
Polytopia Dev Tracker

14 Nov

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A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

We're looking into it. :)


Originally posted by Intelligent-Soil-519

What is your opinion about tech sharing? Tech sharing is like when u ally them through diplomacy then u can tech share??? Or smthng like that

No, we fully removed any tech sharing/stealing, and it's for the best.


When you met another tribe, you originally got a tech they knew instead of stars, but we changed it a while ago so that people wouldn't lose their uniqueness too fast.

13 Nov


We have no interest in moving the game outside its "Medieval" theming and setting.


Originally posted by NousYeCuite

Z for Zoythrus

I approve


Originally posted by Crafty_Asparagus6954

I got a question. What is the Aquarion Alphebet?? I heard of this but idk what it is really.

It was just one of those recent memes chains on other subs where people give a word starting with a letter related to the topic.

"What is A?" "What is B?" Etc

Well, here, A was "Aquarion", and B was "Baquarion" and it just went from there, becoming Aquarion-themed.


Originally posted by ShoppingUnique1383


Happy Cake Day!


Originally posted by dinocat2

I’ll be downvoted to hell and my comment will probably be removed but this whole thing was so stupid. Getting upset about a meme series getting removed to the point of making a call out post is just dumb. And then people saying they were having a “revolution” on Reddit.com by harassing someone over a meme, all the while calling the mod pathetic was a masterclass in lack of self awareness.

Yeah, I agree, but these things happen.

Really just showed to us that we kinda fell off removing actual spam posts and people were getting bored.


Originally posted by Awakening15

Thank you for your understanding but it's not an aquarion alphabet post, just a normal polytopia alphabet.

I wanted to be specific.


Originally posted by Gamerupgraded

The revolution worked

Recent posts by u/Keefyfingaz were actually an argument *against* reinstating the posts, as their zealotry over a meme was offputting. :P


Originally posted by lilgergi

you'll know that there's been some drama

Calling it a 'drama' is a huge exaggeration. I would call it 'a small disagreement'.

But I think the mods should let it be done, since there aren't many quality posts in this sub, or any posts for that matter. This was a little fun, and some people enjoyed it. And since this type of post isn't specific to this subreddit, new people wouldn't be turned away, since this wouldn't be a new experience to them, but a familiar one, that may intrigue them to delve deeper into the game and the sub

You did read that I reinstated them, right?


Originally posted by uhhhhhhhhh_okay

Can we get this post pinned for a week or two? I know some people don't check the subreddit too often

That said, this seems like a good solution



Originally posted by Gamerupgraded

W decision and even if the N word or people tryna say p**n for the letter p even it they did win I wouldn’t of picked them and I downvoted it and everyone else so it had no chance at winning

We figured you wouldn't choose them, but still, this is more about this sub being a relatively "family-friendly" place, and more a warning for others than you.


I have reinstated this post so that you don't have to make a new one, u/Gamerupgraded.


Originally posted by Rough_Youth_7926

We will allow the "Aquarion alphabet posts" to continue, just so long as we all keep it clean and fit for the sub's standards.

Each person violating the subreddit rules should be disciplined and dealt with individually. We should not remove a whole thread or idea because some people are blurting out slurs, f words. If people misbehave, ban them individually, don't ban the alphabet (or anything similar)

Everything else I actually commend you guys for showing understanding of this and reverting the past decision of stopping the trend. Hopefully the drama will end with this post. Well done mods.

Removing individual comments/users is ultimately the plan, but we're asking people nicely to be on their best behavior. We'd like to make sure that a harmless joke *doesn't* turn into a self-reinforcing cesspool, y'know?


Hey everyone,

If you've been watching the sub over the weekend, you'll know that there's been some drama around the removal of the "Aquarion alphabet post," and I'd like to talk about it and what we plan to do about it.

Reddit is a fun place, and things like trends and multi-sub memes aren't uncommon. The "alphabet posts" are a current trend across many subs, and that's fine. Sometimes, though, these things run into "spam" territory, or they can inspire a trend of low-effort posts that can borderline on "not even the point of the sub". You can probably guess why that could be hard to moderate at times, especially since everyone's idea of "spam" is different. One person's "funny injoke" is another person's "overused meme format," and this was no different.

After looking it over, I've determined that one of our moderators, MillionBadger, thought it was spam/"clogging up the sub" and removed it without discussing it with the other moderators. He was also concer...

Read more External link →

12 Nov


Originally posted by Keefyfingaz

I'd be interested to know what kind of discussion they're having.

1 ) The post used some mild profanity and was censored per the request of a mod.

2 ) Some people in the comments used more significantly inappropriate language.

3 )Instead of going after the commentors, the mod went after the OP and just banned the whole project altogether, calling it spam.

4 ) Most people who were a part of that project felt like that wasn't fair. We were all enjoying it, and it had developed a fun culture in an otherwise boring subreddit.

Not sure why this is a conversation that should be taking multiple days to reach its conclusion.

I'll be releasing a statement soon.

It's also my weekend and I have a life.


Please, don't make posts like this.

You're only baiting.