
Planetside Dev Tracker

12 Sep

11 Sep

    RPG_Wrel on Forums - Thread - Direct
PTS has been updated with the following changes. Test Server installation can be found here: The Shattered Warpgate (PTS Update 2) Restating some information in the last PTS update, in preparation for The Shattered Warpgate coming to Live, we'll be patching PTS multiple times over the coming weeks to ensure we're able to focus our testing on different areas of this massive update.
  • While on PTS, you'll find an interactable object next to the new campaign vendor on Sanctuary handing out FREE STUFF. Interacting with this holographic Flash will provide you with currency and certain campaign items for testing purposes.
  • Campaigns will be disabled in this initial update, and a limited pool of miss...
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10 Sep

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Agreed. What the game tries to do is keep your corpse in frame as well as the spawn location you're selecting, but that's never been super clear. You could draw a line from your corpse to the spawn location to make it more evident, but that could create confusion in other ways. I'll throw this in the backlog and see if UI can take a look at some point.

09 Sep


Originally posted by Erilson


Even less likely until they for sure know that they can make Outfit Wars work.

This would be AMAZING to do, and if we can scope it out and it makes sense, we'd love to try it for future OW finals events. Andy/Wrel chatted about this a bit on our last stream, but Outfit Wars is going through a pretty major rework - we're pretty happy with the competition itself, Desolation is great and it led to some pretty epic matches in the first two competitive cycles. But the qualification process needs revision so it's more equitable and less disruptive to the regular game. That's where most of our OW focus is. More to come when we're ready to share of course :)