Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

28 Jan


Originally posted by Quicheauchat

What I still wonder is how we reroll the tree? With regular regrets or will we be getting Atlas regrets?

You use the Orb of Unmaking which was previously available from The Maven but in the Siege of the Atlas will be available from the core drop pool and drop more often.

    Novynn on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the report.


Originally posted by FullMetalAvalon

Later this week? Like...Saturday or Sunday?

We're using "this week" the same way we use "nearby".

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    Kali_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey guys!

We're happy to hear how excited you guys are to get your wings. :) If you haven't received them, or are having troubles receiving them, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] so that we can look into it further.

Enjoy the upcoming expansion!


I don’t have an answer yet for what’s happening with this but we haven’t forgotten about it.


It’s a fair bit more common than it used to be and in the core drop pool.


Am I correct in assuming that this damage is not effected by the increase in damage effectiveness? Since it is "base" and not "added".


Can someone tell me exactly what "Spend Life instead of Mana for effects of Skills" applied to?

Any spending a skill does as part of it's effect, rather than a cost. I think the only case of this currently in game is Arcane Cloak - "Spends x% of current Mana".


Originally posted by 4mb1guous

With the changes mentioned in the patch notes, starting with Manabond:

Now has 160% Effectiveness of Added Damage at all gem levels (previously 100%).

So, Manabond specifies that it "Deals base Lightning Damage equal to (15-34)% of missing Unreserved Mana". Am I correct in assuming that this damage is not effected by the increase in damage effectiveness? Since it is "base" and not "added".

For Blood Magic:

The Blood Magic Keystone no longer has "Spend Life instead of Mana for effects of Skills" and it now has "10% more maximum Life".

So old Blood magic has these modifiers:

Removes all mana
Skills Cost Life instead of Mana
Skills Reserve Life instead of Mana
Spend Life instead of Mana for effects of Skills

Now it is:

Removes all mana
Skills Cost Life instead of Mana
Skills Reserve Life instead of Mana
10% more maximum Life

Can someone tell m...

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That's for skills that spend mana as part of their effect, rather than as a cost, such as Arcane Cloak's "Spends x% of current Mana"


Originally posted by frn50

So if I have 2 [[Emberwake]] rings, the "40% less burning damage" stacks additively (since being the same item, it must be the same stat) and I end up with 80% less burning damage?

No, that's not the same stat in that case. Under the hood, Emberwake is one of those rings that gives a different stat based on whether it's in the right or left ring slot, just both the stats are 40% less burning damage multipliers.

But you have identified why rings and one-handed weapons rarely have multiplicative modifiers in general - because we have to do that kind of bullsh*t for them to work.


That tweet was incorrect! Deleted. Sorry about the confusion.


You're right! It looks like the Added Damage effectiveness was not applying to the base Cold Damage per Intelligence. We'll get that fixed and are also looking at adjusting the damage per Intelligence from Icestorm. Upwards, not downwards.


Originally posted by 0nlyRevolutions

Any clarification on Orb of Storms? Manifesto (and Patch Notes) mention a duration, but the patch notes included a line that says it no longer has a duration and instead lasts for a specific number of hits.

At level 20, Orb of Storms will disappear after 29 strikes.

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Get a Free Atlantis Mystery Box When You Spend Points Until the launch of Path of Exile: Siege of the Atlas, we're offering one free ... Read more