
Polytopia Dev Tracker

07 Nov



I'm the one who writes and maintains the Elyrion language, and I can tell you that it is technically a conlang.

While inspired by English, it does have syntax and rules and stuff, but it is designed to be intentionally difficult to read/nonsensical to use.

The Elyrion are bizarre, and their language is as bizarre as I could make it to match.


Originally posted by Mr_JaxsonJay1

I think Polaris are aliens according to lore but I could be wrong

The Polaris are Polytopians like any other.

The Gaami are aliens.


Originally posted by GreatDig

The wiki says that they need a mate to reproduce despite being genderless:


Technically, we haven't said either way in any of the blurbs.

Midjiwan once said that they are asexual and just lay eggs, but that isn't 100% confirmed, either.

I consider both options as "correct". They both do and do not need a mate.


Originally posted by shweenerdog

Because we’re asking more questions than they’ve asked themselves

Nah, I gotta keep some secrets for later. ;)


Originally posted by Ok-Razzmatazz-3720

But how are the eggs fertilized?

I'm going to not answer more of these questions at this time.



06 Nov


Originally posted by Adventurous_Dress832

This is new to me. With asexual reproduction there would be no genetic exchange. So, is a child of a Polytopian just a clone of his parent or will he differentiate from him in terms of looks and personality?

Yes, so, yeah, they're "sorta" clones of each other, but there's a little genetic variance in each egg. Your kid might be taller than you, or a little shorter than you, or gloomier than you, etc, but they're still *really* similar to you.

I would say that they're "pretty much" a race of clones, but not perfectly, and genetic drift *can* happen, as you can see in the Aquarion and Elyrion.

We haven't delved into the specifics, yet. Maybe they *can* take a mate as well? Who knows?!


Originally posted by Unorigina1Name

So they just walk around and lay eggs when they feel like it? Are they ordered to lay more when producing soldiers for war?

Neither of these are right, but I think the first one is more right.


Originally posted by GamerGoggle

What happens if a regular polytopian smashes a giant?

They can't.

They Polytopians are asexual.


Originally posted by taylorlehman

Silly newb question - will all of these changes be coming to mobile too?



Originally posted by Staniwag

But what came first, the giant or the egg???

The egg


Originally posted by Blackpixels

For that matter, are giants the same species as regular Polytopians?

Are they intentionally bred to be giants?

Or are they another species altogether

They're a sub-species. Still Polytopians, technically, but simply a rarer sub-species.

Normal Polytopians can't become giants or vice-versa


Originally posted by BETAFMCO

The poor polytopian having to lay the giant egg.

Thankfully, only Giants lay giant eggs. :)


Originally posted by project_dot

So since there are dragons and it‘s the supertroup of elyrion, are they dragonborn?


Dragons lay dragon eggs.

Polytopians lay Polytopian eggs.


Originally posted by Karakorum91

Don't know if someone else already mentioned it, but my game crashes whenever I play as Cymanti and click on a port in a city that I own. I have to keep reminding myself not to decompose ports (to replace with algae), since the game crashes otherwise. Clicking on ports in foreign cities works fine, as well as clicking on my own ports as another tribe.

Yes, we're fixing it.


Originally posted by Adventurous_Dress832

Yes, Polytopians are a egg laying species.

Pinned because it's the right answer.


Originally posted by NotYour_Cat

Yea, u/zoythrus said this was confirmed in the last Xin-Xi tribe month, but I'm not certain


Well, 2021's, iirc

We've also mentioned it in a few places.


Originally posted by Bright-Historian-216

That’s uhhhhhh… what the hell? This works kinda for Cymanti but ALL polytopians?

Yeah, the Polytopian species lays eggs.

05 Nov

    Zoythrus™ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No, you are not, sadly. Mobile and PC are two separate accounts, and their purchases/games/scores don't cross over in any way.

You are able to crossplay with other players who might be on mobile/Steam, though.

03 Nov


Originally posted by Adventurous_Dress832

Will Elyrion become another unique unit on land instead?


It depends on how we want to rework them.