PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Dev Tracker

26 Jul

Originally posted by [deleted]


There is no aim assist in the game.

This made my day. Oh my god I did not think you would do such a thing :O

Love the troll!

Originally posted by ChocolateMilkTG

how many months into the future?

Hopefully with the next monthly update that is due in a few weeks!

22 Jul

Hey, thanks for reporting. The team is working on patching this issue through a hotfix early next week.

20 Jul

Not intended. Will be fixed in a future patch!

Originally posted by cbessemer

Nope, it’s never bugged, the lobbies always launch, they just get delayed because people are impatient.

This seems to be correct unfortunately. We've sent dozens of reports of such lobbies for investigation were told that they come to a halt / delayed starts due to players leaving them. A match will start if one of the 2 conditions are met: 95 players are in the lobby (it could be lower in some regions) or the 5 minute wait timer expires and the remaining slots are populated with bots.

Hey lokifenrir96! Thanks for sharing this man, it's already been reported to the team so hopefully we can expect a fix for it soon!

This isn't intended and will be fixed in a future patch!

That's some nice squad wipe sir. One of the best moments / feelings you get when this happens. I'd place it right beside a long range moving headshot with the k9.

Well that's a stunt spot I'll make sure to use to impress my teammates next time we're passing by!


Originally posted by Ragefan66

Can you guys please address Deston solo queue? I'm already getting 50% bot lobbies on both solo queues at 2:45pm on a saturday in NA.

Seriously, solo queue dies out insanely fast with four different solo queues....

I know this will be ignored, but its so frustrating as a solo only player....THIS IS HOW A PLAYERBASE DIES OUT PLEASE I BEG OF YOU BRING THIS TO THE DEVS ATTENTION

Hey, thanks for sharing the feedback. Will make sure it's seen.

19 Jul


Originally posted by Smokey_Desperado

Hello Pubg Dev team! First of all, congratulations on the new map! In my opinion, It's incredibly well done. Me and my buddies are having a great time looting security cards and having level 3 gears so we can have a little edge late game (mostly because were newbies lol).

Do you have a specific time of the day where you guys are most creative? And how do you keep your creative juice flowing? Thanks!

Platform: PC

IGN: kiboisky

08:00 to 10:00 and 22:00 to 24:00.


Originally posted by awmaLLama

Big fan of the new O12 shotgun!

  1. Would it be possible to introduce slug shots to other shotguns too, and maybe switch between ammo type using fire mode?
  2. S12k/DBS can take a 6X scope, why not the O12?
  3. Could the 300m range limit be removed from the slugs if the bullets were slowed down drastically over distance (similar to crossbow)? Would be amazing to hit a shot +500m away!

-awmaLLama on PC

Your first idea sounds very interesting. I'm sure all the designers have been thinking about how to use Slug ammo now that its in the game.

Playtest feedback killed scopes on the O12. Adding magnification really made it OP in our eyes when its already so powerful at close range.


Originally posted by Bubbles_012

Specific question to map designer (is that you Nick Kleiman?)

One of the things I like most about Deston is that the towns are not symmetrical (revised sanhok and taego are guilty of this). Symmetrical arenas are boring and disorientating. It’s great seeing that Ripton is so angular as a cityscape. And the lodge is looking like a great hotdrop (with those 2 barns to its side allowing for offensive/defensive showdowns).. although I’m not a fan of the tunnels because they become a rats nest.

In general, there seems to be a balance between complexity and simplicity that makes a town perfect for hotdropping and accounts a lot for the replayability of Pubg. That’s all SEA ranked likes to do.

My question is.. How do you understand this concept. How do you approach a hotdrop location like the Lodge and make sure it has that replayability. What makes small arenas like powergrid, school, bootcamp so special?

Also: I wish you kept the old mount kreznic, it ...

Read more

Great question! Glad you are enjoying the map
Understanding the balance is experience and playtesting. It isn’t something that happens overnight. I think the key of making a replayable area is unique look and varied gameplay experiences.
Is the place memorable and interesting to fight in?
Is the location easy to navigate and have clear pathing/reads?
I feel like good design is about giving meaningful choices. You can give 50 choices, but none of them are good then they are not choices. I rather give 10 meaningful choices so I feel like player can make a good decision win or lose.
With the locations you have listed I think you will see that there is good flow which leads to fun memorable encounters. Play and counter play, the location should help facilitate the gameplay and not hinder the player doing the main gameplay loop. Thanks for the great question.


That's going to be it for me for now!

Sorry if I missed your questions or shot outs. Feel free to reach out to me by DM or even tagging me in your post or a reply and I'll try and reply later.

It's been great answering all your questions!


Originally posted by Longjumping-Ship2572

Could we get a TGLTN m4 already?

-Xbox: WickedCabbage86

Do you think he's earned it yet?


Originally posted by PUBG_Chris

On the terrain side a lot is dictated by where things are. Mountains get more rocks and cliffs, fields get more trees and bushes. A lot of inspiration is just from real life. You can find a ton of cool visuals everywhere in nature. If I'm feeling a bit less creative I'll just start reference searching till I see something I like.

For level design in terms of layouts and building construction I often come from what type of gameplay or experience I would like the player to have for the area. Is it long range, CQB or both? Then it comes down to what is the architecture or look we are trying to achieve. It is a crazy balance of making something look realistic/grounded, but work for gameplay. If I hit the wall I’ll do the same as Chris and reference search structures or locations. Sometimes I start on a completely different area that provides a different gameplay experience. Then usually it breaks loose what was blocking me in the previous location.