
Rimworld Dev Tracker

25 Feb


The game by itself is designed to kickstart the royalty progression quite early with an intro quest.

The issue with depending on a scenario to do this is that now the other scenarios are quasi-broken. The solution had to be something that worked with any scenario. And once that's established, the value of a new scenario didn't seem that great. It's not a bad idea at all it just wasn't the best of everything we had to work on. I suspect most people would prefer to get more quests or more psycasts, etc.


Originally posted by NotATypicalTeen

Hey, thanks for the awesome game! Having a lot of fun playing it.

Just a quick question though. My friend bought me rimworld as a gift, and helped me download it on my laptop since I'm not the most tech savvy person around. Not through steam, but the way that gave a "DRM-free personal download link". It doesn't look like my copy of rimworld has updated to 1.1 though? Top left of my screen still says 1.0.2408. How/when can I update it?

Also, can I get the royalty DLC on this version of Rimworld or not? Since, again, I don't use steam.

Hey thanks :)

You should be able to re-download and get the latest version. I updated it 24 hours ago.

You can also buy Royalty DRM-free at https://rimworldgame.com/royalty



Originally posted by MDCCCLV

I ended up with a royalty visiting me and he had a mental break and missed his shuttle. Somehow he ended up joining my colony five minutes after it started with him constantly being sad that he is living in a dirt hovel. But he can summon godlike reinforcements and can shoot pretty well.

Yeah we got another report of this. It's a bit weird and we'll probably change something in the coming hotfix.


Originally posted by Sneaky_Stinker

May be a bit of a stretch, but is there a way to do the opposite and get a drm free copy if we have it on steam?

Fraid not.


Originally posted by Gwyllie

Tynan please i would like to hear a definitive answer from you regarding DLC-requirement flag for mods, not just speculations from random people.

If there was/is mod that used some content that is now in the DLC directly or via concept, is it going to be flagged as DLC-required?

Is there any limit to stuff people can mod and use without the DLC?

Connected to previous questions, is this DLC in any form limiting to modders in terms of having to actually have to own the DLC? Is in clear theory possible to recreate this DLC as a free mod or will modder hit big wall "Buy here"?

I dont really want RimWorld to end up like Paradox or Bethesda games where one has to own DLC´s for the mods to work in a first place because devs decided that some features are at premium and unmoddable without paying first.

I am not saying that i dont want to buy your DLC or anything. Its just matter of principle regarding freedom of modding and using mods. I still think ...

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Unless a mod directly builds on Royalty content there's no reason for it to require Royalty. I expect essentially all current mods and 95% of future mods to work with or without Royalty.

I made sure during the design process to reject ideas that would change the 'bases' of the game and thus create expansion/mod conflicts. So Royalty is a clean drop-in addition of content. No split community because that sucks.

Now, there is the issue of 'clawout' mods. Some things are part of Royalty and if a mod uses them the players would need the expansion too. Things like royal titles and mechanoid clusters. It may be technically possible to hack up a mod that hooks into the code for these to essentially claw content out of the expansion and into a mod. I hope modders don't do this and if they do we'll likely have to take the mod down. There are tons of ways to expand the game, so there's no reason to be pulling our content out like that. I hope modders can build on the syst...

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Originally posted by DarthGrandma

I believe they added ducks/horses/etc from Vanilla Expanded into 1.1, which was, of course, free.

Yeah, we redesigned them but the art is directly from Vanilla Animals. We hired Oskar (who made it) to make all the art for Royalty too.


Originally posted by jstank2

I remember the early days of Rim World and how involved the players were through the entire process all the way up until the point where Tynan stopped putting out his daily changelog notes. (Not sure what he called it) . It was always a daily ritual coming home from a dull day at work and immediately digging through the forums for little nuggets of what was changing or could change, what I agreed with and what I didn't, what I thought should happen versus what other people thought about the same topic. I really enjoyed being part of that process and even sometimes getting a reply from Tynan himself! I really got the feeling that he was listening to us for the entire time and it felt great. This was at the same time where other games would be stumbling over themselves to find that magic formula of the early access model.

The secret is that the players know best! If something is obviously out of whack about 500 people are going to notice it immediately and tell the develope...

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Well, FWIW as /u/DarthGrandma noted we did do a ton of testing and back and forth with the internal testers. It's just that I wanted to avoid some of the noise and heartbreak that can happen if you do this kind of thing in public. I.e. In game dev, if you're shooting for high quality, features will always change a lot over time, and sometimes get cut. But if we developed things in public, some people look at change logs as promises and get angry if anything is cut. But we can't be forced to never get rid of anything due to public pressure; it would ruin the iterative design process.

Royalty is out now and it's done, but there's no reason we can't do something else with it in a free update in future. There will definitely be a hotfix in the coming weeks to fix any bugs that come up (thankfully nothing...

