
Planetside Dev Tracker

07 Oct

06 Oct

    RPG_Wrel on Forums - Thread - Direct
PC servers will come down Wednesday, October 7, 2020, at 6am PT (3pm CEST), for the game update below. Downtime is expected to last up to two hours. -- Alert Rewards In an effort to keep our economy in check, the last update pulled out Alert rewards in favor of the new mission system. This was a swing and a miss from us, as it became very clear (very quickly) that alert rewards were an important part of the motivation and progression for many of you. To that end, we've made some changes to bring back most of the rewards (and all of the ISO-4) while keeping in the bonus experience we instated in the last update. Meltdown rewards now grant...
  • 300 ISO-4 for a win.
  • 150 ISO-4 for a loss.
  • 150 Certs for a win.
  • 75 Certs for a loss.
  • XP for a win remains 25,000.
  • XP for a loss remains 10,000.
Empire Strength
  • Full Empire Strength is now achieved at 44% through raw territory...
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Our UI/UX Lead Designer and I are discussing right now.

He noticed that the current Korean font in PS2 is not commonly used, which might be the cause. We're considering changing fonts to see if it reduces or eliminates the crash you're encountering. Hope to have more details soon on how quickly this can be done.

05 Oct


Apologies for showing up late to respond to this thread, but I'd like to clarify some of the assumptions and interpretations of u/wrel comments being posted.

First, since the inception of the Rogue Planet Games studio/team, there has been absolutely ZERO interference or influence from "higher ups" outside of the studio to force our hand in making ANY decisions. If anything, Daybreak and their exec team has been supportive in every way possible. Whether its through approving new hire positions, increasing our budget to further promote or support the game in a meaningful way, etc. For better or worse, Planetside 2 is in our control creatively.

Regarding u/wrel's specific statement above, I agree with...

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04 Oct

03 Oct

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

If something changed with Showdown, it's a bug. That weapon doesn't need any less power.