Any update on the fishing we tested on pts?" |
Any update on the fishing we tested on pts?" |
I'm sorry for asking this question. Will we receive a letter from the developers with an official explanation of the situation regarding the studio's disbandment? Many people are worried and don't want to renew their subscription." |
Mithril, do you have any news about the assault base?" |
Please release a mass update to fix map tearing. I'm sure many players need this. Almost all maps have tearing in some areas and it is visible. Due to these, there are excessive freezing and fps drops in that area. This seriously affects the gameplay. I have a suggestion for this; for example, as a developer, create a topic called "Report Map Tearing" and pin it to the top. In this way, players can report the tears they encounter to this topic with a screenshot after using the /loc command" |
I still ex... |
Mithril I Crashed after 30m this morning.:( Also, the Mosquito firing sound is bugged or something." |
I posted this in a different, perhaps wrong, thread. I will also have the correct error code...... Win7 build. Ran stress test on cpu for 20min with out behavior observed while running planetside 2. Cpu load 100% and cpu maximum frequency 100% through entire test. Behavior while running planetside 2: shortly after loading into zone from sanctuary, cpu load spikes on all cores to 100% simultaneously, then cpu maximum frequency drops to zero. Video hangs while cpu recovers. Cpu maximum frequency recovers and allows some short time of game play. Condition repeats. Voltage on cpu to remains constant during cpu maximum frequency drops which and I would expect to see voltage changes if there were hardware throttling involved. Computer had been stable previous to the patch that caused problems with win7 and after that was corrected the computer had become somewhat stable again however sometimes crashing with error 0x40b679b2 refer... |