Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

01 Feb

Private Leagues for Path of Exile: Archnemesis are now available! The Private Leagues for the Siege of the Atlas expansion launch are now available! Those of you who are planning to play in a Private Archnemesis League at launch are now able to create them beforehand. {LINK REMOVED}Click here to set up your Private League (don't forget to double check the start time of your league upon creating)! Please note that you won't be able to participate in these events until they officially launch on February 4th (PST).
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    Novynn on Forums - Thread - Direct

There's already a thread for this here.

What browser are you using?

    Novynn on Forums - Thread - Direct

Known, cheers!


In Siege of the Atlas, we've removed regional Atlas Passive Trees and introduced one gigantic, Atlas-wide passive tree. With over 600 skills to specialise in, we wanted to share all of the new and returning passives that you'll find on the tree to help you prepare for your adventures through the updated Atlas of Worlds. Check it out below, or view the full tree in your browser here.


Abyssal Army

... Read more

Private Leagues for Path of Exile: Archnemesis are now available!

The Private Leagues for the Siege of the Atlas expansion launch are now available! Those of you who are planning to play in a Private Archnemesis League at launch are now able to create them beforehand. Click here to set up your Private League (don't forget to double check the start time of your league upon creating)! Please note that you won't be able to participate in these events until they officially launch on February 4th (PST).


Originally posted by Notcurrentlyflying

nice catch, hope they did the same for the map device



Originally posted by Luqas_Incredible

Can somebody explain to u/community_team how to press alt? Its the basic of item showcases... And where is rule 10?

We purposefully didn't.

31 Jan


Originally posted by averynicepirate

Thanks! That makes sense... also my maths were off...oops

So this means that the mastery "15% more projectile speed" does nothing for things like the new Galvanic arrow:

Increases and Reductions to Projectile Speed also apply to this Skill's Area of Effect

Because although our total projectile speed is 460% in this situation, the actual "increased projectile speed" stat is 300%. So Galvanic arrow would have 300% increase AoE

Yes. All things that refer specifically to "inreases and reductions" only affect modifiers that say "increased" or "reduced", not "more" or "less". This has always been the case.


Originally posted by averynicepirate

Can you clarify this for me which is planning a build around this. The way I understood is with both "15% more projectile speed" mastery and "Increases and Reductions to Projectile Speed also apply to Damage with Bows", you would not get 15% more damage with bows, but you would still get 15% of your projectile speed as increased bow damage, no ?

Basically which one of these scenario is right considering I have both masteries and 300% increased projectile speed from other sources:

  1. 300% increased bow damage and 345% projectile speed (the answer I understand from u/Mark_GGG
  2. 345% increased bow damage and 345% projectile speed (the way I thought it was going to be)
  3. 300% increase bow damage and 345% projectile speed and 15% more bow damage (the question I understood from u/ddwdk)


None of those. In the described situation, you will have 300% increased bow damage, 300% increased projectile speed, and 15% more projectile speed. More is not increased, increased is not more.

The latter two modifiers in total result in projectiles travelling at 460% of base speed (100% base * 4 * 1.15), which is how fast they would travel if you instead only had 360% increased projectile speed, but that is not the same thing. You do not have 360% increased projectile speed in this case, you have 300% increased and 15% more.


Originally posted by JH007UK

Starting to lose a bit of hype and it's turning into frustration. You really should release a road map for what information will be produced on any given day, you used to. This waiting is just getting annoying now. If the tree isn't ready yet just say so and advise what your eta is.

We've deliberately avoided giving a specific ETA on news posts for this week so that we can:

A) Release the Atlas Tree as soon as possible.
B) Also give our team enough time to prepare this information and review the content.

For clarity, we've worked really hard this time to get a lot of the important information out early like the balance manifesto, gems, patch notes, and passive tree JSON and we're not deliberately holding the Atlas Tree back for funsies. We'll release it as soon as we can but I don't have an ETA for you because we need the time flexibility.