Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

02 Apr

The Havoc Blitz event organised by veteran community member Havoc616 begins this weekend! There are a number of exciting races taking place such as XP, Piety, Kitava and Dominus Blitzes. You can check out the full race schedule {LINK REMOVED}here. Watch the main cast on April 3rd from 8AM PDT live on {LINK REMOVED}RaizQT’s Twitch channel. Don’t forget that this is a two weekend event so if you are eager for more, be sure to check out the main cast from 8AM PDT on April 10th as well!

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01 Apr

    Bex_GGG on Steam - Thread - Direct
Tune in at 1pm on April 8th (PDT) to find out all about our next expansion, Path of Exile: Ultimatum and get your first look at Path of Exile 2 since its debut at ExileCon.

The livestream will consist of new content reveals, followed by a live Q&A with ZiggyD and Chris Wilson, closing out with the Baeclast podcast featuring Lead Game Designer, Rory Rackham.

You'll catch everything you need to know at - We welcome co-streaming so be sure to encourage your favourite streamer to watch along with us. And yes, Twitch Drops will be enabled from the start of the livestream until 9pm April 8th (PDT) and for all channels streaming Path of Exile during that time.

You'll be able to play Path of Exile: Ultimatum for free on April 16th (PDT) on PC and on April 21 (PDT) on console.

We can't wait to see you then!

31 Mar

During our livestream announcement for our {LINK REMOVED}3.14 expansion next week, we'll share the first look at Path of Exile 2 since it was announced at ExileCon! If you are interested in checking out what we've revealed so far, we have compiled everything you need below.

Path of Exile 2 Official ExileCon Trailer At ExileCon in November 2019, we announced the development of Path of Exile 2; a new seven-act storyline set 20 years after the death of Kitava in Path of Exile 1. You can watch the first trailer below.

Path of Exile 2 Gameplay Preview The gameplay preview shown at ExileCon dem... Read more

30 Mar

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
The creations our community share with us are a wonderful way of getting to see the world of Wraeclast through your eyes. Today, we wanted to look back at some of the remarkable fan art you’ve made that were inspired by your very own Exiles.

Abyssal Armour Set + Headhunter Cosplay by {LINK REMOVED}andaerial2

Talisman Scion by {LINK REMOVED}BestBrick
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29 Mar

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
In preparation for our 3.14 expansion, we've been working on an engine patch to help improve performance. We're planning to deploy this patch by the end of the working week, likely tomorrow. In the meantime, we've prepared a preview of the patch notes for you, which you can check out below.

Please note that the patch notes below may be changed prior to their deployment.

  • Texture Streaming has been further improved. Loading should now be quicker and you should see fewer low-resolution textures.
  • Added automation to remove old minimap and shader data. This process occurs during the Grinding Gear Games logo video upon launch and may take some time. Old minimap and shader data will typically be cleared once per league in the future.
  • Updated the patcher to reduce ggpk fragmentation during the patching process. This means that the ggpk file won't grow so large, so quickly, in the future. We're working on a graphical interf...
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28 Mar

You may have spotted ThisIsBadger sleuthing around teasers as Badger P.I. or climbing up the ranks in racing events. Continuing our series of community streamer interviews, we sat down with Badger to learn more about his life outside of streaming.

Hi Badger, thank you for taking part in this interview! Please introduce yourself. Hey everyone! My name’s Badger, and I’m one of those peeps who makes content for this wonderful game. I’m 24 and hail from Australia (Victoria represent!)

When did you first get into Path of Exile? Contrary to what people think due to me being on the scene for a relatively short amount of time, I’ve been playing, albeit casually, since the end of 2013. I joined just after the release of 1.0.0, but didn’t become seriously invested until Breach League. I took a break during Delve and Betrayal, and fell in love again when Synthesis was released.

What one thing caught your attention in the beginning and what one thing kept you comin... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

25 Mar

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
Across two massive weekends, veteran community member, streamer and racer, Havoc616, will be hosting the Havoc Blitz event! Players will compete to earn points for each race throughout the four day event, with the final standings being determined by their cumulative points total. This event is an opportunity for experienced and upcoming racers to hone their skills prior to the launch of our 3.14 expansion.

Schedule Weekend 1 Day 1 Start: April 3 8AM PDT (countdown available {LINK REMOVED}here)
Day 2 Start: April 4 8AM PDT (countdown available {LINK REMOV... Read more

24 Mar

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
In just two weeks, we'll be hosting an exclusive livestream to reveal Path of Exile's April expansion! Watch live on April 8th at 1pm (PDT) at {LINK REMOVED} to get the full details on what to expect. In the meantime, check out our teaser trailer!

Path of Exile Livestream Announcement
Tune in at 1pm on April 8th (PDT) to find out all about our next expansion and get your first look at Path of Exile 2 since its debut at ExileCon.

The livestream will consist of new content reveals, followed by a live Q&A with ZiggyD and Chris Wilson, closing out with the Baeclast po... Read more

23 Mar

For the final poll in our community-designed Divination Card series, we are inviting you to vote for the card’s artwork! In the {LINK REMOVED}second poll, our community voted that the card will redeem for ‘Any Unique Watchstone’ and {LINK REMOVED}in last week’s poll, you decided that ‘The Hook - Every obsession began with a single, innocent taste’ will be the name and flavour text of the card. Check out the ‘hook’ inspired art and vote for your favourite {LINK REMOVED}... Read more

22 Mar

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
Over the years, our community has shared their love for Path of Exile with us by creating incredible pieces of art inspired by the world of Wraeclast. Join us in looking back at some of the wonderful works from the past that celebrate some of our favourite characters and bosses.

The Flame of Hope by {LINK REMOVED}Porky13

Shaper, Kitava, Atziri and Zana by {LINK REMOVED}yy6241
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21 Mar

In the coming weeks, we will be announcing our 3.14 expansion. At that time, we’ll introduce a new set of League Supporter Packs, which means the Heist Supporter Packs will permanently leave the store.

There are two pairs of Heist Supporter Packs available in the store; the Spellblade Supporter Pack and the Eagle Supporter Pack. Each of the two pairs is designed in its own style with different contents, so you can choose whichever you prefer; or if you can’t decide, you can get both! If you have previously purchased a smaller pack, you have the option to upgrade to the larger one. All of the microtransactions included in the Supporter Packs are exclusive and will not be available in the store again.

If you're interested in getting one of the Heist Supporter Packs but you're not sure you'll be able to do so in ... Read more