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Currently we're in ranked match and we're stuck in loading screen after the operator pick about for 3 minutes. Some of us left the game because they got bored tho, but nothing changed. I want ubi to know that issue and lets hope both sides won't lose the match.
almost 6 years ago - Ubi-Baron - Direct link
Thank you for reporting this to us, CerealKiller.RS

Although at the moment this is a moot point, we're not able to interact with matches that are ongoing. As such it would not have been possible for us to change the outcome of this.

Have you seen this multiple times or just the once?
over 5 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Hi there! Thanks for the report. The Siege team is aware of this issue but is unable to replicate the issue. Can you provide how often this happens? Does it happen on a specific map? If you believe a certain player is doing this, you can report them as well.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Redbeard - Direct link
El_Speedwagon - sorry to hear that.

I've passed your report on to the team.

I've had to edit your initial post however as this goes against the forum rules.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Redbeard - Direct link

Apologies for any delay in receiving a reply.

We are unable to compensate you for this inconvenience, regretfully.
over 3 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by eGo.yes
It happens when a player rejoins the game while loading into the next round, which counts as an infinite loading time. I've contacted support about this but apparently "nothing can be done" If we can't even play the ******* game why even try and add content?

I'm sorry to read you're also facing this issue. We are always able to investigate an issue, however we weren't able to intervene with that particular match.

I'd like to raise your interesting point to the Rainbow Six Siege team. I just have some questions -

- Do you happen to know what this is like from the joining player's perspective? Whether they're also waiting in the lobby, or the game is forever connecting?
- How often do you experience this issue?

The reproduction steps are quite specific and they may be difficult to reproduce, but we'll certainly take a look!
over 3 years ago - UBI-Froggard - Direct link
Originally Posted by Hewo.NS
ive been in the ranked queue for 40 miutes and shows no sign of stopping. pls fiz this issue it is on the map outback and no one is loaded in but us and the otther team can still talk in all chat and they said the match is like 0-50 and is going infinitely pls fix
I'm sorry to hear you experienced this. We can only recommend backing out if it does happen I'm afraid. I have seen others say they didn't receive a penalty when they did thankfully, but I cannot confirm if this will always be the case.