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I watched all the 3 days in six invitational 2018 and i still not received any charms, why ?
about 7 years ago - Ubi-Baron - Direct link
Hello ooz12,

Thank you for reporting this to us.

Which Stream did you watch the games on?

Thank you
about 7 years ago - Ubi-Baron - Direct link
What's the username on your Uplay account, is it the same as the one here?

Thank you
about 7 years ago - Ubi-Baron - Direct link
Just to confirm, you needed to watch the Rainbow Six stream (https://www.twitch.tv/rainbow6) and you needed to have your Twitch attached to your Uplay account.

If you did and don't have the charm, then you'll need to speak with the Support Team through the site here.

Thank you
almost 7 years ago - Ubi-Bandicoot - Direct link
Originally Posted by StrigonO4
I watched all 3 days 2 of them on the "Ubisoft" twitch channel after I linked it to my ubi account.
still no charm.
Twitch name: Strigon04
Originally Posted by BLOCKED911
I still didn't receive my charms. I watched all 3 days up 6h do it all thing rghit from two usre
BLOCKED911 and IRS6I . I hope anyone help me.
Hey guys,

Please create a support ticket at https://support.ubi.com/ with which charms you are missing, so the team can verify if you should have been granted them and resolve this for you. Sorry for the delay in receiving them.
over 6 years ago - Ubi-Shikallum - Direct link

These drops will be given after August 20th: https://rainbow6.ubisoft.com/siege/e...the-six-majors
over 6 years ago - Ubi-Shikallum - Direct link
Originally Posted by LM4TR1X
I guess that we will have to wait a little bit as for the invitational-charms. But do we have a approximate waitingtime?

greetings from Austria
I don't have any specifics just yet, sorry.
over 6 years ago - ubi--unicorn - Direct link
They're being sent out in waves, apologies for the confusion. You can find details here.
over 6 years ago - Ubi-Shikallum - Direct link
Hey,I have just had a look on your account and you seem to have the charms added.
over 6 years ago - Ubi-Shikallum - Direct link
Originally Posted by hichiroo
Oh no ... I did not look carefully. I'm sorry.
Thank you reply.
No worries man! Happens to the best of us.

Enjoy showing of your charms
about 6 years ago - Ubi-Spud - Direct link
Hey folks, thanks for getting in touch and watching the Invitational!

All of your charms may not be showing on your account just yet. Give it another 12 hours, and get back to us if they still don't appear.
about 6 years ago - Ubi-Swaggins - Direct link
Hey tegrateht,

I am sorry to hear you did not get the Diamond Charm.

I have checked the eligibility on your account and it appears you were not eligible for the Diamond charm.

Apologies for any inconvenience.
about 6 years ago - UbiGabrinth - Direct link
Usually this has to do with watching the stream on a different Twitch account than the one linked to your Ubisoft account. I don't want to ask private information here on the forum, but you can reach out privately to our team on Twitter or Facebook with the account information for your Twitch account. They can let you know what Twitch account is linked to your Ubisoft account.
over 5 years ago - Ubi-Woofer - Direct link
Originally Posted by REAP3R_TXC
I also didn't got it My Uplay name is REAP3R_TXC i got the previous charms but not this time.
Hey there, I'm not able to locate your Ubisoft Account under the username displayed here on the forums. Could you please PM me the correct username and email address? Thank you!

Originally Posted by Luxcn.
I watched over 20+ hours over two days and i never received any of the charms I have all my uplay and twitch linked anyway i could get them?
my ubisoft is this account which is linked too my psn
Looking at the account you're posting from, I only see a linked Twitch account to this Ubisoft Account - though I do see that a PSN Account was once linked here too.

Did you possibly already contact us for assistance with this issue elsewhere, and is it resolved now? Let us know!