of old guilds updated/new guilds introduced? Sucks only a small amount of skills have guilds ingame

Adding them to Warding is a great idea. We're really happy with how the Farming Guild has gone down and would love to add more/improve existing ones.


Originally posted by LeCanadien

I'd buff it a bit, currently feels weak. I'd also make it 100 cb req

Fair - a buff beyond the recent hotfix, you mean? Also would you prefer that to take the form of one or two high value drops or an overall increase to the average drop? Rather than cut off the mid-level players, we could scale the drops to the NPC combat level or the player's Slayer level - thoughts?


Originally posted by sloth-says-what

As someone who had access to both tables, and will still be using Konar despite any future nerfs or buffs, here are my thoughts.

The concept I really enjoy, doing hellhounds that has a chance for a drop is exciting again, so please don't remove it!

The drops should scale significantly better the higher level the enemy. While I understand that they do have a chance to roll higher, it doesn't feel impactful enough. Maybe have a higher minimum on higher level enemies, and even bumping up the max number. Getting like 30 extra Addy bolts from a significantly harder task is pretty depressing.

Lastly, maybe add some untradable drops on the table? Like some untradable food or potion or something that helps with Slayer.

As a side note, I HATE cannoning tasks, it feels like it makes the game and task too easy. I'd rather Konar didn't have any cannonable tasks, but that's probably too much to ask for. Maybe if a cannon gets kill credit it won't roll KDT...

Glad to hear you're enjoying the content - we're down for having the table scale with the NPC's combat level. I'm not sure how people would react to the suggestion of making all of Konar's tasks un-cannonable.


Originally posted by Tepozan

Please add a unique Crystal Bow attachment. The bow looks so cool, but it is so useless in the game 😔

Twisted bows, blowpipe and crossbows are the meta. Making the only bow worth using just the twisted bow

I like the idea and agree the Crystal bow could do with some love - but I see this as more fitting for the upcoming Song of the Elves and Priffdinas release.


Originally posted by ZeahFeGod

Since the community is obsessed with it is either "dead content or too op so devalues X" and "we need mid tier content", why not add a t55 armour that has offensive stats?

I was thinking a version of Konar's armor as a unique. It would give +1 str and +2 accuracy to all offensive melee stats for the legs. +2 str and +3/4 accuracy to all the offensive melee stats for the body.

This wouldn't devalue bandos but could still potentially add a max hit to your attacks while adding some accuracy to it too. Also you could get into Konar's pants so that's a pro too.

We're down for adding Konar's shield and an item that converts a Dragon hasta to match hers. What kind of stats would you see them having?


Originally posted by DenimChickenCaesar




Originally posted by Bulbaswag

I'd like it to get buffed up a bit more. Not sure how but that's not my department

That's fair. Do you have an idea of what you think the average value of the drops should be and how much the most valuable ones should be?


Originally posted by diregna

Honestly idc what is on the drop table as long as the value is returned to what it originally was.

After today's hotfix it's around the same average value as the original table.


Originally posted by StripedOtter

People's problem with the herb drops wasn't the value of the drops, but the fact that it dropped herbs. I suggest increasing the seed drops to reflect the value that was originally in the table (5-10 for everything except for magic seeds, which should probably be closer to 3-6).

Having high value drops makes it much more exciting when you get them. If you have to make them more rare to balance this, that's fine, but as it is, all drops are currently in the "Oh, another 50k drop, whatever" range. Keep the average value per kill the same, but make the drop table more exciting by having occasional high value drops.

That being said, the Konar drop table is an excellent idea that has revitalized my drive to grind slayer. I'll definitely be getting 99 this semester thanks to this update.

Glad to hear you're enjoying Konar and that she's helping your drive to 99! I'm down for increasing the seeds - this has been a popular suggestion and would be a rewarding drop for sure.


Originally posted by Spikeball

I saw that there was a J-mod response on this, so I would guess it's been brought up, but u/Xytherior had a really fitting idea for some uniques on Konar's drop table: https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/af1l00

We love this.


Originally posted by malphito

up the amount of seeds.

add some filler drops (by readding the runes)

add some good drops (by upping the seeds)

Fine with increasing the seeds - how many do you think is right? Would like to stay away from re-adding the Runes which will make people feel like they were unlucky (which they were), when rolling on KDT should be a good thing.


Originally posted by DreamyRS

Volcanic Ash. Please for gods sake add Volcanic Ash

This makes more sense than some drop suggestions I've seen like Pineapples.


Originally posted by Beyindota

KONAR WILL BE THE MOST USED MASTER FOR THE MOST TRAINED SKILL. you HAVE to add some uniques with some form of removal from the game, just like what happened with abyssal whips, you introduced kraken and whips are in a pretty good spot. my suggestion is adding a decent item but with a strong sink. so it will always keep the price

I'd be up for adding uniques that enchance equipment but make it degradeable.


Originally posted by Mr_Cruoninga

I pretty much like it at this point,

Just can't understand how you nerf 200 herbs to a maximum of 4 herb seeds?

Like you get like 30 herbs now instead of 200?

The rest of the value was spread accross the table and since the latest hotfix, the average value of a given drop on the table is about the same. Glad you're happy with it as it stands.


Originally posted by Thrantax

I'd like to see the Konar's slayer drop table to include actual unique, as stated by DragonfiredRS (eternal expeditious and eternal bracelet of slaughter) , I'd like to see some more eternal gems added, although I'd personally like to see an Eternal jade, opal & red topaz, I'd also like to see the Dragon pickaxe ornament kit come from this table, alongside the removal of Dusk mystic on this table, perhaps add an ornament kit to turn blue mystic into the dusk variant.

I think there should be different tiers of tables, depending on the combat level of the NPC fighting, rather than having an ever changing drop rate, if I killed a level 82 Fire giant and get a 40k extra reward, hey that's neat, if I kill a level 426 Alchemical hydra and get 40k, that's not really rewarding me for my efforts.

We're totally open to scaling the table to the NPC's combat level or the player's Slayer level. Thanks for the other ideas for uniques.


Originally posted by Holmborn

never drop finished supply drops, always either focus on secondaries or primary ingredients. Secondaries would be preffered, but primary ingredients are fine, as long as they aren't an excess amount.

perhaps give her something more unique. A big drop of Slayer Points perhaps? Maybe an item that lets you combine some of the specific slayer monster "finisher" items?

This was the logic behind replacing the Herb drops with seeds on Friday. If a unique item could be dropped to claim at Konar for extra Slayer points, how many would you say it should give?