Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

07 Mar


Originally posted by PsionicKitten

On the skill reveal it states:

However, casting the skill again ends the current wave after a short time

Does increased duration extend that short time after you recast so you get more of that "waves of multiple out at once" when you cast in rapid succession, effectively giving you a longer range at which you can cast in quick succession?

Nope, there is a fixed time (I think 0.2 seconds or so) before the wave fades when replaced.


Originally posted by Ajido

Are the seal counts specific to the gem setup in a piece of gear? Like could you have two Fireball setups both with an Unleash and alternate casting them?

That's right, yeah.


Originally posted by Sunshin3z

Currently ice nova gets casted 4 times during a frostbolt with spell echo attached. How many times is it gonna be with the unleash support gem attached at 3 stacks?

Without echo, it'll be just cast 8 times, Echo is a little tricky as the seals only apply to the first cast, not the repeat, unless you generate a seal between casts. Edit: I've been told that repeats never expend seals, so only the first time the skill is fired do you get the unsealing.


Originally posted by optimistic_hsa

speaking on the subject of incomplete gem tooltips, unearth doesn't really mention that it does damage in an aoe (has same description as before).

Also, can you tell use the radius of unearth and whether the aoes can ever overlap via volley/gmp?

They can overlap, but the aoe is pretty tiny, this was basically making the visuals of the skill (which has a small circle on impact) match the way it deals damage. You could do some strange stuff with increased aoe and casting very close to your character if you really wanted to!

Edit: Ah I've been corrected, this changed, it is just one hit per cast, the aoe effects don't overlap.


Originally posted by Hoffelcopter

Got a question on intensify. Let's say I'm up to four stacks while using a spell projectile with slower proj. Once the fourth cast is made, does it keep all of the multipliers until it's finished or is it dynamic? So if I start moving, or teleport after my fourth cast, does it lose all of the damage buffs, or keep them?

Just strictly talking about the projectile that has already been cast.

Skills will store this multiplier as they're cast, so you get the damage regardless of your intensity when they impact.


Originally posted by BlindHerald

By the gods, this might actually be sufficient incentive to use more than one regular spell in a build.
I am UNREASONABLY giddy about this. Big thanks for the info man!

No worries, good luck!


Originally posted by wooser69

Is the beam considered AoE/area damage? Or is the AoE tag only for the range at which zaps occur?

The beam is area damage, but increased aoe only affects zap range and an extra nova pulse around you when you release the channeling


Originally posted by BlindHerald

Oy, Rory! Sorry for hijacking this comment chain, but I have a VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION;

When using Unleash on multiple setups, do they have seperate seal stacks? As in, could you have multiple setups and use them one after another to get maximum value out of Unleash?

Yep, they’re al generated on each skill, each skill generated and consumes seals separately.


Originally posted by TheNightAngel

I think Soul Tether's leech is actually "life leech" that is applied to energy shield rather than "energy shield leech" but I'm only about 50% sure at this point.

This is correct.

06 Mar


Originally posted by Erreconerre

Thanks Rory, could you also tell us the jump frequency on storm burst's orbs?

0.4 seconds, hence the damage per duration value


Originally posted by Generic_Names_Are_Ok

Do you know if the skill will work with Remote Mine support and multiple mines? Or is it strictly limited to 1 wave no matter what.

You'll get a little bit of a wave, as it always lasts a short time, but only one wave won't be 'replaced' so it's not going to be a very good area skill with mines!


Originally posted by PurpleRS

Do the new gems (Unleash and Intensify) work with Vaal skills?

They don't, no.


Originally posted by ColinStyles

Aye, that's fair, it was more a thought experiment more than anything else, sorry to take up your time.

P.S. I'm seeing a few questions about storm burst and it's tick rate, any info on that? Pretty please?

Ah, it pulses every 0.4 seconds, hence the remaining duration stat (so it's basically 75% of each pulse it would have fired off if it had lived). Hope that helps!


Originally posted by Snowflakes666

How does it interact with Spell Echo? Will a spell supported by Spell Echo grant 1 or 2 stacks of intensity?

Just the one stack, you'd most likely use them together if you want to get more of the increased area bonus.


Originally posted by nightcracker

Why is this not mentioned on the gem?

It should be, I'll get someone on it.


Originally posted by Erreconerre

Do unleash stacks repeat their cast when linked with spell echo?

Only on the first cast, unless you've manged to generate a seal in between repeats.


Originally posted by stillk

Thanks for the quick replies Rory. It probably would've been too strong with spell Cascade, but it is still probably really good with Intensify.

Also, to clarify, it can only hit once right? Wave, Explosion, or Shockwave @75%

Yeah, and the shockwave is slightly delayed so it won't prevent the full damage hits occurring.


Originally posted by lumpaa

Supported skills deal 26% less damage when reoccurring

Does that mean that the initial spell always deals full damage?

ie 100+74+74+74 damage

That's right yeah


Originally posted by Troublesome08

Probably a dumb question, but will it only work with gems that have the AoE tag? I'm guessing yes.

That's right, yeah.


Originally posted by matkub92

Hello, is the wave reseting when the skill is used by mines and trap?

Yes, it's a shared wave time between you and all of your traps, mines and totems.