Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

08 Jun

    Bex_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

In Path of Exile: Harvest, we're rebalancing over 50 unique items. Some have received numerical buffs, while others have received new mods and mechanics. We're really excited about the possibilities that many of these unlock. While we plan to reveal more of these over time, we're prepared a preview of 10 rebalanced uniques to whet your appetite.

Rigwald's Savagery & Rigwald's Command

Rigwald’s Savagery no longer grants increased attack speed with swords or chance to bleed, but now has a new mod that increases your maximum Rage by 25 while wielding a Sword. Rigwald’s Command no longer grants increased physical damage with axes or chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on kill, but now grants a multiplier to your bleeding damage equal to the amount of Rage y... Read more

Sorry about this, it should now be fixed.


Originally posted by lauranthalasa

Thanks Bex!

Only one mystery remains:

Do the corpses get used? :D



Originally posted by tempoltone

So General's Cry is a 1-hit minion+atk skill, does it consume corpses?

It doesn't consume corpses.


Originally posted by MudslimeCleaner

The new system now counts magic, rare and unique enemies proportionate to their power so that your Warcry scales more effectively with the content you're facing.

Is "power" a real thing or is it just an alternative to using "rarity"?

I'm not used to GGG using words with a meaning in the place of a word with less meaning. Shaper having the same "power" as Hillock for example seem wrong.

Hopefully this gets changed to rarity if it means that.

Currently this works by counting normal monsters as one, magic monsters as two, rare as ten and unique as twenty.


Originally posted by FallenStar08

They look sexy, what's the little counter on the skills' icon bex? Number of exerts?



Originally posted by bgodbgg

Do all warcries have the same base range? Would it be possible to get the base range for each of them?

They have the same Area of Effect, yes.

In Path of Exile: Harvest, we're adding four new Warcry skills, one new support and are reworking three existing ones. We've generally improved the options available for those who want to utilise Warcries in their builds. Today's news post reveals new skills and what to expect in terms of changes.

Changes to Warcry Skills Some time ago we decided that it would be good to do a balance pass that focused on two-handed weapons and the "slower but stronger" playstyle. While we were exploring how best to achieve this, it became clear that giving Warcry skills some long overdue improvements could be of great help.

Our first step in doing this was to define for ourselves what a Warcry should be and what function it fulfils. We found that Warcries should:
  • Release a shockwave that taunts enemies.
  • Apply either a buff or debuff where its power is based on nearby enemies.
  • Exert (or "power up") your next few attacks with speci...
Read more

Originally posted by elpadremg

do they count as minions tho? are are they just an mirager archer type of thing where you cant build around that specific type?

They don't count as minions. They're Mirage Warriors, similar to The Saviour.


Originally posted by OmNomSandvich

Warcry cast speed should scale with attack speed (somehow) not cast speed if they want people to seriously consider not grabbing that keystone.

Warcries are not spells, they are not affected by cast speed modifiers.


Originally posted by Kinmuan

There was no demo of the General's WC in that example vid right? I'm not imagining things?

You are correct. We will preview that one a little closer to launch.


Originally posted by Realyn

Its benefits are purely offensive. It achieves this by intimidating nearby enemies and exerting your next few attacks to deal double damage.

Does exert in general and the double damage work with ailments?

In this particular case double damage is a hit-only mechanic. With Rallying Cry, which has x% more damage - that would work with ailments.


We haven't revealed much about it yet just that we're putting some focus on two-handed weapon improvements through the passive skill tree, new slam skill category, Warcry buffs and various other means that we'll reveal over time.


Originally posted by htsukebe

does that comes from a timeless jewel (karui) now?

No, it's a core keystone.