Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

03 Feb

    Bex_GGG on Steam - Thread - Direct
At the end of the next week we'll announce the 3.6.0 expansion and its challenge league. When the announcement goes live, we'll introduce a new set of league supporter packs. This means that in two weeks we're saying goodbye to Betrayal Supporter Packs. If you're thinking about purchasing one of the Betrayal Packs before they leave the store but you're not sure you'll be able to do so in time, check out today's news post. []

01 Feb

We're holding a sale for all the cosmetic effects introduced in the Oriath Mystery Box, with over 50 microtransactions available at discounted prices! Now is a perfect time to get the Blood Guard, Faith Guard or Oriath effects!

Click here to
We recently hired a new Narrative Designer, Matt, who helped work on our recent lore-heavy expansion, Betrayal! We took a moment to get some insights about Matt's role and his working life.

Click here to

30 Jan

While we're hard at work on our upcoming 3.6.0 expansion and its announcement, we're also finishing preparing the next big update for the ongoing Betrayal League. Alongside fixes and improvements for Betrayal, the 3.5.3 patch includes performance improvements and fixes for various crashes and bugs. We're planning to deploy this update by the end of this working week.

In the meantime, check out a preview of its patch notes! []

29 Jan

At this year's Game Developers Conference in San Francisco this March, Chris will present a talk entitled "Designing Path of Exile to be Played Forever". While the scheduled date and time for the talk has yet to be locked down, this post[] describes what the talk covers in case you're attending GDC and want to attend!
We are in the fourth and final week of our Hideout Competition where you can win awesome prizes and showcase your excellent hideout creation skills. The competition ends on February 3rd (PST) so there's only a few days left to get your submissions in. In the meantime, we've rounded up more highlights from the submissions so far into a video for you to watch!

Click here to check it out!

27 Jan

    Chris on Steam - Thread - Direct
March's 3.6.0 update will not work with the Windows XP or Windows Vista operating systems. Microsoft, Steam and most other game companies have already ended support for these operating systems, and we plan to do the same. Today's news post[] explains more details!

25 Jan

    Bex_GGG on Steam - Thread - Direct
This weekend we're holding a sale on every type of stash tab! Don't forget, Kammell's race event happens this weekend. Be sure to tune in live on Twitch! We've also just introduced the new Sentinel Portal!

Press "M" to check out the store or click here to check out today's news post[].

    Bex_GGG on Steam - Thread - Direct
The Grinding Gear Games team is continuing to expand. We're currently looking for a Community Junior, Web Developer, Senior C++ Engine Programmer and more Customer Support members!

Click here to check out the job roles.[]

23 Jan

    Bex_GGG on Steam - Thread - Direct
Last week we posted an outline[] of our development plans for 2019. We also wanted to keep you up-to-date about what we're specifically working on at the moment.

Earlier this week, we deployed Patch 3.5.2[] which addressed many of the remaining bugs with Betrayal. Since then, we have been doing server and client hotfixes for remaining issues. We are keeping a close eye on bug reports and will continue to fix things as they crop up.

N... Read more
    Bex_GGG on Steam - Thread - Direct
We're only in the third week of our Hideout Competition and we're blown away by how many terrific submissions we've already seen. We've collected a few of the highlights so far and put them into a video!

21 Jan

    Bex_GGG on Steam - Thread - Direct
Community member Kammell has arranged a Hardcore Betrayal Duo Race this weekend. While this is not an officially-supported event, we're pleased to encourage the community to run events and engaging in the competitive side of Path of Exile!

Click here to check out the full news post.[]

20 Jan

    Bex_GGG on Steam - Thread - Direct
Within the next two days, we're planning to deploy Patch 3.5.2 which contains several small improvements to the game. In the meantime, we wanted to share the full patch notes with you to keep you in the loop regarding what we're working on.

Click here to check out the patch notes.[]

18 Jan

    Bex_GGG on Steam - Thread - Direct
We've just started a sale on weapon skins, shield skins and weapon effects with a hundred microtransactions available at discounted prices, including the Sin and Innocence weapon skins and weapon effects, Automaton and Wasteland skins and weapon effects and more!

Press "M" in game to check out the deals or check out the full news post.[]

17 Jan

    Bex_GGG on Steam - Thread - Direct
We're excited to introduced the new Purple Crystal Armour Set and Cloak! Designed in one of our favourite colours, it gives a whole new look to the recently released Arctic Crystal Armour. Press "M" to check it out in game or check out the videos here.[]

16 Jan

    Bex_GGG on Steam - Thread - Direct
We've just released three new shield skins, the Sin Shield, the Innocence Shield, and the Sin and Innocence Shield, which make a perfect match for the community-favourite armour sets!

Press "M" to check them out in game or check out the videos here.[]
    Bex_GGG on Steam - Thread - Direct
It's been more than a month since the start of the Betrayal League, and our community have been busy with not only exploring the new content this league has to offer, but also with expressing their talents in the form of fan art. For today's news post, we've picked several pieces of fan art created by our players over the last month, including digital art and painting, hand made, music and video entries.

Click here to view the full news post.[]
    Bex_GGG on Steam - Thread - Direct
We've just introduced several new microtransactions designed in Oriath style, including three shield skins and two pets. Press "M" to check them out in store or preview them in today's news post[].

15 Jan

    Bex_GGG on Steam - Thread - Direct
With most of the team back and rested from their various holidays over the New Zealand summer, we wanted to give you an update on what the plan is for Path of Exile's development for this year.

2019 will see the release of four significant Path of Exile updates, in the form of 3.6.0 in March, 3.7.0 in June, 3.8.0 in September and 3.9.0 in December. These releases will follow the formula we have been using over the last few years, introducing a challenge league, various expansion features, new character skills/archetypes to play and masses of other fixes and quality of life improvements.

While working on the 2019 updates, we also hope to make significant progress on the 4.0.0 mega-expansion, likely coming sometime in 2020. For those unfamiliar with our version numbering system, once we have released update 3.9.0, we aren't forced to number the next one 4.0.0. For example, the version after 3.9.0 (March 2020) is 3.10.0, as we do not expect to release 4.0.0 in the first ... Read more

14 Jan

    Bex_GGG on Steam - Thread - Direct
We're continuing to showcase the highlights of our ongoing Hideout Competition[]. For this news post we've compiled several hideouts submitted by our participants into a video. Click here to check it out!