Original Post — Direct link

Good afternoon. Today in the afternoon playing with my friends, we are disconnected from the game with the aforementioned error. My friends play on PS5, PC and I on Xbox One and we still can't connect the 3 of us and we are from various parts of the Mexican Republic, so we don't use the same Internet provider, I read in several places that it is an error that they it's happening to many but I don't see any official comment from you, according to Xbox support it indicates that it's fine, as well as your page. I already did the connection help guide suggested in other posts when this happened. It is not the solution. He was waiting for support, I hope not to offend anyone since I am through a translator. Greetings.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @adair_chilango @BigBossmgs333 @LoVe-DoVe I'm sorry to hear that you have experienced issues connecting to the Rainbow Six Extraction servers.

There was a degradation yesterday that affected multiple games, the issue has since been resolved.

Could you please try again and confirm if the issue persists?

Apologies for the inconvenience caused.

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almost 2 years ago - Ubi-oof