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Dear Reader,

Recently in the past few days i have been encountering the same problems in every single match i play in Rainbow Six Siege. Many others who play this game have also encountered this problem with me when i join the same game as them. The first problem is in the operator selection screen, when i select my operator, there is no figure of the operator that shows up. The normal loading screen is also missing the usual features. This problem is mainly a cosmetic problem and does not affect gameplay like the next problems. The second problem is when i enter the game, i am not able to reinforce or barricade ANYTHING. Also the windows that are usually barricaded during the spawn are all open and are not able to be barricaded. I have attached some screenshots of these issues down below. The third issue is that the HUD is missing some features that are normally there such as secondary item and number of reinforcements available. The fourth issue is that ever since i encountered this bug, many other players i am paired with and against in game are not able to load into the game. We also are not able to leave the game as the escape menu is missing. Please do something to assist Rainbow Six Siege players as this problem is restricting us from the gameplay we were promised by your company, Ubisoft. Thank you for reading this message.
over 6 years ago - ubi--unicorn - Direct link
Hey ChickenMcNooget, the screenshots aren't visible. Can you upload them to an image hosting site, such as imgur?
over 6 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Thanks for the screenshots!

You can indeed verify your files through Steam and Uplay. It all depends if you purchased the game through Steam or Uplay. If that does not help, I recommend these PC steps as well.
If that does not help, please make a ticket with your screenshots attached. We appreciate your help!
over 6 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Thanks for the screenshots!

You can indeed verify your files through Steam and Uplay. It all depends if you purchased the game through Steam or Uplay. If that does not help, I recommend these PC steps as well.
If that does not help, please make a ticket with your screenshots attached. We appreciate your help!
over 6 years ago - Ubi-Mullac - Direct link
Originally Posted by SF_Bad.Wisdom
Hmm, verifying solved the problem. Actually seems that some files were missing (not corrupted), because after the "re-upload" Windows asked me to give a permission for starting the game. And I was able to start the game even with these problems.
Whatever, now seems that everything is OK. Thanks!
Glad to see that everything is okay now
about 5 years ago - UbiKoality - Direct link
Hey Erinkoooo. If you believe that other players in your match are exploiting cheats and hacks, please refer to this FAQ that contains more information on how exactly to report them. Thank you so much!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by mike_5885
You posted this in 2018 but I’m getting the same problem now. what did you do to fix it I couldn’t find any other information thank you

Would it be possible to provide an image to present your issue please? There a couple of issues here so I'd just like to be certain we are discussing the same issue.

If it is a visual issue, I recommend verifying game files: https://support.ubi.com/en-GB/faqs/000025650/
over 4 years ago - UBI-Froggard - Direct link
Originally Posted by Topo_Chico_69
same I just leaded up today and all the operators in the operator screen are missing, furthermore when I kunt into a game when I get to the opperator select screen I cant see any of the Icons and when I load in the game I cant more or interact with my charactor at all

Please could you try the verify files option to see if this resolves your issue?

In Uplay - Select "Properties" located underneath the "Play" button and then select "verify files"

Now relaunch the game.

In Steam - From the Library section, right-click on the game and select Properties from the menu. Select the Local files tab and click the Verify integrity of game cache.
over 4 years ago - UBI-Froggard - Direct link
Originally Posted by rayn_er
hace unos dias vengo con detalles esteticos donde no me cargaban logotipos, tanto en el juego como menu. hoy me conecte y directamente no puedo jugar, no me cargan armas, y lo mas molesto es que no puedo moverme, es como si no tendria compatibilidad mi teclado o mouse. alguna solucion????

I'm afraid we only have support for English available on the forums.

We do have email support available in your language if you would like to send us a support ticket for this here and receive an email reply in your preferred language.

Alternatively, if you are be able to translate to English we can provide support on here.