Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege Dev Tracker

13 Jan


    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by TrIcK.ftw: if its a closed ranged map like house villa etc use R4 , if its a long range map like bank then use g3

This is the advice I came here to type up! I have found some success with this strategy!
Please refrain from necro-ing old threads! Double check the date of the thread before commenting on it.
Hey Bsof! the best way to have these issues dealt with is with screenshots, video, and as much information as you can gather and get in touch with our support team.

12 Jan

    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Joe Biden's Hairy Legs: Yup, it's the meta. Hide in a very inconspicuous spot and wait until late round for the attackers to start planting (usually happening around the last 20 seconds. Sonic burst them to make them stop planting and burst them again if the attacker starts planting again. If the Echo dies or the drones are destroyed, the Echo is screwed.

There aren't too many places for an Echo to hide on-site, and most attacking teams will roam clear any adjacent rooms next to and above site. The only alternative is to hide in a super random spot and hope an attacker just doesn't go there and find you.

I don't play Echo too often, but when I do I try and stay close enough to site so I can pr... Read more
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by 💚𝓡𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓼💚: like an idiot,from g2 to silver 2,please dont soloq like i did
go to discord.gg/rainbow6 and you will have a happy life

back to our stuff

any tips to win more games *i already play for the win kinda as on defense i dont go for the kill and on attack i camp while the defuser is planted but like...my teammates always do the opposite and :D:D its not nice

besides not going solo...which ik is stupid but ye
what should i improve,aim? *should i play more thunt?*
ty in advance

It sucks to hear your solo queue games didn't go as planned. I do agree that the R6 Discord is a great place for solo players to match up with people... Read more
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Bjørn: 1/3 games has a cheater for some reason. I play a couple of ranked games and I always end up losing mmr the next day. I started writing down how many ranked games I play, and how often I lose mmr, and it is around 1 out of 3 games that has a cheater. This is so toxic!! Do something Ubi ffs

We've been working on it and we know how frustrating it can be for our players to run into someone who's trying to ruin the experience for everyone. Multiple ban waves have been deployed over the past 48 hours and we're still rolling out more. If you happen to have any clips of the cheaters you encountered, please feel free to share those with our Support team so they can investigate.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by VaKo: Many Bann Waves still in working too fix this nubs havnt met an häcker since Nov 2020

Glad to hear it! We've had quite a number of ban waves go out just within the past week which is helping get rid of blatant and closet cheaters, with plenty more on the way.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Mr.McWoofers: does anyone know when the new year pass is releasing?

We'll be sure to announce something when the team is ready!
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by LostPatti: Bought the Ultimate Edition and haven't unlocked the year 1 operators? how can i get them without having to play many hours and buy them with the currency you get after every match. Thought they were included. THX in advance :)

Reach out to our Support team[support.ubi.com] so they can look into this for you.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Kappach0: Happens that i lose sound in the game - only speaker and white noise stay. I didn't catch the reason why, but this problem concerns droning. My mate was doing that, then his bot dies i get white noise until i reboot siege. Did anyone have this bag?

Do you have a clip with sound that I can check out?
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by revolverocelot: Will it be overpowered? . Buck was fun to play in ranked but losing acog its kinda hard to use his gun. His gun already had a high recoil and hard to master with acog. I know ubisoft did this for plats and champions but he is kinda underwhelming. His only buff ubisoft did is giving him more 5 shotgun bullets.

I don't see a scenario where Buck would get either of those back. For those of you who continue to play Buck after their removal, how have you felt about his kit? Do you find that the frags were a necessity, or have you found other ways to be efficient with him? Personally, the 1.5 feels really solid with the C8!
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Teletubbiefetus: u should get all up to ur rank so if im plat i should get copper bronze silver gold and plat

I'm assuming you're referring to the Ranked charms? Can I ask why you would want rewards for a rank you technically never were in?
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Here's a list[support.ubisoft.com] of what each edition comes with so you can figure out which one is best for you!

Most players have gone with the Gold Edition since it comes with the Year 5 Pass (our current season) which will give you instant access to all operators release this year, along with Y1-2 ops as well. Y4 and Legacy operators will be locked, however, you can purchase them with Renown which is an in-game currency you can earn by playing matches.
    Ubi-Milky on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey A, sorry you are disappointed with the drop rate. If you would like to leave more opinions on the Alpha packs or Alpha Packs content you are welcome to do so in our Ubi forums too, as I believe the community devs are quite - https://forums.ubisoft.com/forumdisplay.php/1079-Feedback

Moving to General Discussion.

-Ubisoft Support
    Ubi-Milky on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Light thanks for the feedback, if you would like to leave more you can do so here to for our devs to see - https://forums.ubisoft.com/forumdisplay.php/1079-Feedback

Will move this post to general discussion.

If your friends need any help with their disconnections please encourage them to post in our Player Support section, thanks Light.

- Ubisoft Support

11 Jan

10 Jan

    Ubi-Milky on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi everyone, some of you may want to check out this recent devblog post that mentions the reputation system we will be implementing in the future and how it hopes to stop toxicity in game - https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/rainbow-six/siege/news-updates/1tjFZoNSJycILiLUjMyw7X/devblog-reputation-system

- Ubisoft Support