PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Dev Tracker

29 Jul

Originally posted by Plastic_Ad_6179

Oh yeah, but I already have the supply pack on my inventory, just didn't open it. I want to hold some to buy cosmetics.

yes, you do not need to open the crate immediately.

Hey all! The team is aware and are working on resolving the issue that is preventing it from being added to game inventories.

Hey sir! Please try performing a clean reinstall of the game by deleting all game files and clearing steam download cache before reinstalling

Go to your steam library and uninstall PUBG: Battlegrounds

Press Windows Key+R

Type in %localappdata% and then press Enter or OK

Delete the folder TslGame

Navigate to Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BattlEye and delete the file BEService_pubg.exe

Navigate to Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common and delete the folder PUBG

In Steam go to Settings>Downloads and click on CLEAR DOWNLOAD CACHE

Restart Steam

Reinstall the game

Originally posted by angearael

Honestly... Is there any chance to see it in the next 6months? If you don't know you don't know and that good for me, you're making an amazong job with a hard game to be community manager on :)

Thanks man. I do not know. It is not in a planning stage yet. The devs behind Deston are thinking about it. They are considering the sentiment in our region. I hope that the rest of the world aligns and the rest of the devs agree that this is something worth pursuing, but as of now, I cannot confirm anything.

Battlegrounds is a huge, huge game, played by milions around the world. It can be played in literally a hundred different ways. I understand that there are hundred different playstyles and that each of those ways to enjoy the game is the one and only right way to enjoy the game to each group of players. The reality is that, no matter how much we try, not everyone will ever be pleased with anything that is done in the game. That is just the nature of it. But we can try and make the majority of players around the world happy. And that is our goal. So, even though it does not always seem like the devs are listening - try to bear in mind that for every thing in the game t...

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Originally posted by Astrongdose

Thanks! I never expected this clip to blow up like this! πŸ‘Œ

Oh dude, it deserves it!

satisfaction over 9000

Originally posted by angearael

For one second i tought you said soon about a revive system! Sad but no so sad... As thousands players inwant a revive system, but right now i want vikendi 😁😁😁

We are aware that many players want it in our region and are sharing that feedback about revives!

Originally posted by thatjerkatwork

My first chicken dinner was at Mylta Power. I was crawling around like a sneaky snek and took out the last guy with a shotty. My heart was beating out of my chest!

My first win was a solo vs duo around a month after its early access release, east of pochinky, on the hilly area, south of the big potato hill. I say solo vs duo because my teammate friend was affraid of shooting guns so their enjoyment of the game was to follow me by crouch walking behind me all game long, every game we played :D.

The heart was indeed pounding.

Originally posted by PhatTuna

This map always looked like the head of a zombie cat to me.

I can see that now!

Originally posted by DariusOfTheAbyss

Have x15 Scopes been removed or just a very small drop rate in crates?

They do not spawn on Deston

Originally posted by fernandollb

Uh.. I know featured maps hurt ques but I was having a blast playing only Deston to be honest.

Deston will have increased % pick ratio (40%) while other maps will have an even 15% for a bit!

Originally posted by angearael

I want Vikendi back... But so cool to see almost all the bigs maps at once!

soooooooooooooooooon :)

26 Jul

HAhahahahahah I did not expect that end. You got me fooled, op!

Originally posted by rbnhd_f

We have dead lobbies in NA as well. For some reason, certain lobbies do t start counting down when they reach 90+, and after a minute people start leaving, and it goes downhill from there.

My buddy was AFK a few days ago, we stayed until there were 9 left, and nobody else was added, match never started.

Definitely weird stuff going on.

My buddy was AFK a few days ago, we stayed until there were 9 left, and nobody else was added, match never started.

When you say the match never started - how did you know it never started? What happened with the game lobby?

Originally posted by SnakeDrone

Are people leaving slowing queues "problematic" maps? Absolutely!

However, if it was just the maps that people do not like, I would have an easier time excepting that it is just people leaving. But I have had "good" maps like Erangel sit at 90+ sometimes even at 100 players for minutes without a timer. Also this is happening on Deston event lobby, where people have specifically chosen the map.

This is not only about people leaving.

But I have had "good" maps like Erangel sit at 90+ sometimes even at 100 players for minutes without a timer. Also this is happening on Deston event lobby, where people have specifically chosen the map.

Lobbies should not get stuck without a timer when they reach more than 95 players. Please report such cases to our customer support or to our bug report channel on discord!

Hey Snake!

We've been receiving reports of this for a hot minute now and have been sharing those reports with the team internally. No errors on the backend system have been found as every report we've received so far has shown that the match has eventually started normally (either through reaching the required minimum number of players in the lobby or 3 minute timer ending and bots filling the empty slots).

However, sometimes, they go up to 90+ and then we just sit there, waiting for the timer, for minutes and the timer never starts. I have literally sat in a lobby like this for 30+ minutes to test it, most people leave at some point and it never fills with bots or the other option is that we get 80+ bots in a game in the middle of prime time.

Matches start getting filled with bots after 3 minutes. Did you mean you stayed in 1 single match lobby for 30+ minutes without it ever starting? If you happen to get an example like that, I...

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Originally posted by boujbouj

I did that last week too, but it was a teammate who run into my shot

It usually always is, isn't it? :D

I got a few of those shots myself, but not against enemy players