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I claimed a Reward from an Ubisoft Club Challenge, while still in a Match. Now the Game thinks i have not claimed it, so the Challenges Button is always highlighted, even if no Challenge is completed. After Every Match I get a Push Notification, that I have Rewards to collect, that is not correct.
Is there a way to remove this Status, or reset the Challenges?
Your Help is very Apreciated

Picture: https://ibb.co/VCfTxnq
almost 5 years ago - UbiKoality - Direct link
Hi Silverlion35! Can you please let me know which challenge specifically you were having this problem with?
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Orion - Direct link
Originally Posted by Sambemosi
Hi Ubikoality,

I have a same problem, where I keep getting the 'Collect' notification even though I have already collected the reward. I collected it while still in a match too. The challenge that I have problem with was the 4th of July Challenge. Please resolve this issue as soon as possible. It is really annoying to get notification every time after every game.
Hi there,

Can you try clicking claim all to see if this removes these notifications? If it doesn't please get back to me to let me know.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Orion - Direct link
Originally Posted by Sambemosi
Hi Ubi-Orion,

I had one completed challenge, so I used 'collect all' to collect the reward on uplay. However, it did not fix the problem, and the notification is still there.
Hey there.

I'm sorry to hear that. Can I ask you you to try a fresh installation of Uplay? Please ensure that you don't uninstall any games you have installed during this process unless you wish to do so.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by Sambemosi
Hi Ubi-Orion,

I followed your link and reinstalled Uplay. However, that did not fix it either. The notification is still there in the game.
Hey! These visual issues sometimes occur in-game, however we're often able to resolve them via the Ubisoft Club website directly. I understand you have already tried this however.

May we have an image of the Ubisoft Club website, showing your R6 Challenges section please? Thanks!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by Sambemosi
Hi Ubi-Raziel,

I took screenshot of my Ubisoft Club's R6 Challenges section, and you can check it here: https://imgur.com/slCMY0w
Hello again, thank you very much for the images!

This usually is account-wide and visible in the Ubisoft Club everywhere which is why we advise to press Collect All. In your case however, I understand this repeated notification is only shown in-game.

As this issue appears to be specific to the game, I would like to propose the following -

- Verify game files: https://support.ubi.com/en-GB/faqs/000025650/
- Re-install the game

I appreciate reinstallation is quite a lengthy step and we prefer to leave this as a last report. As this does not appear to be a known issue however, it may be an issue with the game's files.

I hope that helps
over 4 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Hey Sambemosi,

Thank you for all the detail you have provided.

This has been reported to our team for investigation
over 4 years ago - UBI-Froggard - Direct link
Originally Posted by Sambemosi
Hi Ubi-WheelyDuck,

Now that the Tour De Force Battle Pass is finished, I do not see the notification. I think it was some kind of a problem between club challenge system and the battle pass challenge system.
Thanks for the update