
Planetside Dev Tracker

04 Dec

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Fixed a crash that would occur after character selection
After the new patch, i still have the same issue. Doesn't seem to be different either, the game closes after ~2 seconds without any report or message."
What version of windows are you using?
    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, please check out the full patch notes for tomorrow's Auraximas update here. Drop your feedback including any issues you may have encountered. Some tech notes about this patch include three crash fixes:
  • Fixed a crash that would occur after character selection
  • Fixed a bug where a player was kicked in the case of collision between vehicles and grenades/other vehicles
  • Fixed an issue where players would disconnect after using the Zealot Overdrive Engine while shooting the NS-10 Burster

27 Nov

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
The PTS server has been updated this week with new Fishing updates. Grab the latest test client here. Updates to Fishing! You can now fish on other continents! Help us fine tune the fishing elements by focusing your testing experience with the following:
  • Try becoming an expert fisherman by completing all the necessary directives in the Fishing Tab
  • Try fishing on all swamp areas on Hossin and let us know if you come across any issues
  • Fish on Esamir / Amerish / and Indar -...
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23 Nov

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by zani1903

Huh, really? It was that bad in terms of employees that early on? Construction released in 2016, and it got quite a lot of iteration and new models and the like. I thought it only got dire into late 2018/throughout 2019, as your team got siphoned off for the mentioned PSA.

But I suppose if your "on-board" date was much later in 2016, as opposed to the late 2015/early 2016 of your "contractor" start date (the date I assumed from the release date of your video, which was Jan. 2016), it definitely makes a lot more sense that you started in to a smaller team as per /u/CMDRCyrious' claim/your confirmation.

My assumption was always that the team was solid until at least 2017, and that you were only really a Junior Designer up until the Escalation production period started, around that area. But knowing how small your team was from 2016, it's actually surprising in retrospect how much work you all got done.

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that's prior to May-June 2015, no?

Actually, that's my bad. I originally interviewed with them prior to PS4's release, but didn't actually start doing design work as a contractor until they were a ways past launch. I'll update my post.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by zani1903

Wrel joined the team due to his close contact with existing game developers at the time, there was space for someone in tune with the game and the community to help in designing the game, and due to his existing friendships within the studio and his success within the community, he was a natural choice for them to reach out to.

I can't find the clip, but he talked about joking with his friends in the studio about him being able to work on the game, until one day it wasn't a joke.

You can get an idea of what exactly he did in his initial work at the studio in his two videos talking about exactly that;

It is worth re-iterating, as he goes over in these videos, that Wrel's job was not at the time necessary development within the studio. He...

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Hey there. Everything /u/CMDRCyrious says is accurate, but I'll try to clear the rest up so something is on the record.

I officially joined the team October 2016 (which is when I moved to Cali to work in-studio,) but had done a bit of contracting work on the PC version of the game (mostly data work) after the launch of the PS4 version.

When I joined the team (again, 2016) there were some long-standing PS2 members rolling onto other projects (H1Z1 and an unannounced title,) leaving three of us dedicated to the project (one engineer, one designer, one producer). We still got plenty of support in that first year where from the realm of art, design, UI, QA, and so-on when priorities permitted.

In 2017, we were able to double (!) our team size. Bringing on another designer, engineer, and a ...

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22 Nov

21 Nov

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, This evening we published our 12th Anniversary edition of our November Dev Letter. Please have a read here and drop your impressions and feedback below. Remember to keep it civil, no fighting among each other and please follow the other forum rules. Thanks! Update: We added a Stryder and Assault Facility teaser video to the article, you can watch it here. UriR2wbPguk
    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Thank you for your feedback everyone, please check our latest dev letter sub forum topic for further discussions.

13 Nov

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Still keeps crashing the game"
Can you specify if you have Windows 7? And if you do not, do you recall what was the last in game activity or action you performed before the crash?

12 Nov

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Added note about the return of the earned Muertos masks.
    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
PC servers are coming down at 6AM PST / 3PM CET tomorrow for a hotfix that will address the following below. Estimated downtime may be up to 3 hours. ==== Bug Fixes:
  • Various crashes have been fixed
  • Users using Windows 7 should no longer have crash issues
  • Earned Muertos masks this year will be available to be equipped starting tomorrow after the hotfix is applied
    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
We have a hotfix to address this crash arriving tomorrow.

08 Nov

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
We are looking into a fix for Windows 7 users who are experiencing crashes after this recent update.

07 Nov

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, we're looking into some options to optimize the server further. Until we make some forward movement in this area, this thread will be unpinned. Once we have more information about this issue we will share it with you. Thank you!

06 Nov

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
PC servers are coming down at 6AM PT / 3PM CEST tomorrow for an update that will address the following below. Estimated downtime may be up 3 hours. New 12th Anniversary Bundles In honor of PlanetSide 2's 12th anniversary, we're introducing 3 new bundles. Along with this patch, we have made QOL improvements and bug fixes. Bundles Monthly Members Bundle (1 DBC, 10 Certs) Note: Paying in DBC will grant the following items to player accounts. Paying in soft currency such as Certs, ISO-4 or A7 will grant it to the character it was redeemed on. Novembers Bundle Contains:
  • NS-11A Frontline
  • Gladiator Helmet (NC, TR, VS, NSO)
Anniversary Bundles (Releases November 20, 2024) (( ... Read more

01 Nov

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Thank you all for your positive feedback. We are thrilled to see your enjoyment with the merge. Some notes we wanted to share now: Lag and delayed actions We are investigating the new lag / delayed actions experienced by some folks in the game during heated battles across the maps. If you encounter this, please time and date stamp the event and post it in my thread here. This info will help us cross reference the event on the server side. Server Renaming After seeing lots of feedback about the name of t... Read more

30 Oct

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, we are investigating the various reports on lag and delayed actions taken on populated areas of the map, post Miller / Cobalt server merge. Those of you seeing these issues on Miller, please note the date and local time of occurrence and post it in a reply below. We will then use this information to cross reference some server issues on the backend. Much appreciated!