PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Dev Tracker

30 Aug

Absolutely fantastic work!

Originally posted by lifesapie

Hye Steve. When will Deston's percentage be changed from 40% to be equal with other maps in OC server?

Everyone is getting sick and tired of playing deston after deton and more deston after that.

That's happening next week with the live server monthly patch! Stay tuned for patch notes tomorrow.

29 Aug

Originally posted by PajamaDad

Armored UAZ

I loved them.

Originally posted by reaper412

This one's going to be a little unpopular, old Erengel bride camps. Before you had the ferry, emergency pickups, gliders, catwalks on the bride.

If it was a military circle and you had bridge control it would turn into crazy f**king games. A few times I got the M249 from a drop and turned the bridge into a junkyard - there were at least 7-8 blown up cars scattered around it.

Good ole days

Originally posted by MaterialPossible3872

A guy I was playing with earlier was telling me about the old fog lol aparently it was extra thicc?

Extra T H I C C

Originally posted by Brendawgy_420

Og fog was so intense, could hear people before you saw them

I loved the og fog and rain. Having to almost only rely on your ears during fog and eyes during rain was a unique, intense experience, especially in solo. So much more hardcore!

Thanks for the laugh, OP! I did not expect that :'D. So majestic.

Originally posted by ZeusTheRecluse

Not sure what maps could contain this beast.... we're going to need long straight roads and some medium speed curvy roads. No tight corners!!!!

We're gonna need a timer system built into the roads/maps.

Do you remember the days when Mirado got dropped on Miramar and everyone just drove around the open roads, listening to music and vibing? I 'member.. I can't wait to do the same again.

Originally posted by juiceboar

I have about 5 I havent uploaded yet. Should I?


This is good stuff, OP. I did not expect the dance party at the end!

26 Aug

K98. The most satisfying to use both in close quarters, without a scope, early on the drop, and long range, any range really, scoped in! The flick headshots, long range running target, stationary target headshots. No other gun feels as good to me!

Originally posted by klekmek


Not streaming a lot nowadays, but he is the bonafide OG when it comes to shotgun/mini combo

Also Fuzzface

Hank is goooood!

Ho ho holy sh*t that was badass!

Let me know in the comments what your thoughts are on the weapon.

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It's jason bourne!

Hahahah, love moments like these!

Sorry you encountered a cheater, came in to confirm that they are banned.

Originally posted by McHomer

When is OG sanhok back?

One of my favorites ❤️

It'll be on vacation for a little while longer

24 Aug

Joining in to share my experience and passion as well! I was given a closed beta test key at the start of 2017 and fell in love with the game there and then.

I got it day 1 on early access release in March and have since then not experienced the same thrill / excitement / fun in any other shooter.

Thousands of hours later, I am still as in love with the game as I ever was. The slower, more tactical, yet not too slow of a pace paired with great gunplay does it for me. I love duos the most, but a good squad is a ton of fun if everyone is aligned on what the goals are (whether it be just goofing around or playing tactically, or what have you). I did not enjoy solos for the longest time as it was just too brutal. I probably started playing solos more after I've matured as a player. But even now, when I play solos I get into situations where I stop breathing throughout an entire encounter and get my heart racing and go, "whoa" at the end.