PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Dev Tracker

27 Oct

Originally posted by X1010101101011X

(Dingus Grease)

(I like this thread)

Originally posted by GmanWF

Two comments here:

Are you polling the whole player population? I never received a poll to ask if i wanted 3d markers to disappear. The markers were an amazing addition to the game. Making them fade while adsing is different than losing the mark altogether shortly after it is placed. People use them as reference points to quickly remember something they need to come back to. When they disappear it removes this ability.

Map rotation: can you explain why you need to remove maps from rotation? Why can’t they all be there? Why does pubg spend years building a map only to take it away? For the life of me i cannot understand this. One idea: poll the majority of the players by region to make decisions. The player population is segregated by that stat anyway.

Hey, there are regular monthly in-game surveys, but appart from that, I do not have insight into what every region does. The feedback we see on all our community platforms is noted and reported. I've seen a few suggestions to make the marker not expire if an item is marked which I agree would be a good qol improvement. I am sharing this feedback with the team!

Map rotation system will never be perfect/make every player happy. Having all maps will mean even less % chance to get that 1 favorite map and can increase further frustration among those who prefer less maps than others. There is no real 1 way of solving the problem in order to make all players happy. That is simply not possible with every player having personal map preferences. The teams in charge of the systems and experience are monitoring player feedback and data and are looking for improvements.

We are looking to get more regionaly catered experience when it comes to rotation. Even with that, the player...

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Originally posted by zeki171


Hey, this should be fixed now

26 Oct

Originally posted by hjjfjjki

I play from China. There’s only the store updates in my news section

Hey, thanks for letting me know. I've learned that this event is not available in your region unfortunately.

Hey, please share video footage of any audio issues so we can forward them to the team to investigate.

Originally posted by robotwithnoarms

i was having this issue while using a driver that was a couple versions old. after updating to the newest driver i still get the same issue. running a 9700k & 3080. ive since gone back to the older driver with no luck.

Hey, take a look at the troubleshooting guide for some further tips

Originally posted by killingunicorns

I echo the same complaints. Still think removing deston was stupid, but the actual bugs are infuriating. Sanhock with unreadable footsteps is so terrible to play.

Hey, please share video footage of audio issues that you experience so we can forward to the team to investigate.

Hey all, the team is looking into the reports of performance issues and crashes,as well as the packet loss issues. Please take a look at our troubleshooting guide:

Please report any audio issues with video evidence showcasing the ...

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25 Oct

Originally posted by Late_Direction_235

new nvidia driver is bugged!

I've heard the same from a couple of players. Reverting to the previous version has resolved the performance issues for them. Worth a try if you've updated recently!

Hey all! Feeding this back to the team. In case this helps anyone, I've heard from multiple players that they've had these issues after installing the latest GPU driver (There has been a recent geforce driver update) and reverting to the previous version has resolved the performance / crashing issues.

Originally posted by EBITDA77

Level 4 helmet

The true lvl 4 helmet yeah

Well, does not hurt to cook up a few suggestions on here and I'll feed the ideas back to the team!

Originally posted by hjjfjjkj

Not there for me also. I thought the small one on the right was it but that one just take you to where you can play the game. Hope they fix this soon!

Hey, what region/country do you play from?

Originally posted by zeki171

İ dont have that i only have cosmetics on the right then at the left its “no new news yet” or something like that

Hey, what region/country do you play from?

Originally posted by TazySlasher

I Cant see the banner to I tried everything and it didn't show up, if someone have spare code to give me I will appreciate it I really want this skin

Hey, what region/country do you play from?

21 Oct

I loved Fantasy Battle Royale and the events like hardcore br on Sanhok with very limited UI.

20 Oct

"Why are you playing this game for 5 years now?"

  • This is why.

What an absolute god!

Thats one for the books!

Originally posted by virtueavatar

Can I suggest that if an item is what's pinged, the marker lasts much longer - at least 5 minutes. If you're in a regular building, trying to use the map to find the item is still problematic, but if you're in a multi-storey building, players are abandoning looking for that item.

Good suggestion, thanks!

18 Oct

I remember getting one of those with a dear friend of mine in duos. I rushed over with emergency parachute to take up the tall lighthouse and got into a fight with another duo. My friend's idea to stop them from coming up to us was to plant a C4, not even 5 meters below the top.

I was mad at my friend that day.