Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

18 Jan


Originally posted by SAITAMA_666


On the Q&A it was asked if all the boss slayer helms could have unique models like the upcoming Hydra helm, lots of the chat was screaming YES!! Will we be seeing this on the poll?

I’m happy to revisit this idea at a later stage but it won’t be in this poll blog. The purpose of this poll blog is to address Kebos specific changes and suggestions.


Originally posted by SebbyHafen

What about like a little bridge that you have to click over? That functions like a staircase?

We can implement a click-to-move-through solution instead. The team will discuss this today


Originally posted by PaleMasterpiece

damn you dudes didnt have to nerf the gold fish, just let the obby maulers have an updated event RPG

Fair enough. I can put this in the revised poll blog that's due later today. If it doesn't pass, we can look at alternatives.


Originally posted by Okamiinfinity

Whats funny is even if you bot or not your account still gets banned.

By that definition, every account would be banned and nobody would be playing ... errrm

    on News - Thread - Direct
This poll blog is a revision of the one that went live on the 15th. Some of the original questions have been changed or removed and others have been added. In a

17 Jan


Originally posted by occasional_commenter

pretty good game



Originally posted by MandaTohru

I'm sorry to say you need to tell him to fix the "bug" where you don't actually pass through the barrier by clicking on the minimap. If you click to run to the bank, your guy runs to the north-east corner inside the 65-farming room, instead of running through the barrier.

Good idea, bad execution.

Sadly this is how the pathing has to behave for the fix to work but clicking the other side of the barrier on the minimap gets you through. I don't know all the details but it's better explained here: https://twitter.com/Slembi_/status/1085897362822840325


Originally posted by p3tch

OSRS dev team need to familiarise themselves with the anchor effect

A common example would be a salesman starts off with a high value, and then a lower value seems WAY better to the customer, so they buy it

The opposite is happening in this thread, you gave players (who are mostly not very wealthy) large value drops, and then took them away (slightly). If the drops were what they are now to begin with you can bet that nobody would be asking for buffs to the drops.

This has been a central part of the discussion and learning points to take away for future releases


Originally posted by fiusa

Ferocious gloves looks nice now

Glad you think so :) thank Mod West for that one


Originally posted by Ailuroapult

Can we have the hydra head in our POH as well? Honestly I'd like to see that for all bosses. I know we have pets but you can't have them all out at the same time

Sure thing - we'll poll this along with the Slayer helm


Originally posted by sraypole

Maybe I’m out of the loop, but is there any further discussion about rebuffing the Konar drop table? Or will it be left as is at -30% the original value per kill?

Since then we removed some of the lowest value drops such as the runes and yew logs. I'll put a poll blog live explaining the fine tuning we've decided we think is appropriate after all the feedback tomorrow - it'll be more profitable again I expect.


Originally posted by OneNutPhil

I'm all for the bones prayer xp being changed. They're way too low and useless right now compared to the existing bones.

Fair. I'm thinking to split the question into three - one for each bone. The numbers we've suggested would put them inbetween the existing bones.


Originally posted by IronMegadeth

As much as I love the guy, some constructive feedback would be to maybe prepare a bit beforehand in regards to reading the questions and articulating them better as I feel he takes up a bit more time than necessary reading it out and making sure the team understands the question.

I've tried to do this each time, but this week I didn't have time to put the questions together myself between going through the Kebos feedback and other projects. I appreciate the feedback though and will do my best to vet the questions beforehand. Still getting the hang of hosting!


Originally posted by MandaTohru

Thank you based whoever-removed-the-doors-in-the-farming-guild.

I'll pass your thanks onto Mod Munro



On face value it does look like our support team have responded to a gold seller. However, if you dig a little deeper it does make sense. The user has chosen a Twitter handle that implies they sell gold, we don't know if they do, it could be a joke - who knows?

What we do know is that the account posed a serious question and it seemed like they needed help. We had 2 choices here, ignore the message and risk someone not getting the help they need, or reply with the best advice and assume the handle naming was not serious. Certainly to pre-judge the user based on handle naming alone seems unfair - so we chose to offer the advice needed.

For clarity the original tweets (2) to us were:

"hey, needing help with unpaid balance, my account was recently taken over and it happened a few times in the past month but when I virus scan and even delete files I still don't know about I'm still getting screwed over and now I've received numerous emails sayi...

Read more

Originally posted by Kronic1990

Personally i don't think it needs a buff.

It's already considered BIS at solo raids and rune dragons.

In my opinion, every new item doesn't need to be BIS everywhere.

That's fair. We'll bear these points in mind - we're about to go have a lengthy discussion to make these choices.


Originally posted by Apophydie

I'm pretty sure that's a typo, otherwise that's a pretty serious nerf. /u/JagexGambit ?

The post now correctly says bird nests - sorry about that!


Originally posted by Zirciel

When will you be discussing the buffs to Dragon Hunter Lance, you talked about on the Q&A yesterday?

We'll discuss that among the team today, in preparation for the revised poll blog tomorrow.