
Rimworld Dev Tracker

12 Mar


Originally posted by Ankoku_Shinwa

The best chance for change is going with what u/A_Sham said and call them "douchebag points". It is a catchy name and pretty much sums up the issue.

Real nobles used to descend upon estates. Their length of stay often depended on how much they wanted to financially ruin said estate. They would hunt out all the deer etc.

That would make an interesting aspect to the game, where if you want to trade with nobles and use powers, then you have to deal with them when they arrive and eat you out of house and home.

Decrees and quests can be a constant game of gaining and losing faction relation points depending on accepting/refusing/completing and failing them.

As has been mentioned elsewhere, having a harvest decree at the end of autumn when you haven't even planted said crop is just dumb. You just end up with a -15 debuff for about 2 seasons. Loss of a faction point per day or some such would be better.

I too am at the point ...

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As has been mentioned elsewhere, having a harvest decree at the end of autumn when you haven't even planted said crop is just dumb.

FWIW, we fixed this some days ago.

"Making a monument and then instantly destroying it the moment it says: "Quest Complete" also feels really weird. " - Yeah, I agree.


Originally posted by biiingo

The fact that they come way more frequently than advertised is a bug that Tynan is aware of

Not a bug, just unclear. The system cut time up in 18 hour chunks and placed a threat in each chunk randomly, so with bad luck you could have two threats close together. It was designed this way to create some variation but it turns out that the "approximately every 18 hours" reads more as "exactly every 18 hours" so we changed it to match expectation several days ago. I already designed a rework to how these threats are sequenced, but it'll take more time before that is implemented.

    Tynan on Steam - Thread - Direct
Balance updates and bugfixes today!

If you're willing to help test the unstable build in future, please join us here: https://discord.gg/EV2PNt7

Feedback is welcome all around. The most direct place to offer it is the Discord channel above, but I'm watching forums, Reddit, and everywhere else I can collect feedback. Thanks in advance to those who contribute thoughts, and to all those who have offered feedback so far.


- Baron can now do Animals work.
- Count can now do commoner work. Count is now only unable to do same as Baron, plus Animals.
- Balanced down ultratech and bladelink melee weapons a bit. Reduced illegal bladelink usage detection chance 5% to 3%.
- Psychic entropy base recovery rate reduced from 5 to 4.
- Improve psychic entropy recovery rate on pawns without psychic amplifiers from 4 to 8.
- P... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/294100/announcements/detail/1706241050118861599]here[/url].

11 Mar

    Tynan on Steam - Thread - Direct
This is a continuation of yesterday's unstable testing with some updates.

If you're willing to help test the unstable build for compatibility in future, please join us here: https://discord.gg/4YMfu6


- Player-created content update.
- Fix: Nuclear Stomach not having zero food poisoning chance
- Fix: Escaping prisoners being able to equip bladelinked/biocoded weapons.
- Refactored mech cluster position finder to be more robust and flexible.
- Fix: Room requirements debuff for royals in caravan. Only apply debuffs on player home maps.
- Fix: Some mechanoids showing up as "dormant" after awakening.
- Fix: No mech wake-up sound on LordJob_SleepThenAssaultColony.
- Fix: Link plasmasword and zeushammer having no detection chance.
- HaulAIUtility now checks whether the worktable is spawned when deciding if hau... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/294100/announcements/detail/1706240323235640406]here[/url].

10 Mar


Originally posted by High_speedchase

Any pawn with a title requiring a throne room will get major mood debuff when out caravanning. This arises because you can’t keep throne rooms assigned to a pawn that leaves the map. I could see this making some sense- the pawns need to stay and rule , BUT you have the ranked trade requirements to interact with fallen empire settlements. So isn’t it intended that those pawns would go out and do “diplomatic” missions? Coupled with the fact that that’s practically all they can do at the highest tiers. I think it would be justifiable to add comfort requirements when noble pawns are traveling (royal tent or something).

As designed this shouldn't happen at all, so there's a bug causing this that we need to fix. I'm sorry about that.

    Tynan on Steam - Thread - Direct
This update is available on Steam's unstable branch fo testing.

We're testing to ensure full save and mod compatibility. If you're willing to help test the unstable build for compatibility, please join us here: https://discord.gg/FYBsdNX

Change list:

- Increased mini-turret range 25->29.
- We no longer generate big mech clusters if there's no space for them to spawn anyway (we keep the points, they're just more compact).
- We no longer generate quests to build monuments bigger than possible (e.g. due to bad terrain).
- Quests are now consistently sorted by date in the quests tab.
- Low-tech weapons are no longer biocodable.
- Psychic animal pulser no longer affects player faction animals.
- Adjust tuning of chemical desire traits.
- Add tip about changing storyteller and difficulty through the options menu.
- Col... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/294100/announcements/detail/1706240323232123176]here[/url].
    pheanox on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Also check the new minimum specs of RimWorld, if you have a lower end graphics card it has changed with the Unity update.
    pheanox on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Read Tynan's post pinned, he addresses this question specifically.

08 Mar

    pheanox on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
How does everyone feel about the daily or more frequent '1.1 broke the game with mods' threads? Should I start locking them?
    Tynan on Steam - Thread - Direct
Just a small balancing update this weekend.

Balancing will continue as we collect more feedback from across the Internet.

- Increase tribute collector rewards to 4 favor per prisoner and 1 favor per 50 gold.
- Inferno turret now has longer cooldown and lower accuracy.
- Charge blaster turret now has lower rate of fire, smaller burst size, and worse long-range accuracy. Renamed to charge turret.
- Mech turrets health changed from 280 to 250.
- Random mech clusters no longer come as as raid strategy but as their own incident.
- Increase faction relations rewards for quests.
- Fix incorrect black line on the Royalty main menu background.
- Adjusted donkey and caribou body size (donkey is no longer bigger than a yak).
- Added some loading tips.
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/294100/announcements/detail/1706240323225544421]here[/url].

07 Mar

    pheanox on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
He basically said after seeing what people did to people in his game, there's no way he would ever add children.
    pheanox on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I have issued a 3 day ban for obvious reasons.
    Tynan on Steam - Thread - Direct
This update brings bugfixes and other adjustments.

If you're willing to help test the unstable branch, please join this Discord server: https://discord.gg/FYBsdNX

Change log:

- Shorten the royal endgame quest defense duration 15 days->12 days. This does not affect quests that were already generated.
- Significantly reduced the frequency of random mech clusters (unconnected to quests).
- Mech large turrets now have minimum ranges. Mech mortars initial warmup increased 60->120 seconds. Mech mortars cooldown increased 44->80 seconds.
- Reclassified mech mortar as problem causer instead of combat threat, so clusters will now only spawn one of these. Charge blaster turret burst shots reduced 24->16. Mech heavy turrets health 380->280.
- Hosting quest worst case raids timing is no longer as severe.
- Giving a speech from the thron... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/294100/announcements/detail/1706240323220949452]here[/url].

06 Mar

    Tynan on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It was fixed - but the old quests were already generated so they still have to play out.

If you fail the old quest the game should generate a new one for you not too long after. Or you can use dev tools to generate the quest EndGame_RoyalAscent.

Sorry about that bug, it never appeared in all our testing!

Can I ask what difficulty setting you're on?