over 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Hey everyone,

I've gone ahead and merged a couple of threads together about this issue, so as to better keep track of it. I understand many of you have faced issues with not being able to fire your weapon, or interact with anything (including the extraction pad or subzone doors, forcing you to potentially quit out and go MIA). As we've mentioned, our teams are currently investigating this issue internally.

If you haven't already, can you answer our questions below? We'll then be passing on your responses on to our teams to help with the investigation.

  1. Which actions can you not perform? For example shoot, reload, melee, switch weapon, vault, interact with switches, and so on.
  2. Which incursion or map were you playing?
  3. Which platform are you on? For example, PS4, Xbox Series S, Steam, Epic?
  4. What difficulty? Was it moderate, cautious, several or critical?
  5. Were you playing solo or in multiplayer?
  6. What happened immediately before you couldn't fire or interact? For example, used a particular ability, fought a particular enemy?
  7. If you'd just used a drone, what sort of drone was it?
  8. Do you have a video of this happening? Please upload this to the video sharing website of your choice, and send us a link to it here in the thread.

If the issue is currently happening, so you're still in-game unable to shoot or interact:

  1. Please try switching to a different weapon, then switching back - does that fix it, or have any effect?
  2. If playing in multiplayer or playing as Doc or Finka, please try losing all your health and then either self-reviving (with Doc or Finka) or having a teammate revive you - does that fix it, or have any effect?
  3. If you have a drone equipped, please try using your drone. Does that fix it, or have any effect?

To those of you who have already answered these questions, thanks - that really helps us out! Let me know if I can clarify any of the above questions.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Howdy, operators 😎

We've had confirmation that this issue should be fixed in tomorrow's maintenance 🎉 If it still happens after the maintenance, and you've verified your game files, do please let me know, answering the questions again from my previous post. Let me know if there's any questions, and happy sprawling!