Rocket League

Rocket League Dev Tracker

13 Aug


Originally posted by one_simon

This was for the season rewards themselves not the placements :(

I still could swear the "old new" UI had the same thing you showed above with the green and red coloring... Or i think it was light blue for wins and grey for losses? Maybe our holy Mr. Psyonix can help me with that

Mr. Psyonix

Hey, it's me. I'm 99% sure it used to just be that light blue color until the unranked symbol filled up


This is some really nice work. The first one would make a really nice desktop wallpaper!


Good LORD this is gorgeous. Will be looking forward to seeing your other concepts

12 Aug


Originally posted by L0kumi

Have you guys heard of the w7 crash that happens ? Op sorry to highjack ur post

Have you guys heard of the w7 crash that happens ? Op sorry to highjack ur post

We have and we released an update for that this morning! Is this still happening with you? If so could I pop into your DMs? Would be a huge help to us!


Originally posted by crypticbread2

I mean calling him a shill is kinda extreme imo. It’s part of his job to protect the community/keep the community happy, but it’s also part of his job to protect the company. I think a lot of the responses he’s been giving here have been poor, but by no means do I think he’s not the original owner. At the end of the day psyonix/epic is paying his salary. He can’t just slag off the company and expect to have a job. Even if he didn’t agree with what the company is doing, he has to defend them to an extent.

It’s part of his job to protect the community/keep the community happy

Given that you referred to yourself as a CM/SMM in another post, it is surprising that you whiffed on the job description here.


Originally posted by Suddenly_Something


Nice to see your descent into nothing more than a shill. Glad to see you've completely sold out. Your responses are absolutely laughable. Good chance you aren't even the original owner of that account.

Good chance you aren't even the original owner of that account.

Definitely the funniest take so far. Pretty sure I've been Devin this whole time? Although some do call me Devon, Devan, etc.


Will look into this now! Thank you!

11 Aug


Originally posted by gederz

Read the room

Read the room

Super weird way of saying you like the joke reply to a joke post, but I'll take it!


When someone makes a post about demos an angel gets its wings


Originally posted by Zsnakejake

I mean to be fair he’s just a PR guy. He has to be here lol. You see how toxic this shitshow of a community is? I doubt they’re happy they have to monitor this place some days.

he’s just a PR guy

Never have been, never will be. :D


Originally posted by anxietybrah

Come on, man. The majority of this update just screams a lack of transparency and a disconnect between the developers and the majority of the player base. I'm sorry to come across sarcastic but it's frustrating just seeing changes pushed through that make little to no sense and criticism from your most dedicated players just falls on deaf ears.

Casual is now a complete mess and toxicity fest that competitive is.

What about those that have other commitments? Rocket League is one of a very few games where you can dip in and out of for short intervals and especially in casual being able to disappear when you needed to. Are you not in any way concerned that a large portion of your player base may be parents etc that will stop returning to the game after persistent bans? Or even before you get to that point, what about the idiots that'll just sit there refusing to move or tapping a trigger every now and again because the rest of you won't forfeit? Or the morons own goali...

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The majority of this update just screams a lack of transparency and a disconnect between the developers and the majority of the player base.

The streamer safe music option, improvements to p2p trading, undersized party rank restrictions, improved game ban messaging, and addition of 2v2 and Extra Mode tournaments scream lack of transparency to you?

As I mentioned a few weeks back, I do think we need to change up how we talk about upcoming plans and features, but everything I just mentioned above has a direct connection to request...

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Originally posted by anxietybrah

Ah, so fingers in ears it is.

Ah, so fingers in ears it is.

If this is your takeaway after someone suggests there's a whole lot of diversity in opinions around the change(s) we made, you're definitely doing your best redditor impression.


Originally posted by andrw2016

Yes! Thank you for understanding. That’s the point of having a community manager. Hearing the cries of your player base when something has gone really wrong

Hearing the cries of your player base when something has gone really wrong

This subreddit, while a valuable resource, does not represent the community as a whole. The conversation around the Casual changes we made on this sub is pretty different when compared to the conversation on Twitter, and elsewhere.

From your top post:

this is our hobby, it’s our competitive outlet with absolutely zero alternative in the genre. We have no place to go. That should be treated as something precious

This, right here, is exactly why we made the changes to Casual. While Casual matches aren't nearly as serious as Competitive, they shouldn't be treated as disposable, either. Whether you're answering the door, or quitting out because you went down one goal with three minutes left on the clock, leaving teammates to hold the bag when you bail is pretty unfair to them, and it affects quality of play. Sometimes...

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Originally posted by BlueRajasmyk2

[BUG] Custom tournaments are completely broken

Try joining a custom tournament. Every tab is empty. If you create one, it doesn't show up. No one can join any of them.

[BUG] Custom tournaments are completely broken

Thanks for the report!

I'm reporting this to the team so we can investigate why Custom Tournaments aren't appearing.


This would make Season Rewards way easier, at least!