Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

03 Feb


Originally posted by kojigas

It is fixed guys



At the end of the next week we'll announce the 3.6.0 expansion and its challenge league. When the announcement goes live, we'll introduce a new set of league supporter packs. This means that in two weeks we're saying goodbye to Betrayal Supporter Packs.

There are two pairs of the Betrayal Supporter Packs available in the store, the Undertaker and the Soulstealer. Each of the two pairs is designed in a unique style and has different contents, so you can choose whichever one (or both) you prefer. You can upgrade from the smaller one in a pair to the larger one. All the microtransactions from the Supporter Packs are exclusive and will never appear in the store again.

If you're interested in getting one of the Bet... Read more

02 Feb

01 Feb


Originally posted by lddiamond

Bex, you are awesome. And this is totally reasonable.

But don't let yourself get burned out. It's all about work life balance, and it would be a disservice to us all if you get burned out from this.

I totally hear you. I have good systems in place to prevent this and catch up on personal time when I needed to.


Originally posted by dwaters11

so for a friend who wants to know, should they ask questions about when ExileCon tickets are coming to twitter or an official channel?

Either is no big deal.


Originally posted by aphelion_perihelion

Bex posted this tweet a couple of days ago so I'd like to call attention to it again as it seems some people have missed it. To me it's a pretty clear warning that this open access to communicating with her is being abused and we risk losing that avenue like we did with Chris and support requests here on reddit a year ago.

I noted "especially streamers" in the title because streamers are obviously the most active on twitter by the nature of what they do. I'm not singling anyone out in particular.

Finally, I'm not saying you shouldn't speak up about whatever it is you have to say, just tag @pathofexile instead or post about it here on reddit. It goes to the same place anyway.

I'm so surprised this made it to reddit! It's best I should clarify. There was no drama that set off this tweet. I LOVE interacting with the Path of Exile community on Twitter. It's the main reason I'm even on there and it contributes significantly to my enjoyment of the platform. I really enjoy the interactions I've had with the community there, even on my off time. I think it's helped me get a lot closer to you all and give you a little bit of a peek into who I am outside of my official role.

I posted that tweet so that I could pin it as a handy place to get that information. I get a tonne of messages from people who are looking for customer support, wanting me to process their payments, sending me their bug reports. As my Twitter has grown it's become harder and harder to keep up with telling people where to go for that information and to be honest, I don't really want to spend my evenings and weekends doing that but I also feel really rude and conflicted when I ignore ...

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