Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Dev Tracker

20 Sep


Originally posted by forgotterofpasswords

they may had plans for it but had to cut corners due to time and money constraints

There was no feature cut in Kenabres :) It's just a massive city that our artists wanted you to feel the scale of.


Would be grateful if you reported a bug when you experience this and PMed me its ID :)


Actively working on it. Hopefully being fixed in the next build.

19 Sep


Originally posted by Dreadmaker

Thank you! I know you guys have to be swamped. The game is so, so good :) thanks for everything!

Thank YOU for the understanding and support!

18 Sep


Originally posted by Bazzza33

And the undo it a bit by having him yelp like a puppy when your lvl 1 wizard poked him with a baby tier crossbow lol that was pretty funny. Him going 'eyouch' when a single bolt hits him

At level 1 though a bugbear could stomp your ass dead so expectations for worfing arent that high

That crossbow bolt wasn't so simple, you'll learn it when you come back to the destroyed market square :)


Originally posted by Dreadmaker

Reasonably easy to reproduce - cast any cure spell, for example, while your caster is out of immediate range of the target, but not out of walking range. Like, 20 ft out. They'll cast the spell, walk to the target, and then the turn will end - they won't actually cast the spell. It notably doesn't waste you slot - you can pick the spell again and try to cast it again the next turn, and it won't cost a second slot - but it should activate itself on the first turn, and it doesn't.

Works fine if you cast the spell IN RANGE already. But, if you're just out of range, it won't work sometimes.

Investigating, thank you.


Originally posted by Ercello

Thank you! If you could PM me the ID of the bug you reported in-game regarding this, I'd be very grateful.

17 Sep


Originally posted by Kosigan35

Thanks Starrok ! Still see nothing about the touch spells not always working in turnbased mode. Do you have any hint about when it wil be patched, or even if the devs are well aware of this ? Thank you for any info about that !

Don't think I heard many reports of this. Was it discussed somewhere en-masse?


Originally posted by OwlcatStarrok

Whoops x)

Correct version already being uploaded, hold on.

Update, should be live now.


Originally posted by Elnathan

This makes the GOG play button launch the Steam client and open the store page for Wrath. EDIT: They fixed it.

Whoops x)

Correct version already being uploaded, hold on.

16 Sep


Originally posted by Warpus237

this so much this. The game just freezes.

Can you please set a bug report about this using ALT+B and PM me the ticket number you get to your e-mail?


Originally posted by black_fist

Has the lich respecing been fixed yet?

Kind of want to respec my lich to play around with elemental barrage!

Mostly, but I'd recommend to wait a little with respecs, they still behave somewhat unstable for now. Better safe than sorry 'n all that :)


This is something we definitely want to address at some point in future, but it will take some time until we can afford the development time for this task. So, one day, hopefully, but no ETA.


Thanks, this gave the devs a very clear pointer where to look. It's in the works, fix should be there in the nearest patch or one after that.


Originally posted by FruitParfait

Awesome. I know this wasn't the main point of the hotfix and may already be aware of this but reading the second half of the lexicon and making all the checks essentially bugs out the game and you can no longer move or interact with anything, can't even hit esc to bring up the menu

Always better if you report a bug via ALT+B. You never know when some reports may contain important details that other instances of the same report don't.


Originally posted by JustANormalDave

Seems to occur as characters come onto screen. I just happened to pause and pan down at the right moment. In this case the bottom of my screen was where Lann in the red cape is when I paused. Submitted a bug report yesterday but thought I'd post since it's difficult to get a screenshot of. Not a critical bug but definitely distracting.

Hello, can you please PM me the ID of the bug? You should have received it to your mail.


Originally posted by classteen

Cant wait for them to encounter a gamebreaking bug and losing. It will happen.

We understand that this is a possibility, that's why rules have a note that if the game was lost due to non-gameplay related reason, they can return to a backup save file.


Originally posted by Icandothemove

On the streamers channels.

Yup. We'll be highlighting them and keeping leaderboards.


Originally posted by Old-Cumsmith

im in act 3 on core atm. Why's this set to normal? it really wont be a challenge at all.

I started on normal azlanti but decided to restart after like 20 hours of just running on rtwp and basically never making a single combat decision because Lann just 1 shots everything and the encounters are much smaller on normal too.. How to beat normal: Use 2 handers on everyone, click attack. done.

It's the difficulty level that most of participants have chosen. Note that many of them are not experienced Pathfinder gamers with hundreds of hours played, and some of them will be going to play the game completely first time. Normal is a reasonable choice when you think of it.

15 Sep


Originally posted by NotNullTerminated


Sadly the FPS issue is not fixed. =( Moving my character around for 30s still drops the FPS from 140 to 10. =(

Hello! Hotfix wasn't addressing FPS issues, unfortunately. Expect it in the next patches.