
Rimworld Dev Tracker

19 Jul


Originally posted by HungerReaper

Looks like they somehow managed to add color to human leather in such a way that it displays representative imagery

Edit: thank you. I wanted you to know how big of an impact rimworld has had on me. It's been a constant in my life that always brings a smile. Thanks for giving me such a chunk of happiness 😊

Hogwash! Everyone knows art can only exist in three-dimensional form. This isn't the glitterworlds, you know.

And you are very welcome.


What are those strange rectangular colored sheets in the background?

14 Jul


Sorry, it's being worked on.

26 Jun


Originally posted by Lopsided_Mastodon

For scrollers, it's under "VR Designer (Game Dev)".

No, it's not that one.

Mine is much worse :)

21 Jun


This is amazing. Pretty much exactly as I imagined it.

I love the little helper mascot in the glitterworld meds.

You've got a great art style.

03 Jun


I lol's at this one but must admit - I was waiting for the "incapable of: caring" to come up :p


Originally posted by SihvMan

Thank you Tynan for being awesome! This update got me back into RimWorld and put another 100+ hours on my (actual) playtime.

That's real dedication - I'm pretty sure it was released less than 100 hours ago :)

01 Jun


Originally posted by Vine009

Keep getting the following error:

[Modcheck] using outdated Modcheck.dll. Update all outdated Modcheck.dll files and/or load Modcheck mod in the modlist

The problem is that I don't have a mod named "Modcheck". I don't even remember ever intalling such a mod. Does anyone else have similar problems? A quick fix would be much appreciated.

ModCheck was updated to be compatible with new build 2282. But some mods included an old version of ModCheck. If you install new ModCheck by yourself, the old versions of ModCheck in your other mods won't be used.

30 May


Originally posted by RogueIceberg

Sexual orientation should not be a trait, it should have a different section instead

I've seen this thought a few times, though, so I figured it was worth explaining why it works the way it does.

A major goal in UI design is to reduce noise. You don't want to repeat the same information if the player can easily deduce that information. Otherwise you're forcing the player to read words that don't carry information, which increases cognitive load for no benefit.

For example, every character in RimWorld is somewhere on the spectrum of industriousness. Some are lazy, some are typical, and some are hard-working. However, since the vast majority of characters are of average industriousness, we reduce noise by omitting this information. When the player sees nothing about industriousness, an average level in this trait is implied. Players understand this ~100% of the time.

It's the game UI version of Strunk and White's classic writing advice: "Omit needless words."

The same goes for the other traits in the game - psychopathy, move speed, nat...

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23 May


Originally posted by ----buster----

I had a look at the way WeatherOverlay creates its material, which is the MatLoader class, which requires a "path" parameter. It then appends this path to "Materials/" and casts an Object created by Resources.Load(appended_path) to a Material.

I guess my question is now, where is the "Materials/"? Is it an actual folder, or is this just a pseudo-folder system that Unity uses?

Anyways, I'll try looking at the original assets with some sort of program like you said, thanks for the suggestion.

Edit0: couldn't seem to find any legit ways to look into Unity assets.

Edit1: also just noticed that the "moveSpeedMultiplier" in WeatherDefs doesn't seem to have any effect. Is this deprecated? Edit2: I'm stupid, it does work

Materials/ is in the unity assets. I think there is software that can browse unity asset packs.


Honestly I'm not sure. Haven't worked with weather overlays for years myself. Materials are a Unity thing, so if you were to do it you'd have to do it through whatever Unity pathways exist. Maybe there's some Internet help on how to do it.

08 May


Originally posted by Best_Remi

probably a bug in that case, that's OP af

Yeah, it's a bug. I can't remember if we fixed it already.


Originally posted by Vallac_de_Guletta

Duct tape. That's missing in rimworld.

That would be funny. Like a special material where you can make literally anything from it - furniture, walls, guns, swords, explosives, computers.

04 May


Originally posted by HolyMuffins

creepy breathing


This one really got me.

23 Apr


Originally posted by somewhereoutinspace

Please, please, PLEASE add an ironman mode so I'm not tempted to use Devmode.

Specifically, ironman would be a toggle at game start. If you have it on:

  1. The game is locked to Permadeath and your selected storyteller/difficulty. The options to change these in game would be grayed out.
  2. Development mode will never show up on that save file.
  3. Encrypt the save file so manual edits aren't possible.

Thanks in advance to u/TynanSylvester if this gets added!

For now I recommend you use the "permanently disable dev mode" tool in the options menu.

08 Apr


Nice of you to catch me right in the middle of snorting a line of coke.

At least my hair looks great.

07 Apr


Probably revealed some wealthy floors/items. Ancient danger opened, perhaps?

26 Mar

20 Mar


Submitted. I counted dev hours as game hours, in case my hours answer looks impossible. :)

Looking forward to the results!

01 Mar


Originally posted by SirToastymuffin

As a bisexual guy, yeah it was pretty disappointing, prior to his little shit parade I was like "whatever, he just wasn't thinking of it" then he went to defending weird and offensive stances and as much as I separate art from artists, kinda leaves ya feeling burned.

Don't know if he ever had a real response about it or just quietly hoped the years would wash it away. I'd love for him to have understand where he was wrong and the reality of sexuality instead but... I've come to accept it's a game I really enjoy made by a just another guy who would think I live a lie. There are some great mods that fix the sexuality with something better, though, like Psychology which is a great overhaul of everything... psychological, and replaces sexuality being a handicap to steal a slot with a Kinsey scale, variety in orientation, and more logical relationship mechanics.

I'm happy to answer for my words and beliefs, but all through this discussion thread there are vague summaries of things I supposedly said which are simply, provably, absolutely false.

Not much else to say about those except to ask everyone to please check your facts and reconsider what sources you trust. You should just note that when people claim I said some horrible thing they'll never actually quote-link it. The reason is because I never said anything like that.

E.g. I'm accused of saying "bisexual men don't exist" when my actual statement was "bisexual men exist".

Here's the post I made two days after the RPS article attempting to clear up some of the falsehoods that it generated:


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