Original Post — Direct link
Bought the Operator Package Bundle in-Game last few days, have all the operator except for year 1,
and suddenly today there are some operator that was available before is locked mainly iana, zero, oryx, melusi and aruni,
those 5 operator was unlocked before and suddenly its locked today
over 3 years ago - UbiStorm - Direct link
Hello Everyone! I can confirm that this issue with missing Operators after purchasing the 'Expand your Roster' pack is now resolved. If you're still missing some Operators, however, please let me know!
over 3 years ago - Ubi-Mercury - Direct link
Hey everyone, sorry to hear you're still missing these Operators. Could you all please verify your game files through either Ubisoft Connect or Steam and let me know if you are now able to locate your missing Operators?
over 3 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link
Hey everyone, thanks for trying to verify the game files for us. Unfortunate that it hasn't solved the issue.

Can you get a screenshot across to us showing these operators are locked after having purchased the Expand your Roster pack? This will be very useful for investigating this further.

Can you also make sure you've run through our troubleshooting guides, linked below?

In particular, make sure you've verified your game files (which many of you did already, thanks!), you're running the game and Ubisoft Connect with admin rights, and that no unnecessary background programs are in the way.

We appreciate the help with our investigation, thanks everyone
over 3 years ago - UbiSushiVamp - Direct link
Hello Everyone, my apologies that this is persisting!

If this issue is persisting for you please reach out to our support team at support.ubi.com and create a ticket to help look into the missing roster bundle for you.

over 3 years ago - UbiKoreanBBQ - Direct link
Hey there, PanChrupcio! Can you please send me a private message with your Twitter handle, so that I can look into getting this sorted for you? Thank you!

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