
Planetside Dev Tracker

21 Jul

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

The dates are accurate for when each phase begins. The tooltip information is the same stuff from before at the moment though, so most of it will be incorrect. Information will be updated next Wednesday, and we'll have a dev article out to talk about how Outfit Wars will function this go around as well.

13 Jul

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by _PurpleUnicorn_

/u/CM_Mithril /u/wrel this may have slipped through with the update as the original event end date, but this part was delayed and surely it should run until 27th July?

Thanks in advance <3

It'll run until the 27th. We'll get the typo patched out in a hotfix next week.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Knjaz136

Any chance Medium/High graphic setting Infravision bug gets adressed as well in that hotfix?

The one that makes game go brighter and brighter each time you respawn.

Unaware of that one. Could you paste your useroptions.ini settings?

I can ask QA to try to reproduce the bug and get a task in.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We just (this morning) figured out what's breaking this, but not why it's breaking yet. Either way, we should be able to get this resolved in for a hotfix some time next week.

12 Jul

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

You can equip a different attachment in the rail slot to fix this issue, as others have stated... However, it should also be fixed in the next update regardless, as this is caused by the same loadout bug that can reset weapon loadouts.

09 Jul

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by SeaverBeaver

Whenever any ally or enemy uses the Underwater propulsion Device within ~100 meters of me, the whirring sound of the Device plays at full volume without any directional adjustments., in other words, all I can hear in an underwater fight is the very loud sound of the underwater scooter.

Should have a fix in for this before tomorrow's playtest.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey there. To the folks who've attended today's playtest, please feel free to share feedback below. We'll use the same thread to collect responses for tomorrow's playtest as well.

Friday - July 08 at 4pm PT / 11pm UTC - Completed.

Saturday - July 09 at 11am PT / 6pm UTC - Completed.

Forum patch notes from today's update can be found here:


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08 Jul

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

EDIT: I just checked the data and it'll still end up landing on the 8th. Originally it was going to be pushed back to coincide with the directive releases, but we've been so heads down with the Surf and Storm update that I think this (and the communication about it,) slipped through the cracks.

I'll fix the typo in the patch notes, at any rate.

07 Jul

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by RunningOnCaffeine

Is this specifically for the Gen 1 battle rifles or is it for the overarching issue? I personally have had my jackhammer secondary reset several times.

Fix for the overarching issue.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We've actually got a fix for this long-standing issue coming to the next PTS build, and with the release of Surf and Storm. Vanu be praised.

18 May

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Those should disable with the objectives section. If they don’t, it’s a bug.

11 May

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

The long and short of it is that the people working on the API have responsibilities for the entire Daybreak organization, and their time is almost wholly devoted to urgencies elsewhere, and has been for some time.

The actual RPG team is only tangentially involved in the ongoings of the API (mostly to bring to light issues,) and I know you folks already have the direct contact information of the people who can help resolve the API issues either way.

If you give me (or Mithril) the top 5 issues (don't include SolTech or TeamId, as those are actively tasked,) I can pass it on to them more directly, but that's about all I can do at the moment.

As a side note, if anyone interested in job opportunities at the Daybreak level, there are plenty of listings on the Careers page. This one in particular is most closely related to the issues in the post, however: ...

Read more

04 May


Originally posted by Paradox4g

Weird so you're telling me that the posts that have been made by these 3 in the past 30 days were written by who then?


and that they've never had a presence on Reddit?

Crazy. I guess all these reddit posts and dev replies are somehow done without them checking reddit.

01 Apr

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

he said that with maximum battle rank the player is awarded with additional health

Think you may have misheard, because this is definitely not a thing.

Overall though, I'd say the balance discussions/loadout guides/weapon reviews (which amounts to a lot of the content) is outdated. The live gameplay/montages/tips and tricks are mostly relevant still, and the Thoughts on Better Gaming series is pretty evergreen, but it's also not always with PlanetSide 2 content in the background.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This absolutely should have not gone Live in this form, and is a major screwup. We're taking care of it as soon as we can manage this morning. Unfortunately the fix will strip some of its audio and FX, but I'd rather that than have a completely broken game this double experience weekend.

I'd like to apologize for this issue even appearing in the first place.

31 Mar

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Yeah, maybe it's a little easy to headshot with it. Could probably do with having the projectile size reduced a bit. I will give it that.

Chiming in because I've seen this misinformation pop up in a couple of places so far, and it shouldn't be something that guides the balance discussion:

The Archer does not have larger projectiles than other weapons. It uses the smallest size, which is 0.03, to determine the collision. That's the same as the vast majority of weapons in the game. The bullets are only visually more prominent, it has no impact on performance. People make this mistake about the Lasher quite often as well.

30 Mar

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by HAXTIME

Jackal Burst Adapter still prevents other rail slot items from being used, whereas it was supposed to work like the adaptive UBGL of the Punisher, i.e. that you can pick another rail attachment next to it.

From the patch notes (emphasis mine):

MG-S1 Jackal (TR SMG)
- BX Adapter no longer reduces magazine size, and uses the existing weapon ammo pool.
- BX Adapter now consumes two rounds per shot.
- BX Adapter's refire rate from 60ms to 80ms.
- BX Adapter no longer prevents rail slot items from being equipped.

It does, so fix it please, pretty please +.+

Edit: well I guess the servers are crashing left and right, so this is probably lower priority, but please don't forget about it for another 4 years!

  • BX Adapter no longer prevents rail slot items from being equipped.

That's meant to be "barrel," not "rail," as was previously the issue. I've updated the patch notes.

23 Mar

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This is a bug with explosive damage in VR training, the stats are unchanged. But let me know if it still looks bugged outside of that zone.

11 Mar

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This should be cert-purchasable on Live now. Thanks for the report.

02 Feb

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Also overall speed is much slower but that's probably intentional.

That's intentional. Roll and yaw are both increased while underwater, but if it's too much or doesn't feel correct, we can take another look.