PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Dev Tracker

PUBG_BATTLEGROUNDS: Match 4 - PUBG Americas Series 4 - Grand Finals - Day 1 — streaming for about 3 hours

19 Jul


Originally posted by PUBG_Chris

Thanks! It was a lot of work but I think it was worth having the different biomes.

The midgame is something on our radar for sure. There are different things we are looking at. The feedback is great and we take the data to see where different elements land.

I have two personal favorite features because I feel they go hand in hand. Ascenders and always on Parachutes. The amount of traversal and player choice they offer create awesome gameplay moments.


Originally posted by Firm_Positive2142

Question for : Caleb Zart

How easy is it to implement animation changes with new features such as the ziplines and vehicles without giving or taking an advantage to movement/speed

Game tag: plugspud Console (stadia)

Hey! This is always foremost in our mind when making a new way for the player to move, like the Ascender. Like most things, playtesting is what helps us dial it in. Our typical proces goes like this:

- Make rough animations and get them in game so the feature can be tested. We'll use other existing features as benchmarks for timings on this first pass

- Play the things, a lot! All the while we will either be crafting new animations or finishing off the temp ones that are safe to finish

- Game dev is highly iterative, there are plenty of times when the timing and speed of something has to change. Sometimes the animation can be adjusted, sometimes it needs to be redone. Repeat this until it feels good to play!


Originally posted by KaptainGranite

I am sure questions will be asked regarding adding AEDs, Comeback arena and quick revive on Deston. So, my question is will there be more of a surplus of meds on Deston? As we have seen in the past with Med issues on Mirimar and Erangel or will this be something you will closely monitor?

IGN: KaptainGranite
Platform: Console (Xbox)

We think Meds in Deston are in a really good place, we will definitely monitor it, and excited for you to get your hands on it soon on Xbox!


Originally posted by Not_Fission_Chips

This map seems to include a lot of fun features from the battle royale genre; zip lines, parachutes, multi-level combat, new vehicles and hidden loot spots. Were there any features you wanted to add but didn't? What were they and how would they have altered the map from what it is now?

IGN: Fission_Chips

There are a couple new features coming soon (that may or may not have been spotted in the gameplay video) - we've been playing Deston with all of these for a while, and I'm super excited to see what yall think when they get added!


Originally posted by oBrendao

Do you guys pretend to nerf the the new shotgun? I mean, less bullets by default and new attachment slots to get it near to the state it is today(ammo slot, tactical stock, etc). I know it's a new weapon but i'm destroying everyone in my way with this new weapon, i'm even thinking about going pro because of this weapon.

We went through playtesting and feedback to bring the 012 to where it is at the moment.

Lemme know if you go pro though, drop the twitch link here tyty.


Originally posted by deezzyy1

Where did the name Deston come from?

What are some of the challenges or barriers to introducing Deston to competative play?

Are there any hidden areas or easter eggs that we should keep an eye out for? (No spoliers, just yes or no would be great!)

KoG Darny on Console (Xbox Series X)

Where did the name Deston come from?

PUBG held an internal contest to name the map. Everyone was able to submit ideas.

easter eggs



Originally posted by gustavomlsz

What was the biggest challenge u guys had during the proccess of creating such a big map like Deston?

Btw I love the details of the buildings…

IGN: Cogu-Melo Platform: PC

What was the biggest challenge u guys had during the proccess of creating such a big map like Deston?

Big challenge was creating a realistic grounded area that feels great for gameplay while providing all types of player experiences. It was a lot of back and fourth to find the balance between locations and giving unique areas that players would have fun fighting in. That variety shows through with the different biomes throughout giving a different experience in building/POI layouts and terrain. Such a fun challenge to be sure.


Originally posted by Thicc_Choncc

u/PUBG_Chris, when you create terrain, do you look at each and every part of the map in order to think through possible situations that might occur? For example I noticed that a lot of the coastline has an edge to it that provides for really good cover instead of just running a flat-out beach instead. Is this conscious? How detailed do you have to be in insuring that the environment optimizes for interesting plays?

u/PUBG_Caleb - when do you plan to release the new animations? And are there any other plans apart from the occasional mo-capped dances?

Also, the clothes in this game are super impressive and moves really well with the character, so I'm wondering how many people are involved with modelling and texturing these? Will the new animations create difficulty with regards to their behaviour? That team needs a big shoutout!

Best regards, Densterr - PC.

Hey! The new animations are being polished as we speak. I can't speak to a specific drop date, other than to say they are nearly final and coming soon! I'm excited for the community to get their hands on them.

As far as other things in the hopper, we have a new vehicle and weapon coming to Deston in the next drop. We've been having a lot of fun with these two in playtests.

On the clothing front, I can't speak to how many people are involved on the modeling side, they have a solid team but I'm not sure how big it is off of the top of my head. From an animation standpoint, everything is built to a standard so that it works with existing motions. Most of the longer, flowing cloth is a dynamic simulation .

Thanks for the question!


