PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Dev Tracker

04 Oct

Ahh the k9 headshot feeling..the best feeling! Congrats on the 100!

Originally posted by puudeli71

They are portals to another dimension. Players who enter them, gets morphed into the game and fight as a bot for all eternity. That's also the reason why some of the bots seem so bad-ass nowadays.

He's right you know

Hey Knight!

I've shared my notes and tips to another player here earlier, here they are!

Game Settings

Graphics - Having optimal settings for your setup is key to maximising performance. Every pc setup is unique in its own way and will perform differently than others, so it is recommended to play with the settings until you find what works best for you. Lowering all settings down to very low can have a negative effect on performance as all the workload gets shifted onto the cpu. You want to have an even workload between your PC components. Here are some notes:

  • Anti-Aliasing is one of the settings that can greatly help out shift the load from cpu onto the gpu if used at a higher setting. It is true that some players find the image to be a bit blurry though. However, using the sharpen setting on a 2k resolution monitor has fixed that for me. I recommend trying out medium to max setting AA + sharpen on and off to see what you li...
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Hey OP, welcome to the Battlegrounds!

I can see that you are already in good hands - there are a lot of veteran players around willing to help out newbies! Let me share some of my experience as well!

Game Settings

Graphics - Having optimal settings for your setup is key to maximising performance. Every pc setup is unique in its own way and will perform differently than others, so it is recommended to play with the settings until you find what works best for you. Lowering all settings down to very low can have a negative effect on performance as all the workload gets shifted onto the cpu. You want to have an even workload between your PC components. Here are some notes:

  • Anti-Aliasing is one of the settings that can greatly help out shift the load from cpu onto the gpu if used at a higher setting. It is true that some players find the image to be a bit blurry though. However, using the sharpen setting on a 2k resolution monitor...
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Originally posted by Smokescreen11111

lol okay that was funny

way to pay him back for the res

dream teammate

03 Oct

Originally posted by Maxpockett

Yeah but you dont see your character. Does this count for the contest?

Having the character invisible or the lobby ui elements visible does not matter as long as the customizable lobby is in the screenshot! :)

30 Sep

Originally posted by Maxpockett

And on console?

Edit: and thx for the quick reply btw

You should be able to do that by clicking/pressing the right stick while on the custom lobby edit screen.

Hey all!

The dev team is looking for some data to help them investigate the cause of high ping / packet loss issues.

Please follow the steps below to record and export network data into a .txt file that you will share with our customer support.

1. Download WinMTR by clicking HERE.

2. Extract the folder and open the Windows OS 64 bit folder (32 bit if your OS is 32bit) and run the WinMTR.exe

3. In the "Host" bar, paste in the following address corresponding to the server you connect to in game.


NA: ;

OC: dynamodb.ap-southeast-2.amazo...

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Hey, pressing the spacebar will do just that!

26 Sep


Hi thanks OP,

If the round time limit ends with the same number of kills for both teams, they will both win that round.

22 Sep


Hi thanks OP;

I'm honestly not too sure myself, but I'll make sure the team is aware of this.


Thanks for the flag OP,


15 Sep

Love it, that guy won't do that again thats for sure!

14 Sep

Update 19.2 brought an update to character movement and weapon handling animations.

Tell us what you love about it, what you feel should change and why, in the comments of this thread.

The team is eager to hear your feedback!

View Poll

External link →

Hey everyone, appreciate all the feedback and conversations that are happening on this subject. I am unable to confirm or deny whether or not a system like this is confirmed coming, the teams are aware of the feedback that players in our region are providing and are talking about it internally.´

Originally posted by iamishbu

I honestly used them once and didn’t find them very useful at all. Maybe I was doing it wrong but I didn’t get very far, and then everyone can see you landing. Also my group heavily prioritizes getting vehicles so we don’t often even think about using one. As someone who doesn’t use them, I don’t really see either a problem with or a need to add them to other maps.

Might be a silly question, but are you aware of the gliding functionality while parachuting? If you are holding shift or just moving directionally, you will lose height quickly. Gliding allows you to cover larger distances and I believe the default keybind for it is G.

Originally posted by keetyuk

yeah, whenever I get to one and use it, it feels like I could have got further by just keeping on running.

Thanks for sharing your feedback!

Originally posted by Billoclese

turned out to be the Razer mouse profiles

Glad you got it sorted!