Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

07 Mar


Originally posted by redfire1990

How does Doedre's Skin interact with Bane? No Curse Limit?

The curses can't be sort-of-triggered by both, so they'd be disabled in this case, I believe.


Originally posted by FilanderPoe

is the consecrated ground created scaled by aoe aswell or is it a fixed area

It'll be scaled by area of effect, yeah.


Originally posted by eulennatzer

Is there any explanation for this ingame?

I mean there are area or spell damage modifiers ingame, but those not counting as type was pretty unknown to me, even after x000h of gametime. After looking it up in the wiki it was clear that damage type is a keyword.

Holding alt while hovering the gem will show the reminder text which explains what Damage Types are. This is the same reminder text as on Elemental Equilibrium (and I've also added it to Elemental Hit this patch, since it also refers to Damage Types).


Divine Ire has 20 max stages! 20!


Originally posted by optimistic_hsa

No problem thanks. I had a follow up to a question you answered earlier about storm burst:

When you release it early, lets say at .5 seconds into channeling (with no duration increases), so .7seconds remaining. Will you get 75% damage or 150% damage? By the wording it sounds like 75%, but you would've gotten two more explosions still if you had held down fully, so 150% makes the most logical sense. If its 75% then you basically lost a full cast AND had a damage reduction on the other, very punishing.

I'll have to double check, but it should be 150%

Edit: Just confirmed this with a programmer, it's its interval +1 effectively.


Originally posted by Alhoon

Any idea of how big the AoE of this shockwave is? Can it hit monsters offscreen if they're standing on a Consecrated Ground? Does the shockwave scale with increased AoE?

The base shockwave range is 50 units, just under twice the radius of Ice Nova. It does scale with increases to area of effect.


Originally posted by Hotdogrr

in the case of using Increased Duration support + Increased Area of effect Support, it would then make it travel farther in less time is this correct?

With both increased duration and increased area of effect, the speed it travels goes up and the time it is active goes up, so its total range would be much higher.


Originally posted by Daiug

Did the skill get completely changed between the videos and now?

Or is the 0,5 duration the duration of a wave lasting when you cast a second one?

Because in the video there were some lasting easily 2 seconds

There have been some speed tweaks (So the wave travels faster and hence has a lower duration) but a wave could last 2 seconds if you had enough increases to skill effect duration.


Originally posted by ArmaMalum

Similar question, I'm sure you're getting spammed sorry.

**Max stages for Divine Ire?**

10 stacks for maximum width, 20 for maximum damage.


Originally posted by Etzlo

one more question, the ES leech on soulrend does not work with the dot damage right? just the primary hit?

That's right, just the hit.


Originally posted by Etzlo

what about divine ire? what's the max stacks there?

10 stacks for maximum width, 20 for maximum damage.


Originally posted by ChaosBadgers

Speaking of bane, do gem levels greater than 20 allow casting of curses of higher level than 20?

That's right, it can cast all curses gems of its level or lower, as I believe it has the same level progression as most curses.


Originally posted by kroxywuff

/u/Rory_Rackham if I somehow have two soulrend projectiles in one mob's hitbox, does it apply 2 of the dot or just 1 dot that's refreshed a lot?

One dot that is refreshed!


Originally posted by optimistic_hsa

Thanks a lot for answering all these questions rory, mvp <3

Ah I've been corrected, this changed, it is just one hit per cast, the aoe effects don't overlap. Sorry about that!


Originally posted by OxInBox

So how does it work with channeled skills? Do you only gain a single Intensity on starting the channel? And if not, do intensity stacks generated while channeling effect the end result of a skill like flameblast?

The support can't apply to channelled skills, sorry!


Originally posted by spoobydoo

With no change in duration but increased AoE does the wave travel faster?

Or does increased AoE increase the total angle at which the wave propagates outwards?

Increased Aoe makes the wave travel faster; This gives it greater range within its duration.


Originally posted by Quote_a

Based on the preview video, if I cast a second wave, the first wave I previously cast disappears after a short time instead of just disappearing instantly. Is this a visual thing or is the "disappear time" affected by modifiers to duration?

It's a fixed time that can't be modified, though increases to area of effect do mean the wave is travelling further in this time.


Originally posted by Erionns

Thanks. Another question if you have the time, is the more damage per curse on Bane additive or multiplicative with itself?

Additive with itself, so 47% more damage with one curse, 94% more damage with two, etc. This does mean that after two curses, some other damage supports may result in more total damage per second.


Originally posted by ColinStyles

Not just that, but it should also include AoE, Projectile, Spell, etc. etc.

It's really strong.

/u/izackthegreat tagged as relevant

AoE, Projectile, Spell, etc. etc.

Those are not Damage Types. Damage Types are Physical, Fire, Cold, Lightning and Chaos (but there is not currently a Physical gem tag, so that one won't come up in this context).


Originally posted by da_leroy

If one of your tots casts a wave, and then 1 second layer another totem does, will it remove the first totems wave?

How often do the totems recast the wave? If they recast, does it remove the previous wave?

Yeah, you can have one active wave among you and all of your totems, traps and mines, so it's not a great aoe skill when used this way!