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Originally posted by wolfman1911

I don't think that I've ever seen a modder that wasn't ecstatic that their mod got incorporated into the base game. I even heard a rumor that the Vanilla Extended guy got hired by Ludeon, and that had something to do with his livestock mod getting incorporated, but I can't verify that.

Not a rumor - it's in the 1.1 and Royalty announcement!

Oskar Potocki helped us out making art for Royalty - he was the artist on the project so all the new apparel and stuff is his. He also contributed animals art from his vanilla animals mod to the 1.1 update.


Originally posted by tearblast

Hey will you ever update the fiction primer to go along with the new DLC? I loved how it set up rim world and would love to see how it would incorporate the dlc

I actually wrote a giant doc long ago about the Empire fiction, maybe I'll clean it up and add it to the fiction primer. Thanks.


Originally posted by Parokki

Can you confirm that the sight of money pouring into your bank account is making you feel warm and fuzzy inside and that we're good boys and girls for buying the DLC?

I can definitely confirm that. You all are amazing and I'm thankful.


Originally posted by Sierra419

If I get the DLC, can I choose to not have it activated during a playthrough? Like, if I wanted the vanilla experience again for a new colony, could I disable the DLC?

Absolutely, it's easy to turn on and off.

You can also keep it on but disable royal progression quests (and just keep the Empire faction as a normal faction and keep all the new quest/challenge/implant/research/enemy content).


Originally posted by Blaust

Adding the DLC to an existing save seems to only add one location for the royal faction, unless a mod I had caused that somehow...?

Yeah, it won't add full settlements since settlements are already generated. The faction will still work fine though.

24 Feb


Originally posted by cortanakya

So... Vague question in the hopes of a vague answer... Is there any more DLC planned? I'd understand if you didn't want to answer to avoid committing to something but hey, it can't hurt to ask!

It's a bit early to commit either way on that I'm afraid.


Holy crap! In 5 months of testing nobody got close to a monument like that. Thanks for reporting, we'll add some sensible maximum to these.


Originally posted by Elvenstar32

I mean I was actually impressed how I got excited about the new features of the royalty DLC.

Mechanoid bases? Can't remember a good mod for that.

Quests? Yeah I mean there are mods that events/quests but not the ones that are added by the DLC. The hosting quests especially have nothing to do with the hopistality mod and I am particularly hyped about the construction quests.

New way to end the game? We had the one from rimgenetics and kind of save our ship 2 I think, this is another one that is achievable in a completely different way, that's interesting damn.

New tech level that mixes old tech and futuristic tech? Find me one good mod that has this retrofuturistic theme, because I don't remember seeing it. I've seen medieval mods, glittertech mods, dozens of other glittertech/spacer level tech but steampunk or whatever type of punk this tech is, nope.

Pyschic powers? I know only one mod that does that, it's been released in november of 2019 a...

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You're right about Psychic Awakening.

We started developing Royalty alongside 1.1 in late 2018. Implemented psycasts through summer 2019. Psychic Awakening came out November 23 and I think I heard about it around December-January. I was worried for a few seconds until I read their ability list and realized there's basically zero overlap :). Still looks like a cool mod though.


Originally posted by Deathcommand

I made the mistake of getting it from steam the first time. If I get the expansion from your website can I use it on my steam base game?

Oddly, you actually could, I think, though it's not officially supported.

But very soon you'll be able to register the DRM-free copy on Steam at rimworldgame.com/getmygame - our web dev is finalizing that system.


Originally posted by Balijana

I wonder who is the artist, it makes me think of Lanfeust de Troy.

Ricardo Tome


Originally posted by ewlyons360

But if we do like it, it means that we have to restart our colonies and that is what is killing me!

Actually you don't! It supports being added to an existing vanilla game. Though of course the progression will be way off.


Originally posted by TAway_Derp

Well this is exciting! Love the additions.

Does Ludeon get the full $ amount if I purchase from their website instead of Steam?

Yes :)


Originally posted by nameyouruse

[warning - what follows is a very nerdy rant]

I'm still confused as to whether this is a full on space empire or just a local faction we're dealing with here. Who sends the Emperor of dozens of planets to colonize a rimworld? That vast distance between our rimworlds and everything else was part of the charm of rimworld for me. You're truly all alone and have been completely abandoned in a strange and hard universe, where all semblance of society and structure is trillions of miles away and it's up to you to make both of those things on your own. No one can help you, there is no meaning or purpose to your time on the rim but what you make of it, whether that includes escaping to that vast beyond and finding hyperbliss on a glitterworld, wreaking brutal havock on your neighbors, or something else: anything else you can imagine because the setting is so free. It's true freedom, a faction striking out by itself to survive in what is really a tormented sci fi hellscape half the ...

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Good questions. What arrives at the rimworld is a fragment of a destroyed Empire which was mostly annihilated by some unknown enemy. It's a small refugee fleet with tiny numbers of people but very strong technology and an honor-and-tradition based culture. They're led by a stellarch, the highest-ranking person in their faction. The Emperor never shows up in the game.