about 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hello everyone,

Just an update to this situation -

The 4-0xFFF0BDC0 error code is currently unknown to us and is under investigation. We have also received reports of error codes 4-0xFFF0BDD1, 4-0xFFF0BE29, 4-0xFFF0BE1F and 4-0xFFF0BE2F, and are investigating these in connection with the first error code mentioned.

Please first exhaust connectivity troubleshooting for your platform, as we believe this to resolve the issues of most players:

- PC

- PlayStation 4

- PlayStation 5

- Xbox One

- Xbox Series X/S

If you have done so, please also make sure that our servers are not currently having problems at the time when you're receiving these error codes:

If errors persist after troubleshooting and there are no server issues, please let us know the following to help us with our investigations:

- What 4-0 error code do you receive specifically?
- What platform you are playing on?
- What is the last exact date and time when this affected you?
- What region do you live in?
- Who is your internet service provider?
- Are you using wired ethernet or WIFI?
- What exactly were you doing in the game when this message popped up?
- Does this error appear 100% of the time, or only sometimes?

I will happily bring this to the attention of the Siege team, thank you for your help and patience whilst we look into this.

*Update 25/09/20: I have added an extra question to the list to help our team further. Your assistance is much appreciated!
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Thank you all very much!

I will forward this to our dev team for further investigation. You may also receive similar errors such as 4-0xFFF0BE1F which appear to derive from the same issue.

We'll get this resolved!
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Hello again!

Our team got back to us regarding this issue. They would also like to know whether this issue affects you 100% of the time, or only sometimes.

I have updated the list above, thank you for your help!
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Hey guys!

Thank you very much for providing the requested details.

I can confirm that this has now been forwarded to our game team together with the rest of the information for further review.

We do apologise about the inconvenience this may be causing in the meantime, and should we have any updates, details will be posted here, in our official forums, so keep an eye!
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Originally Posted by KyeMokoma
- Username "KyeMokoma"
- PC
- First affected by it since September 26, 2020
- I don't have a server in my region (Caucasus), but I use Western Europe servers
- My internet provider is SOL
- Wifi
- Starting any online match automatically gives me the error.
- It happens all the time, though I managed to play exactly one game after messing with my .ini file*

This error seems to be related to the following problem:

*Initially I believed that the high MS came from my data center being wrongly detected.

I use WEU servers, and after a match, it turned out that my data center was set to Australia South East, at a MS of 4294967295.

I reinstalled the game to be sure, and then edited the .ini file to set it to western Europe using /playfab. Now, I am on WEU, but with 4294967295 MS. However I was able to play one game, and my ping was the (usual) 100~. I had to exit afterwards, and when I returned a few hours later, I was unable to start an online game.

I noticed that, cross-referencing with other posts on this thread, the MS is 4294967295 - exactly that number, and it hasn't changed for me since. It's weird how this number seems to be the same with other users. It also happened after I won a match - and considering the fact that the MS is an exact 4294967295, I wonder if this is some kind of weird DOS? Another user in this thread mentioned they were set to Australia South East, and it's strange if this error has consistent parameters, it's too specific.

It's really frustrating, especially since I worry that if it doesn't get fixed, I won't be able to complete the Battlepass...I hope a fix is found soon.
Thank you very much for your input KyeMokoma, I have forwarded this to our game team accordingly!

I also do appreciate the frustration and our team is actively working towards getting this resolved as soon as possible, so thank you for your patience in the meantime.
almost 4 years ago - UbiKoality - Direct link
Originally Posted by Nayutadere
- Ubisoft username - Nayutadere
- What platform you are playing on? - PC
- What is the last exact date and time when this affected you? - 10/04/2020 AKA At time of posting
- What region do you live in? Europe
- Who is your internet service provider? Vodafone
- Are you using wired ethernet or WIFI? Ethernet
- What exactly were you doing in the game when this message popped up? Waiting for a match
- *Does this error appear 100% of the time, or only sometimes? 95% of the time
Thank you so much for answering our questions, Nayutadere! Just to confirm, have you completed our connectivity guide in full -- including port forwarding?
almost 4 years ago - UBI-Froggard - Direct link
Originally Posted by White_Mask
I have been 100% successful at fixing this bug. It occurs once I launch a Microsoft published game. To test, I launch a Custom game as a player and if I get the bug, I must change my IP address to fix this. I have tested this on 2 routers and both get the error if I launch Halo Master Chief Collection, Forza Horizon 3, Forza 7, and Gears of War 4.

To fix, I simply change my IP address. My desktop has a wifi adapter and an ethernet port, so I close uPlay, change to wifi/ethernet whenever I get the bug and reopen uPlay. There are other ways to change your IP address, but I don't need to log into my router doing the wifi/ethernet swap.
Thanks for your suggestion. Hopefully it will be useful to others too.

If anyone else tries something like this and has luck with it, please share.
almost 4 years ago - UbiKoality - Direct link
Hi cemilxelilov! Thank you for that information. Have you tried completing the connectivity troubleshooting that was previously recommended?

FlamoonguZ, I'm so happy to hear that you're able to play Siege again!! Thank you for following up with that update. Happy gaming!