Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

09 Jun


Originally posted by Blehboi

They nerfed it's base damage pretty severely. I wonder if it will actually be better than putting on a pair of [[painseeker]]

To clarify - the Brain Rattler shown in the post has randomly generated rolls and no quality. Taking the changes to its base type into account, Brain Rattler has lost approximately 1.5% of its damage.


Originally posted by gharnyar

It's definitely a spell, the wiki page for it says "You cannot Cast this Spell directly".

You are correct that the page also says that it is supported by sockets in the weapon, so that's good I guess.

I still don't think it'll feel good to be slashing enemies with a 2H axe on a spell build, that you also have to figure out how to proc bleeds with. help

It's definitely a spell

No, it's an attack.

the wiki page for it says "You cannot Cast this Spell directly".

It does, but that's the wiki being weird. The skill in-game does not say that.


Originally posted by Doe_Azalus_Ootmian

breach uniques buffed? and no love for [[Edge of Madness]]??? ggg eggsplain

We've rebalanced over 50 uniques, this is just ten of them.


Originally posted by justalazygamer

Brain Rattler implicit is different. Are we getting some implicit changes for bases?


Originally posted by BuffBen

Yea but is it staying the same?

We dont know..unless Bex..... haha jk... unless...

It's staying the same

In Path of Exile: Harvest, we're rebalancing over 50 unique items. Some have received numerical buffs, while others have received new mods and mechanics. We're really excited about the possibilities that many of these unlock. While we plan to reveal more of these over time, we're prepared a preview of 10 rebalanced uniques to whet your appetite.

Rigwald's Savagery & Rigwald's Command

Rigwald’s Savagery no longer grants increased attack speed with swords or chance to bleed, but now has a new mod that increases your maximum Rage by 25 while wielding a Sword. Rigwald’s Command no longer grants increased physical damage with axes or chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on kill, but now grants a multiplier to you... Read more

Originally posted by natural12onad12

Melee League 2.0:

Molten strike now fires less projectiles. This is a buff.

Please read the whole paragraph.

08 Jun


Originally posted by jronson

Can you confirm whether rallying cry’s added weapon damage buff only applies to nearby allies or does it include yourself?

The buff (added damage equal to % of main-hand weapon damage) is only for allies. The bonus it applies to you is the more damage modifier for the attacks it exerts (which scales with number of allies).

Originally posted by FCKirbz

so if i'm understanding it correctly, they could revoke your limited license at any time, although highly doubtful they would revoke it unless you're streaming some how to profit while not providing game play and entertainment, which is at their discretion.

I guess a more valid question is, is the music produced by Kamil provided to the the algorithms where there is a chance you can get a strike 'automatically' by the bots. Meaning that no one at GGG specifically targeted streamers and singled them out, but is there a chance that the music is scanned for and has the possibility to get strike'd by the alogorithim. I guess the only way to know would be from GGG, maybe /u/KamilOrmanJanowski can answer?

As far as I know this isn't a problem