: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/4793494747477390350]here[/url].
Get ready to risk it all because Path of Exile: Ultimatum launches in less than a day! We can't wait to see what you're willing to sacrifice for the chance at ungodly riches. In this news post, we've gathered all the information you need to know about what happens on launch day and how to start downloading early.
The realm goes down and patching begins at 10AM April 16 PDT.
The servers go live at 1PM April 16 PDT.
You can also check the countdown on our {LINK REMOVED}Ultimatum page. Three hours before the end of the countdown, the realm will go down and patching will begin shortly after. When the countdown ends, the servers will be live and you'll be able to join the Ultimatum League!
The patch size for the update...
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