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bought gold edition for rainbow six siege throught steam and its not activated, even tho uplay says the code already is activated on my account. i dont have access to any of the promised season pass bonuses.
over 7 years ago - UbiGabrinth - Direct link
Hi there, Purivier! I have an FAQ with information on what you should have received from the Season Pass. To clarify, Mira and Jackal have been released, so you should have access to those operators and their unique uniforms and headgears. You should have also received 600 R6 credits. I see those things on your account, but if you are having trouble accessing any content, please contact our support team by clicking 'contact customer support' at the bottom of this page.
over 6 years ago - Ubi-Baron - Direct link

Are you on PS4 and is this the Year 3 pass? If so then it's a different issue than the users here were seeing.

We are currently working on an issue that is causing the Year 3 Pass to not be correctly added on PS4.

Thank you
over 6 years ago - ubi--unicorn - Direct link
Hey SeaonPassBroke, you'll get the year 2 operators, but since we're in year 3, things like VIP will be expired. If you're missing the operators, please create a ticket.
almost 6 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Hello Hydronier! Please see this post for details.
over 5 years ago - Ubi-Swaggins - Direct link
Hey Deadeye6126,

Have you made a ticket on our support website about this?

If not, please do, as we cannot resolve payment issues via Forums.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Litten - Direct link
Hi there, thanks for getting in contact. as previously requested, if you believe you are missing content from your Year 5 season pass could you please contact us directly with an image showign the proof of purchase for this product and we will get this looked into as soon as possible.
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Thanks you for your post PHLlPP. I can confirm that the base game is shareable across two accounts on the same console, however any extra content such as DLC, Season Pass or purchases, will only belong to the account that originally purchased them. This content is not shareable across accounts.

This is the same for most of our games on Xbox. Sometimes you will be able to share the base game across two Xbox accounts on the same console, but extra content such as purchased content, can not be shared across two seperate accounts.