
Phasmophobia Dev Tracker

29 Aug

    Kinetic Games on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by sippoli1224: Please tell me how to become a tester, I really want to give this game a try. But if you can't that's totally fine to.

Hey Sippoli1224, as the game is now close to release we are no longer accepting in testers as we have more then enough testers playing daily. I really appreciate your interest though. For now you will just have to wait for launch on September 18th and watch out for any Youtube videos until then.

28 Aug

    Kinetic Games on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by mikeythefox33: will this game be released on side quest or the quest store if so i will be the the first in line

Hey, I will look into releasing on the Quest store in the future but as of right now you can use a Quest only by connecting to your PC through SteamVR.

20 Jun

Phasmophobia is well on track to meet it's release date. Here are some of the features that we've been working on.

New Maps Since Phasmophobias announcement there has so far been 2 new maps with 2 more soon on the way. These new maps include a 2 story house map with tight corridors and a large High School map that is designed for teams of 3-4. This brings the current total maps to 5 which are all fully playable to early game testers.

Localisation Support The early testing is now well underway which has brought in a lot of large groups and communities from all around the world. Due to this we have recently added in localisation support for multiple different languages, you can now check the store page for the currently supported languages. If you would like your language supported please comment below.

Full VR... Read more

05 Jun

    Kinetic Games on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Urguhart: Hello i want to ask about local co-op on PC/VR. You know, like one man is in VR and another group members are on (same) PC and supporting him. Some other "VR party games" works like that so is there any chance for something like that? Thank you :)

Hey Urguhart, this game supports 4 player coop with both VR and Non-VR players however it doesn't support local coop where multiple players are on the same pc. Due to fps requirements I can't see this being supported however this is something I might look into after launch.

17 Apr

    Kinetic Games on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This thread has now been unpinned, if you have a question please join the discord and ask in the chat as there are many helpful players there answering questions. If you do not want to join the discord then please make a separate post.
    Kinetic Games on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Faze_Yeet: when this comin any chance me and my friend could get a key?

Hey, you can join the discord and apply to be an early tester there.

13 Apr

    Kinetic Games on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Urguhart: Hello, I want to ask you there is any chance for local co-op in this game? You know, like one man will be in VR and his friends will be on same PC with him? Thanks

Hey Urguhart, unfortunately at the moment I am not aiming to support this however it is something I could add later on as I have worked on a local co-op VR game before called Mass Exodus.

07 Mar

    Kinetic Games on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, this game is being built around co-op however it is absolutely possible to play single player.

I will be showing small updates on discord but anything major like new videos, screenshots or new features I will definitely be showing on here as well!

06 Mar

    Kinetic Games on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If anyone would like to follow the development a bit closer or get help from our amazing community you can join our discord server here:

You can also view live development changes and future planned updates on our Trello: