Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege Dev Tracker

14 May


Hello everyone!

We are currently in the process of investigating these three issues:

  • Clash shield glitch
  • Deployable shield glitch
  • IQ invisibility glitch

We will update you all further when we have more information to share.

External link →

12 May

09 May


Originally posted by McCoy614

It actually works fine now! It was happening the day before the RFF was added to live servers, so I believe that was the issue.

But if you really want that info, it was happening on each map I played on. My sound was completely backwards, the drone audio where it jumps and lands cut out when I got near the building we were supposed to go in, and while spectating teammates, I couldn't hear anything. Anything. And when the match was over, the mvp screen would just show a shot of the ground instead of the winning team.

Oh, that's definitely good info to have -- that it seems like after RFF was activated, it solved your issues. Strange though!

Thanks very much for the additional info as well!


Hey McCoy! Was wondering if I could get a bit more info on this? Do you recall what you had done leading up to the sound issues? Since it worked fine before?

Was it on particular maps? Any further details I can pass along to the team would be helpful! And sorry for the frustrations.

08 May


passed along the creepy eyelashes to the team. 👁👁


Originally posted by HEL-Alfa

Noty, just wanted to let you know you are doing great today, really on top of things



Originally posted by F0rgemaster19

So once you get killed, you still get to decide whether it was intentional or an accident?

Yes. If someone else TKs you, you get a prompt asking you to validate whether it was intentional or not.

Intentional > they are put under RFF status. Not intentional > life proceeds as normal.


Trust me, you don't want a red triangle. The prize isn't that great.

Jokes aside, it means that player is under reverse friendly fire status.


Originally posted by dazzathomas

I see how it is... release it low key and not tell us hahaha smart move.

*i am aware that it was announced yesterday, zero clarification for timed release (today)

we released a blog yesterday announcing that it would be out today :D


Reverse Friendly Fire system was activated today! The red triangles indicate when a player is under RFF status and depending on their next life choices they could end themselves (in game).

>> rainbow6.com/reversefriendlyfire


Originally posted by UbiNoty

It means they are under reverse friendly fire status

flair: ubi-response


It means they are under reverse friendly fire status


Originally posted by [deleted]

Area of effect gadgets (Cap, Fuze, Smoke,etc) should NEVER have RFF activated on them and should ALWAYS harm teammates as they are easily abused if teammates can stand in them with no punishment

Hey Shadow -- the explosives that will change in Season 2 refers to the generic gadgets that result in an explosion rather than the unique operator gadgets. Sorry about the confusion!


Originally posted by ChocolateBBs

Apologies if it's in the patch notes somewhere but is there any trigger to the devs if a player gets repeat RFF activations? Something that's like "this guy activates RFF every game, we need to investigate this player" ?

We still are keeping the original TK sanction system in place and multiple activations of RFF still get tagged and reported to us. Which we can then investigate and follow-up on.

07 May


couldn't hit the upvote button fast enough. <3


Originally posted by hystericmadwoman

seriously, i cant figure out how im meant to read this. plus there's a typo with every instance of "damage to teamates [sic]"

Sorry about that. I made it without being able to spend too much time on it and am guilty of copy/pasting that part. >.< It was a lot of information I had to try and condense, but I will try to make future ones more readable.


Originally posted by CtrlAltKill-

one more thing , is reverse friendly fire is available as an option in custom matches ?

I believe it should be. It'll be turned off by default but you can toggle it in custom.