Thanks for the update. I think the game should have more tooltips for things like adding additional gear to an item, ie. Armor can have sleeves (sorry forgot the word used) for additional perks.
Also like when mousing over a weapon accessories, telling player where/how to get things like scopes. I presume they will be something the player can research and develop? but it seems odd you cannot buy the weapon accessories in the market?
Also maybe have a avatar thumbnail over the armor vest when listing those in the Armory as to who is wearing them. It took me a while to work out which of these were already taken and which were free to equip (via the head icon). Having a thumbnail that the user could hover mouse over and then the soldiers name could appear would inform player who is using it.
Another tooltip suggestions like the locked slots for soldiers, what will unlock them? what level etc.
Hi! Thank you!
Yes, some weapon modes you can find in rewards for the battle. Slots for operatives can be added when you complete some special missions.