Originally posted by cookiesandkareem

What sort of testing did you do before releasing Deston? (jay ryye; console)

We playtest internally multiple times a week, and we all work through feature and map feedback together. Playtesting Deston has been a blast, and has generated in-studio memes all over the place haha


Originally posted by ZeldasDad

What parts of the map do you think will have the most heated battles and why?

I think we've all seen some crazy fights in lodge so far, moving through the building and having to clear the lower levels is intense.

I like the fights in Buxley (our group drops here a lot) - fighting across the warehouses, towards the south apartments and into the mall areas. Always a lot of fun.


Originally posted by Prince_Kebaboni

Will we get more cell towers in the center areas of the map?

platform: PC
Username: Prince_Kebaboni

Will we get more cell towers in the center areas of the map?

We are looking into the feedback and how people are playing the map. More Cell towers isn't out of the question and we are looking into adding more vehicles as well.


Originally posted by Linnception

Thanks now I'll need to listen to "Say My Name" and "Survivor" a few times today....

Great question, and something u/PUBG_NickK can likely answer better than I can. But we initially were thinking exactly like you mention in the later part of the question, "how can we design this with a BUNCH of favorite locations in it?" Having a non-central "Main" city is part of that, with speckling in minor cities and unique points of interests along major routes - Concert, Lodge, Arena, Barclift, etc

Like Linn said, the main focus for the map was to create player choice. Give many unique engaging locations that have the potential to be a hot drop regardless of the plane path. Not placing Ripton was part of the process. We wanted to give something for everyone's playstyle. It's not easy to do, but I feel like we found a great balance within the locations.


Originally posted by Froddoyo

With the addition of the drone. Was it planned all along to be used as a looting feature in deston? Or was it something you guys geneiously took advantage of after adding the drone?

Edit: also don't put me in the giveaway, I'm partner and have already gotten some goodies. Other people can have it ❤

It was on the table for some time, and really took off once we saw the cool things players were doing with the drone on it's launch.

Props to u/PUBG_NickK and Co, they really got creative with the drone rooms in Deston. They likely had 30+ more locations in mind, but we needed to ship the map haha.


Originally posted by Blitz5

Since this was such a big undertaking (development wise) would you say it was Destony? Do you consider it sort of like a child? Maybe Destony's Child?

With that being said, my real question is: With a Deston-ation like Ripton and it's size, how much discussion goes into where that city is placed on the map? For example, I initially thought Ripton would be best placed smack dab in the middle, so players are more likely in the first zone and ultimately have more time to explore, loot, zipline and fight. But on the other hand, I'm guessing you don't want TOO many people to land there because then the rest of the map would feel empty. Love hearing insight into decisions like this. Cheers and congrats on a GREAT map.

Xbox One: Blitz5

Thanks now I'll need to listen to "Say My Name" and "Survivor" a few times today....

Great question, and something u/PUBG_NickK can likely answer better than I can. But we initially were thinking exactly like you mention in the later part of the question, "how can we design this with a BUNCH of favorite locations in it?" Having a non-central "Main" city is part of that, with speckling in minor cities and unique points of interests along major routes - Concert, Lodge, Arena, Barclift, etc


Originally posted by Future-Bend-7700

What is your favorite weapon in pubg, and why?

in game name: hoooodie

PC @ steam

Mine is the VSS - I really like running EMT bag as my secondary, and I feel like the VSS with extended mags gives me confidence in a lot of gunfight situations. It isn't great in the longer range fights, but that's what my squadmates are for!


Originally posted by ransombarefoot

Destin is a huge map like Miramar, but I wish Miramar had more circles ending in the cool outlying areas like Prison.

Will Destin feature more final circles on the edge of the map??

Platform: Console Gamertag: RansomBarefoot

Circle locations and Circle/Blue Zone speed are two of the items on our radar right now for sure. We are talking about these internally right now.


Originally posted by NydNugs

This one's for u/PUBG_NickK. What's your thought process when making a bathroom and whats the lore for the lack of toilet paper in PUBG?

Pubg Cursed Bathrooms

This one's for


. What's your thought process when making a bathroom and whats the lore for the lack of toilet paper in PUBG?

Bathrooms are key to making a building feel real and lived in because we all "got to go". As for the lack of toilet paper we all know that toilet paper is the first thing to be stockpiled when things go sideways.


Originally posted by GutoDH

The ascender is a very cool addition to the game, I would just ask it to be a little louder, or having a *click* noise when attaching / detaching - it's way too silent to be identified even on a short-range.

My question: Do you have any plans on adding the Ascender to Erangel and Miramar later on?

There are some building that could use that mechanic on big cities, like the big buildings north of El Pozo, which currently cannot be accessed (unless you use a Glider or emergency pickup)


Platform: Steam

We are keeping an eye on Ascender feedback as we move forward, thank you for your feedback (and those in this thread).

As far as adding it to other maps, it is certainly not out of the question! It was developed with dev "ease of use" in mind for that reason. I would love to see them in other maps soon!

15 Jul

The machine!

14 Jul