
Planetside Dev Tracker

29 Oct

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Thank you all for your feedback, much appreciated.
    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Mithril Thank you from the spandex hearts from hundreds of members from the VS Cobalt community for this merge! we waited a long time for more population <3 But PLEASE we beg you tomorrow when servers come online to have an Admin online to at least deal with the rampart cheating that already went on tonight on Cobalt server not even 1 hour after the announcement was made from you guys with the merge. It would mean a lot to us all <3 an admin can spot things an Anti-cheat cannot. Best regards from Cobalt outfit community looking forward for the merge!"
Our team is on alert and will be monitoring Miller.

28 Oct

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
[:content_encoded, :content, :description, :dc_description]

21 Oct

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Glad to hear this! If there is even a small amount of risk of server issues , it's not worth it to add this content. Updates to the balance would be amazing though if it doesn't cause problems, perhaps numerical weapon stat tweaks has the lowest risk to cause issues. BTW Mithril, is there any news on the new vehicles and weapons in the roadmap? I don't care if it doesn't meet roadmap deadlines, I doubt people would care if it something cool!"
We'll have some news on new content coming soon.;)

15 Oct

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
We are having a minor hotfix tomorrow at 6am pdt. / 3pm cest. to add some improvements to client and server stability. Downtime will be anywhere from 3-6 hrs.

11 Oct

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Thank you for the feedback everyone, just a heads up we have to remove the fishing update from PTS as we discovered some server tech issues with that patch.

09 Oct

08 Oct

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
PC servers are coming down at 6AM PT / 3PM CEST tomorrow for a hotfix that will address the following below. Estimated downtime may be up 6 hours.
  • Fixed an issue with vehicles exploding going over rocks and other terrain obstacles
  • Added a new Halloween track in sanctuary
  • Added some improvements to game and server stability

07 Oct

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Event Directives no updating properly (?) On the Silver for Monsters directive, I have to kill 3 players with a melee weapon before I get credit for one kill. 10/5/24 I was playing and got 31 melee kills and the directive tracker only showed 10 kills."
Are your opponents using the Halloween mask?

04 Oct

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Servers are back online. Thank you for your patience!
    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Servers are back online. Thank you for your patience!

03 Oct

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
New ETA for maintenance to start is 11:30am pdt. today.
    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
On top of our NA server maintenance today, we will also be applying a hotfix update to address the following:
  • Fixed an issue where servers would crash
  • Fixed sonar pinging issue
Servers will be down for the hotfix in about 1~2hrs.

02 Oct

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Regarding the sonar beeps, it appears to be connected to reactive armor. If you do not spawn your sunderer with reactive armor your sunderer will not emit the sonar beep. You can see under a player's sunderer if the bug is present as the sonar fx also shows under sunderers with reactive armor equipped. We are working on a hotfix to address this.
    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
We are actively investigating the disconnections happening on these servers. As soon as we have an update on the matter, we'll share it here and on X.
    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Connery, Emerald, Jaeger, and Genudine (PS4) will be down for server maintenance on Thursday, 10/3 @ 9AM PDT. / 6PM CEST. We anticipate downtime up to two hours.

01 Oct

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
My NSO char doesn't have the event quest so i can't start doing the event directive. All my vanu chars have the quest. I suppose, other NSO players don't have the starting quest either Vanu char mission list -
NSO char mission list -
Check back after the daily refresh counter completes, look like in 2 hours according to tha... Read more
    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
We're going to try something new here. Although you can report your feedback and bugs on the official thread located here, please direct all bugs you encounter with today's update in this thread. It is appreciated if you can reproduce the issue on video and provide a link to the video in your reply. Or if you can capture it in a screenshot, you may use image hosting websites like imgur and link it in your reply below. Please provide us with any steps to help us recreate the is... Read more
    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
We will post another update on this issue as it becomes available. As the servers have been restarted we will be monitoring for recurrence.
    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Game servers will go down for our scheduled pc update tomorrow @ 6am pt / 3pm cest. for a 3hr downtime window. Halloween Event (Oct. 01 - 31) The spooky Halloween vibes are back on Auraxis! Experience the return of the space pumpkins, new Dia De Los Muertos inspired cosmetics, month long sales for infantry AND vehicle weapons / gear, camo, a 4x EXP for all event and more! Muertos Mask and Muertos Camo from the Nanite of The Living Dead 2024 directive 4X EXP For all Event Everyone can enjoy 4x exp this week starting Oct. 1 - 6. Enjoy! The return of the Space Pumpkins! Randomly spawned across a continent near you, you'll find a space pumpkin! Destroy it for some sweet XP! Nanite of the Living Dead 2024 Directive... Read more