
Planetside Dev Tracker

01 Oct


Thanks for starting this thread. We're looking at EVERYTHING today (and through the weekend). Regarding rewards, Missions and Rewards both are randomized each day, so it'll be a few days before we have enough data to compare how things are shaking out vs how they were. But we'll keep looking at it and make changes as necessary.

Similar feedback regarding pop near the Shattered Warpgate - right now there's a RUSH to fight around the new area, but I'd expect that will calm down a little bit in a few days. We'll watch and see.

And we definitely have plans to keep adding and diversifying Mission types, both the standard dailies and future Campaign (story) Missions. Many of the newest ones were added late in the process, and we're going to want to see how they perform, how fun/popular they are, etc over the next days and weeks. But more are coming, definitely.


Wrong icon, right helmet. This will be fixed with our next hotfix (likely today).

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Yeah, that'll be changed in a hotfix. Definitely more new players getting help now, but some trolly folks in chat as well.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Probably the other way around, animators always search youtube for dance videos to key off of. When we did the night-elf dance emote on WoW no one had even heard of Alizee in the office. Then the entire game community discovered the video.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Afraid not, the bastion had to be tweaked to make it smaller for maneuverability as a vehicle you can pilot. (Those things are massive). So the doors and such got scaled down, there's no interior anyways. If we ever utilize it as an enterable structure (and I've pitched ideas to Wrel) then everything will be properly scaled.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by xPaffDaddyx

Nanite gain on esamir is bugged, I get 225 with membership and people without membership 150.

Does your faction currently own the Eastern Warpgate, or is it all Warpgates?


UPDATE - 550pm (Pacific)

The following changes have just been published to Live servers:

  • Fixed a bug with Chinese and Russian languages were displaying boxes in the Implant and Outfit menus.
  • Changed the key bind name from “Open War Effort Page” to “Open Mission Page”
  • Added misc missing ambient audio.
  • Fixed an issue where removing the key bind for Missions default key (i) would show in the HUD as “null”
  • The Old War helmet and armor icons should now display properly.

Good morning Auraxis,

The QA team has completed their verification process and servers are now unlocked. As usual, the Rogue Planet Games team will be monitoring all social channels (reddit, twitter and official PS2 forums) for server stability, feedback, etc throughout the day and publishing hotfixes as necessary. So please reply if you encounter any bugs or just have any general feedback on the Shattered Warpgate update.


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Originally posted by Warm-Evidence

Could you address whether or not you guys have plans for improved graphics? If you look at some of the older pictures of this game, things looked much better. I’m just asking for a response, even if its “no plan”.

Without going into any details, I'll just leave these right here -


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