Pagan Online

Pagan Online Dev Tracker

12 Aug


Originally posted by FerlinnaTV

o/ i applied since Launch \o/ another time Good job for this BFP 2 !



Originally posted by FerlinnaTV

I would love to have you Sasha and one members fo the dev team for in Interview, as a club member its a thing you think possible on Stream ? How can you face vs bad reviews on steam ? do you have new plan about communications ?

It's a bit rough with GSC prep right now but as soon as the dust settles - let's do it! Your place, or ours ;)

PS: throughout Early Access, folks have been rightfully vocal about the things they thought we could do better, and that's been tremendously helpful to prepare ourself for our first final form (aka our Final-ish patch). We want to continue to listen to you, when you're happy with us and when we're not. We actually count on that feedback to keep getting better even after we launch.


Originally posted by dexter113

What special powers will the new pet/pets be granting us ? :)

Our pets give you special gifts of speed... more on this when they make their way to your accounts!


Originally posted by Thyworm

how will access actually be arranged? Are we getting access to a private server?

Hey Thyworm! We'll be granting your Wargaming account access to a sekrit server. An email will make its way to your inbox will all the info - and as always, I'm a ping away on Discord if you have any trouble with this.


Originally posted by DefinitelyNotDolan

I still can't figure out how to age up. Just me?

W... wololo?


Originally posted by Vaserati

Will there be convention perks? Like automatic VIP meet and greets, etc?

Since we're running this at the same time as Gamescom, and the goal is to give you access to the same build GSC attendees will get to test, we didn't plan special access (you'd have to be in two places at once!). That being said, if you're planning on visiting Gamescom, please come by and say hi! I'd love to meet you guys in person, and I'll be at our booth pretty much the entire time. I also have a few more wristbands for the Player Gathering on Friday night ;)


Originally posted by FerlinnaTV

So Sasha can you tell me more about this club ? what's going on ? and can you explain wich support you can give to club members ? and when everything gonna start ?

Hey Ferlinna! We're starting selection on August 15. We don't plan to try and restrict the list of participants much - if you're genuine and you want to join, you're pretty much in.

Your access will start on August 21 all the way through August 25. And then... we launch!

Let me know if you have any more questions!


Originally posted by Mottedebeure

An other question. Can we have info for how we will have acces at the early build if we are chose ofc.

We will grant access to a special environment on the WGC game launcher to your Wargaming account!


Originally posted by FerlinnaTV

When we gonna have a Toaster Pet ? :D

You know the more you ask this, the more I want one.


Originally posted by dexter113

Hi there Sasha_JP

Right now the hunts require you to track down content where the appropriate enemies is which is a good feature that prolongs the gameplay and gives it purpose for crafting and it makes it interesting, the problem we face right now is that it is a daunting task clicking all the missions for the pop up to check the enemy table.

this leads to my first question in this AMA, Will we be seeing additional QoL improvements on this matter ?

Best regards.

Hey /u/dexter113 ! I don't believe we have immediate plans for that but now that you asked, I will make sure this feedback makes its way to my next report!

In the meantime, we're working together with some awesome folks including /u/heli0nix and more to help them follow our crazy fast patching pace and keep the Community wiki up to date. It's a great place to find info such as which enemy is found in which arena!

Highly recommend you check it out: ...

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10 Aug


With heaps of new content out and still to come, it's a great time to talk about QA. Find out what the team is working on and how they deal with those pesky bugs in this week's Devlog!

Pagan Online wouldn't be what it is without you, and we want to do more than just say thanks. To let you know more about the Might and Glory club, I'm leading an AMA on Monday, August 12 at 4 PM on this sub. Bring me all your questions and comments!

09 Aug


We love games our way - creating them; you love games your way - playing and sharing everything about them. We see the Might & Glory Club as an opportunity for us to support your creativity and passion for games. If we’re lucky, we will be even able to help some of you to turn your passion into a career!

But how can we help you do that? Well, here's a first step. We're going to grant access to the release version of Pagan Online to members of the Might & Glory Club, as well as a bunch of exclusive pet activation codes (so you can use them do run sweet giveaways). The only way people can check out the release version of Pagan Online and get exclusive rewards a whole week before the official launch is either visiting our Gamescom booth or watching your streams, videos, reading your reviews, graphic novels and whatever else you creative people can come up with!

We're taking applications until August 15 - and if you have a question, well... see you Monday, Aug...

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Originally posted by dotareddit

is co op on the campaign available yet?

Been waiting to buy with a few friends to play through together.

Hey /u/dotareddit. We're still working to add it in! It will be there at some point.

07 Aug


BFP #2 is launching tomorrow! With it comes a ton of endgame love, including Schools of Magic and a legendary weapons rework - not to mention controller support and click-to-move! It's a big one you don't wanna miss.

Patch 0.6.0 will go live on August 8 at 06:30 UTC. See you there!