
Planetside Dev Tracker

04 Sep

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by 0verkillgaming

Would it be possible to cap the amount of health a vehicle receives per second or implement diminishing effectiveness for each additional repair tool added? I think this would solve a lot of problems.

The only way we can currently "cap" repairs is by limiting them to being done by a single person, which isn't fun or teamplay oriented (and was done as an extreme case for Valkyrie rumbleseats.)

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Making them A2A rockets was originally considered, but I figured we'd hear more whining about more A2A lockons being added than dumbfires being added. So honestly, I have no problems changing them up if that's what people are mainly concerned with. It'll still be a new weapon of course (tomcats are strong enough in their own right and don't need a flat buff, and there are monetization and directive vectors of adding a new weapon,) but adding an alternative to them would be nice.

I already have a mocked up A2A version of them, we can get it to PTS at some point and you can let me know what you think.

03 Sep

    RPG_Wrel on Forums - Thread - Direct
PTS has been updated with the following changes. Test Server installation can be found here: The Shattered Warpgate In preparation for The Shattered Warpgate update coming to Live, we'll be patching PTS multiple times over the coming weeks to ensure we're able to focus our testing on different areas of this massive update.
  • While on PTS, you'll find an interactable object next to the new campaign vendor on Sanctuary handing out FREE STUFF. Interacting with this holographic Flash will provide you with currency and certain campaign items for testing purposes.
  • Campaigns will be disabled in this initial update, and a limited pool of missions will be available to test.
  • Esamir (an...
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02 Sep

01 Sep

31 Aug