PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Dev Tracker

18 Oct

Oh my, that is brutal, op! What a squad wipe!

Heyy nice! Happy chicken dinner hunting!

Originally posted by Ashimdude

u/SteveTheHappyWhale I am not sure if this is intentional, but this change also removed the "re-skin vehicle" functionality so you cant change from one skin to another. This was something I used a lot with my friends. We swapped glider skins mid air, was pretty cool

Hey, thanks for letting me know. I'll make sure to report!

Originally posted by matthewjumps

do you have an ETA on this hotfix?

Not yet I'm affraid

Originally posted by virtueavatar

What's the difference between standard and elite?

The elite can equip additional paintjobs and have its doors open in the lobby on the main menu.

Originally posted by virtueavatar

Is there a way to disable the temporary ping markers so our teammates have more than 30 seconds to find an item you've pinged for them?

There is not. However, the marker remains on the map when you open it.

14 Oct

Hey Hawke, and everyone else in the thread. Thank you for the feedback!

Originally posted by matthewjumps

New Inventory-related Radio Messages have been added... Default keys are Wheel Click for PC and L Button for Console, but you can also customize keys in the settings.


How can I customise this its driving me nuts

Hey matt, this is going to be resolved through a hotfix asap. The team is working on fixing the issue to allow for keybind customization

13 Oct

Originally posted by kachow19

What made you decide that Miramar was going to stay and Deston was going to be taken out? I was really excited for this update (mainly so I didn't have to play Miramar anymore) and now I'm really bummed about it. You took away my favourite map and gave me my least favourite back

Here's the insert from the update shared in the patch notes where the dev explain it!

A week ago, we introduced our change to map services for the #20.1 patch. In the Normal Match pool, Miramar was to be replaced with Deston.

We’d first like to share our intentions on this change.

As we monitor graphs on players’ map preference in all regions, we were able to see that players preferred Deston over Miramar. Also, the dodge rate in Miramar was confirmed to be highest in regions with random map selection, while the pick rate for Miramar in regions that had the map selection feature were extremely low during Update 19.1 and 19.2.

Therefore, our decision to replace Miramar with Deston in Normal Matches were mainly based on the data above.

Additionally, we indeed planned to include Miramar back in to the Normal Match pool as a rotation map in #20.2 so players would be able to practice matches in Miramar before heading over to Ranked.


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11 Oct

Originally posted by elhebrewhammer

/u/SteveTheHappyWhale, are you able to confirm if backing out of matches is considered in the data sets regarding "map preference"? That is, is backing out, particularly after the timer starts, considered not preferring a map? Just curious!

All that data is visible to devs and of course, if people leave a map a lot, it is fair to say that they do not like it. However that is also not a black and white situtation either. The nature of random map selection is that map streaks can happen since each time you queue up, the system has 20% chance of picking 1 of the 5 maps out of the pool. Some players may enjoy a match or two of X map, but if they get it 3-4 times in a row they start leaving it.

Miramar is staying in 20.1. Deston will be taking a temporary break from the map rotation instead.

More info will be shared in the form of an update to the patch notes tonight.

10 Oct

Hey labak1337.

We are sharing all of the feedback that you guys post here on reddit. Thank you for it!

As for the map preference, I agree. You can see yourself that the words "everyone" and "no one" can never apply to topics such as map preference. This goes for most things but, it is very pronounced when it comes to map preference.

It is true that the feedback differs from community platform to community platform. We'll see different opinions and sentiment on Discord vs Twitter vs Reddit vs Youtube etc, however we do collect and share all of it. Most of the time players saying X on one platform are not aware that there are players who disagree and want Y instead or do not want a change at all. This is common in every region. Every region will have different communities with different opinions and preferences of the game. And when you get 9 regions, all with their own community splits and different opinions, it is often very hard to reach a consensus that ...

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07 Oct

Originally posted by ironman86

Definitely a disappointment - I use it to mark vehicles for later, etc. wont be as easy to do anymore

This only affects the 3D marker that you see in the world. The marker on the map will remain. One of the reasons why they reset is to reduce clutter on the screen, especially if a teammate who has a marker somewhere is afk or has left the match, which was requested by many.

05 Oct


20.1 Highlights

Live Maintenance Schedule

※ The times shown below are subject to change.

  • PC
    • PDT: October 11, 5:30 PM – October 12, 1:30 AM
    • CEST: October 12, 2:30 AM – 10:30 AM
    • KST: October 12, 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Console
    • PDT: October 19, 9 PM – October 20, 4 AM
    • CEST: October 20, 6 AM – 1 PM
    • KST: October 20, 1 PM – 8 PM

Map Service

  • Test Server
    • Normal Match: Erangel / Deston / Karakin
      • AS region: Squad
      • NA region: Squad – FPP
  • Live Server
    • AS, SEA, KR/JP ...
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04 Oct

Originally posted by TheCultOfKaos

Curious why a neck show deducts from helmet durability?

Game design / balancing decision. The way I see it, having it not do that would make it unrewarding / unfair even. Hitting the neck at least brings some progress towards getting a knock by lowering down the durability or breaking the helmet which opens up the enemy to a knock more. The helmet durability loss is a decent balancing middleground between having it do nothing and acting like a headshot.

Both K9 and M24 will always headshot 1 shot a lvl 1 and 2 helmet. Neckshots however, deal lower damage and will not knock out the player. The player will still lose their helmet durability and you may see them lose a helmet after a neck shot! :)

Well, I'm noting that nickname to drive to the other side of the map when I notice it in my games from now on. Great edit man! Loved the K9 shot Miramar at 0:40s the most! Creme de la creme